Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Guilty Gear sucks lmaoooooo
mika is honest
SFV sucks lmaaaaaoooo
Imagine being such a nolife shitter that you actually sit in dead threads to spam your new chatroom at the exact bump limit.
I'm making a lobby, come hang out and play
CFN sfvAnathemAsfv
Pass 1337
No need
Smug vampire is smug
>built gorilla tough for gorilla games
How can i stop losing?
I can't stick to one character. I think sticking to one character would be a good start. how am I supposed to find who I want to play more?
>gorilla tough for gorilla games
should be on the xrd box tbqh
I had this same problem. I went with the character I found most appealing right when the game came out, and stuck with them despite their flaws
also pick whoever you have fun with, even if you lose
Kermit did nothing wrong.
honestly all 3d games besides tekken look like mashing with no footsies
Come play we got 2 here already
i lose like 90% of the time so yeah...
I always go back to Ryu when it gets frustrating to the point I blame the character and want to "relearn" everything
But I'm EU.
Jam it in
Well sheeeeit
>capcom fags this mad
but you have a canadian flag
why are goobercucks offended at even a minor slight towards their shit heap game
back the fuck off?????
Srry I tried but it was too laggy.
30th for donchan
how do I do pretend footsies?
Triggered goober
Is Guile better than M. Bison in sfv?
>End of september
Get Street Fighter™ V BEST PLAYED on your Sony™ PlayStation™ 4
And don't forget to buy the RiseUp™ SeasonsPass to get the most bang for your buck.
Good OP.
Everyone is better than M. Bison in SFV, except Gief.
I hate this truth
>mfw someone says sfv is balanced, fun, has working online, or will last longer than a year
>being this sad
>imagine how the Gief players must feel
Kek Dose motherfuckas get shitted on all day unless their opponent gets caught off guard and fucks up royally
>mfw I don't need a tripcode to be the coolest guy in the thread
Lol at anyone who thinks bison is low tier. Bison is a WAY better character than gief and Alex and guile
It will last as long as capcom cup pot is there and no newer street fighter is out. It wil be this centuries third strike.
Zangief deserves it for stealing Haggar's moves desu
>working online
Nigga pls. I can't imagine how many times my west coast ass gets matched up with someone and lag like no other tomorrow
so many lost points due to unplayable connections... Nope
Its already a hundred times bigger than 3s.
How much did 3s sell anyways? 100k?
>Technicolor modems
are you kidding me or is this true
there is no way capcum is getting another 500k from Sony next year. It will be interesting to see how the game holds up without tons of money on the line.
I ain't even mad my ass fucks with Alex (Freedom Fries)
Unga Bunga or not. Still that shit is funny tho
I need you Akiha
Yeah I'm glad Alex is the storm in the russian skies. God Bless America.
wow its actually true I have no words capcom
Nice rashid memes, treasure train
I didn't realize so much stuff rashid does is actually safe
SFV US East lobby is up
password 1993
name is pickles
Why can a team of 25 developers with a tiny budget create this but capcom can barely even handle making menu lobbies?
>mfw I found out Ken's HK tatsu is safe
3s was a long time ago when videogames were smaler.
>Doesn't even show them playing soccer.
when will these dumb useless in game stats work? Jesus Christ capcom
Actually most of it is just -2
hey now I think I play a pretty honest rashid, all things considered. his and unmashed light spinning mixer are only -2. every single blocked eagle spike is punishable though big time
if you wanna be the biggest dick nash on the block you gotta start doing his target combos more, as much as i hate to say it to someone who actually plays non-unga nash. i only saw you do it once normally, and twice after landing vtrigger
>inb4 ms picks capcom up
lmao capcom cant even make their in game store work
Don't mind me just posting the most godlike game of all time
Arcsys has actual talented, pationate and knowledgable devlopers. Capcom has ono, combofiend and dimbz.
Why would anyone ever respect Rashid? Worst case is he memes with ex spinner after block and you get the tickle of damage it does, but then he's down a stock anyway.
FYI, sim slide is unsafe at point point even if it hits. that's ho I jabbed you
Where the fuck is Kums theme?
"You're getting better!"
>point point
point blank
he has a 3 frame, gets me out of a few jams
But that means nothing when he's - 2
capcoms team is 1 guy tied to a desk with chains who doesn't get to eat more than one meal a day and hes responsible for everything from the netplay to new characters to updates and even the technical support
Because then he instills the fear of God in your and he can also throw afterwards. Yeah the risk reward is in your favor but now you have to guess whether you should attack or not.
yeah i know im just shit
oh I thought you mean like on wakeup
yeah I dunno man, alot of people freeze up when I don't mash spinning mixer if they block it, its like they just automatically expect me to go the distance with it, then it stops two seconds early and I either throw them or just go into a low/mid/mixer attempt again
I'm trying to train myself to do combos more often but I find myself just poking a lot, I only do them when I get a good punish for the most part...
Yeah your rashid is pretty honest it surprised me desu
Why say that here? Just use the ingame chat options.
It's time.
I'm pretty sure you can throw ken out of any blocked Tatsu, I do it constantly
the bronze necalli I played a few times?
Raw tatsu, not combo tatsu.
I enjoy playing you alot, I'm a defensive/footsie based player so it's really refreshing to not be getting assblasted with nonstop Nash buttons constantly. You make me hate Nash slightly less
I don't know what he is after that forward midkick thing, but if its small enough disadvantage on guard you could go right for his lp/mp/sonic scythe or something. and yeah don't get used to my Rashid play, I doubt it'll get me very far. Other Rashids online will be absolute nuts
What's the difference if they're both blocked?
i havent played necalli in ranked for like 2 months senpai
not the heavy one
I used to main vega and got to silver, but nash just has so many more tools. I tried nash on release and didn't like him because ugna ugna but he can be played less retard like
I dunno man, I'm in the lab right now with ken doing heavy tatsu into immediate mashing grab, it techs every time. Most i can do is 3 frame lk and it counters
well keep it up. maybe we'll become the first honest nash/rashid players in sf 5 history
What went wrong?
SF5 does not load for me. Tried uninstalling but still does not load. Is there anyway to fix this
ive been messing around in it.
the size it nice because its 64 people in a lobby, but people standing around and doing private rooms count towards that number.
also i think turn order might be impossible because they tried cabs with no lines.
maybe it'll be different when i can fucking read the text
Yeah the PS1 only sold 100million times
So I have a question... I'm just now getting into frames and stuff. This pertains to the Ken heavy tatsu thing, if he's -2 on block, and has no 3 frame jabs, but I have a 3 frame jab, if he tries ANYTHING after tatsu besides blocking, I'll jab him out of it right?
You fell for the relevator is good meme
Aside from dp, yes