/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Russian Cruisers Edition

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First for based Strangers

top 3 for the qt'est bote

For the last fucking time thats Musashi, not Yamato.


"I may be crazy, but I don't shitpost" - Schizomati


I'm well aware of that

xth for literally when

Hotel: Literally, the QTest.


>more jap DD's
>before the other nations
fat chance m8, it ain't happening anytime soon

It'd be premium gunboat unlike other IJN DD


what ever happened to that ST user who mentioned grinding Bongspite

I want answers dammit

WG sent the FSB after him for revealing state secrets
he died for our botes

>replying to your post

>best bote
you wish

>being this retarded

>better version of the Yamato
>not the best bote


Rip ST, he shouldn't have crossed the jews.


What does that make you?

This is what happens when multiple autists converge in a single space. It may not be UTV stalker tier, but cyberstalking is real. Just wait until bookmarked archives from a year ago are posted.

Abandon thread.

Why abandon when he's supposed to serve a perma ban?

>tfw no qt hotel gf

Shitposter ruins another damn thread.

What actual differences were there between Yamato and Musashi?

I know they gave Musashi significantly fewer AA guns overall and she got 25mm mounts in place of her 152mm guns instead of the 127mm mounts the Yamato got.

People keep mentioning the construction differences that made Musashi superior but I can't find any specifics on what differences there were.

something about it being heavier. im not too sure on the details.... or was that the Tirpitz...

It's the only thing Anumati can do, shitpost and provoke others because it allows him to cope with his autism.

>tfw no qt sushi gf


>tfw you have both shima and yamato socks (sock?)

As far as I know the main differences from the beginning of construction was mostly that she was fitted with more command and control stuff because she was intended to be the combined fleet's flagship
Kind of hard to really know exactly because the Japs destroyed as much of their documentation as possible before the burgers got there.

>Can't find nudes of her anywhere
This is so disappointing.

I like how he fucked it up just enough that it's not identifiable as any of the shipgirls but is still clearly a shipgirl.

It's Shoukaku (note the headband) wearing some approximation of Zuikaku Kai's flightdeck. He even painted the fucking ス on it.

It's topical because he plays Shokaku in Team Battles.

I wonder who his botefu is.

Anu got perma'd again? That guy never knows when to give up apparently.

So, I took a break from the threads for a week or so because that drama was pretty sad. Can somebody recap what happened?

anu provoking everyone as usual, nothing much

Did it actually turn out to be anu?

>provokes everyone in-game and in the thread

you tell me

Anumati may be crazy, but he never shitposts.

>I wonder who his botefu is.

Isn't it obvious? USS Newark, C 1

Do you wear them?



Wear them. Post pics.

Japs are known to have shit taste.

>mfw i thought i was a pretty good bote player
>mfw i find out that im extremely average

>mfw i thought im average
>mfw everyone is just a shitter

Welcome to step one to getting good.

Clam Wars don't even exist yet, you have nobody you owe or answer to but yourself.

I just like seeing green numbers on my warships.today page

Plus, i guess i want to be good at at least one competitive game that i try, but with almost 1000 games under me, stats will be hard to change

As much as we obsess over stats here at the end of the day it's literally a game and I'd rather be having fun and performing average than playing FOTM botes and using meta unfun tactics solely to harvest purple points

>tfw you got to practice lots on the beta servers so you dont have tons of matches where youre still learning the basics weighing down your stats

lel who the fuck cares, like really?

t. Stats-kun

Which torps work best for speedslut?


I wish this game had a good objective stat, but I really think WTR is bad. The only real indicator of skill at this time is winrate, and that's only apparently if you manage to get several sigma away from the average. Until the game rewards exp for more than just stealing kills it's going to be a worthless metric. At leat WR proves on some level having you on the team has a positive or negative effect in general.

Even WR can be heavily obscured if you division with skilled players.

That's no different than what clans will be looking for, a group of players with a above average in CW will do better than average, that's why it's such a terrible stat to use for recruitment.

>tfw ended up with okay stats that I'm happy with just by playing the botes that I enjoy at the tiers that I like by myself

>be yamato
>deal 220k dmg
>0 kills
>another yamato on my team have 6 kills and lowest base exp
>i'm top exp

i hate NAutists

Even though I have lines I'm grinding, I probably spend most of my time playing my favorite botes in tiers 5-7.

Sometimes I go for days just logging on briefly each day to sealclub a bit with Kamikaze or Nagato. Shit's relaxing.

I sometimes don't understand the people with many tier 10s. More power to you if you love grinding but goddamn.

Then get off our server

I hate this map.

piss off sperg

I like the botes up there more than the lower tier ones personally.
Although I seem to be about the only person in the world who still unironically enjoys T10 so I'm probably just an idiot or something.

I enjoyed this webm, source?

Boku no Sakamoto

Thanks senpai, I'll check it out.

i literally started the game for Yamato back in OBT
I may get side tracked every now and then, but my highest tier is still the Izumo
My only regret is that my stats dont reflect how much i love playing BBs


Who's ready for true t10 shenanigans?

Did they stealth buff the Pensacola? Seem to be getting so many citadels today.

Pensacola's guns have always been good, its faults are elsewhere.

>17million off purchasing Hakuryu 2 hours ago
good goy

Nice fleet, nerd.

>slaymad in the Hakuryu

gl user, the grind is worth it.
and I know that feel, something like 60% of my total games are BBs but lately I have better stats in CAs and DDs because my BB play is just falling apart.



I sold taihou fag

man I'm glad he's off my server now
I don't have to worry about him turning up on the enemy team

It still a weak ass ship when hit by AP

i don't get it

I'll be back when Midway is unkill or USN Mk 7s are pen-buffed

Hopfully Warspite plus Yamato statpad soon

How am i doing with her for my first 20 games?


>26% survival rate

like and subscribed

What can i say?
Pushing is fun

(also those occasional T8 matches where im just dead weight)

you seem to be having more success than I have lately at least

Looks like you're just getting shit teams
Maybe im just getting lucky

The law of large numbers will decide

>sever average damage for Pensacola is only 26,803

How important are premium ships?
is the credits and crew training as good as it is in WoT?
I understand you can only train people from the same nation, but does all ships work? e.g using the same commander on a destroyer and cruiser?

buy me an atago and i'll find out

>How important are premium ships?
More important than WoT but not strictly necessary. For credit gain, a Tier 5-6 will function as well as in WoT.
>is the credits and crew training as good as it is in WoT?
The credit gain is pretty good. The crew training scales terribly. Since retraining xp scales so ridiculously with captain level, past level 16 it's impractical to retrain naturally through battle, unlike in WoT, with a premium or not.
>I understand you can only train people from the same nation, but does all ships work? e.g using the same commander on a destroyer and cruiser?
Yes. As long as it's in the same nation, a DD captain can serve on a BB premium

>As long as it's in the same nation, a DD captain can serve on a BB premium
tfw your prem BB captain has Last Stand and Demo Expert

Last Stand isn't terrible on BB captains. Nothing is worse than being stuck with your rudder fucked with repair kit on cooldown as your guns struggle to keep up with your turn rate.

Demo expert is pretty useless, though, since the per shell chance of fire on a BB is already substantial.