It's finally over edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: 18.12 Vauban Prime
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First for nothing.
why is it called a "nerf"
these are actually all buffs :^)
reminder to stop being a rat in DEgenerate skinner box and play some fun games instead
>tfw screencapped
nth for fresh maymays
Nerf toys are guns that shoot darts do comparatively no damage (ie. going from a gauss rifle to a peashooter is a nerf).
What is the new meta cheese for solo T3/4 after nerfs?
that nitain alert was boring as fuck
>Prism’s Blind effect is now affected by the enemy's Line-of-Sight (LoS) to the Prism. Prism’s damage has been buffed slightly to compensate for this change. We found that Prism was able to lock down maps with little recourse, and we feel that these changes will make it a more targeted ability while also increasing its tactical usage.
>Firstly, the longer you stay in Hysteria, the more Energy it'll cost you and (but the energy drain ramp up is capped).
>Exalted Blade’s damage will now diminish according to distance traveled and enemies punctured, and Exalted Blade’s built-in Radial Blind on spin will now cost ½ the Energy of a regular Radial Blind.
>Trinity's Blessing & Ash's Bladestorm are both under review as well.
Are you happy?
fuck off, steverino
>after nerfs
implying they are nerfing anything significant
>just started Overwatch
>ToS is also running
>BDO just starting to get its first interesting updates
>Warshit finally shot itself
Man it feels good to be free.
I'm just going to summarize all the autism I generated in the last thread into one post then go to sleep
>Excal is the best Focus frame
>RJ on coordinated Draco is the most efficient focus farming technique
>EB is the best ability for focus farming overall because it fairs better outside of Draco (more efficient, more utility, scales better, mini RB)
is Tos still laggy af?
>LoS prism blind
It was fun while it lasted. I'm about ready to find a new time sink.
Boypussy > girlpussy
doesnt change a shit
I just came back and I have a rank 30 Ember and a rank 30 Gorgon.
Should I just finish all the story quests available?
Any recommendations?
I'm building Valkyr right now.
Korean Farm Simulators, nty
>just started Overwatch
>pic related in 3 months
>I'm building Valkyr right now
implying you tried either
>Friday, May 27th
>Nerfbowl 2016
Did the nerfs effectively kill the thread?
>I just came back and I have a rank 30 Ember and a rank 30 Gorgon.
They both meh but if they work for you that's fine.
>Should I just finish all the story quests available?
Yes, finish any main quests you have access to
>Any recommendations?
Depends on what else you have and your MR.
>I'm building Valkyr right now.
She's getting a nerf soon, I'm so sorry
Kill me, please.
yeah chink farm simulator by Sumpo/PWE is better
>She's getting a nerf soon
What the fuck
Guess I'll build Nova then.
I know there's a FAQ about it in the OP but what weapon should I build, I mean, your personal recomendation? (Im currently MR 3)
One bullet left. You wanna share user?
Vote for me to be the new DE.
I promise I'll rollback to a better build and just leave it that way with no updated ever affecting balance and use all profits to contract some Taiwanese chingchongers to make all content for future updates.
yeah...that one's on the backburner
>Exalted Blade
Hello its my first time back to the game in two years
whats with the Clem shit?
what frames are interesting nowadays?
how are WARBROS doing?
oh god, that reminded me too much of Get a Life...
hammershot looks like shit why does everyone want it
Keep her around. The fastest way to get Mastery at low levels is leveling melee weapons and then trashing them. Valkyr's warcry can help with this significantly. Building Nova is a good idea though. As for weapons, I recommend the Latron (which can be crafted into the Tiberon later which is also recomended) and the Hek. You should also start focusing on getting essential mods to decent levels (Serration, Hornet Strike, etc.)
>wrong opinions, the post.
It's hysteria's drain that's being butchered, so get her maxed before the nerf, have some fun and play her again when you can afford maxed primed continuity.
>I guess when I sum it all up, the balance in warframe is great
its not funny I dont even want mine anymore
>her power was truly an illusion all along
It's not like he was retard overpowered or anything.
I can't believe I'm actually going to miss doing t4int blinding.
It still is, even after the nerf.
EB will still be able to kill sentients instantly because DE doesn't play their own game.
Okay then it seems I'm not in a very bad spot right now.
Even tho I'm finishing Valkyr Im gonna spend my time getting all of nova parts and materials.
Is defense still the best way to far for mats?
Is nova's mission too hard for my current ember? I'm gonna post my mods in the next post.
>build and use the last item I needed for the time being
>now no items to currently build and use
>everything is now nothing
anyone get these feelings? I feel like I might quit Warframe soon but I don't want to just yet.
>a frame is actually good at dealing damage with its abilities post DEAC instead of being dogshit
>that is OP
he was good at what he was doing not OP
now he joins the same category of "DAMAGE DEALING ABILITIES ARE DOGSHIT"
fuck off
You niggas all need to stop crying or I'll cry too.
The chain of nerfs is what will truly bind this community together as one.
>ready to find a new time sink
Yeah me too i've been saying that since the first 300h and now I'm at 1k hours.
ded gaem ded bread ded ded
can't wait for PWE take over warframe
Current mods I have for Ember
I think I potato'd this shit.
you don't cry with us then you ain't one of us
Sorry for the retarded picture, damn I'm an idiot.
>energy siphon
>1200p left with nothing to spend it on
>Vauban Prime comes out
>Flip 8 sets of vauban prime
>3800p left
>buy Vauban P for 320p (20p for helm, 40p for BP, 130p for chassis, 130p for systems)
>buy akstilleto P for 200p (found a few parts)
>Buy Fragor P for 50p (found head and BP day one)
Fucking love prime access
>back when energy regen dampened energy drain
reddit meme
ivara, chroma
warbros are dead
and the game is about to die too
All nerfs aside, im really liking how mesa is shaping up. Shooting gallery now being on her all the time sounds great & being able to mod the regulator pistols will be cool. They said they were "adjusting" the power of the pistols to compensate though so that has me worried.
Knowing DE, Peacemaker will do basically the same damage after pistol mods are applied, and she'll still be standing still and getting destroyed by bullets.
i feel like anyone playing oberon is just trying to be funny, or gay
Mesafags have already seen the bottom of the barrel. They don't think It could get any worse.
nothing good can come of it.
Thats what im afraid of. It makes zero sense why they wouldn't do a ton of damage since you're stuck in place and your energy drain is ridiculous but then again...
>Translation: "SLURP SLURP SLURP"
well, it's been fun
I miss pre nerf everything
IGN: Schween3000
Came back after quitting
for almost a year
So let me back in
you skinner box queers.
Just finished the chroma quest now its time to play the waiting game. what are you guys waiting on?
Nerfs and disappointment.
the rapture
And yes, I do realize that I'm getting back into the game just as the canuck chucklefucks have finished shitting into the rape holes they stabbed into its corpse, but I don't care. The heart wants what it wants, and it wants to shoot spacejews.
I hope you didn't overpay for that ember set
>over 2 years
What is the Tenno Archetype anyway?
just a random splinter?
apparently I jewed the guy because I traded my vauban set for it. I had no idea that she goes for like 1k plat.
[blacklisted] blacklisted [/blacklisted]
warbreed affiliate, but since they left the alliance after false profit i have no idea what they're doing still with warbros
nerfs = harder content = less people farming it = less drops = higher commodity = healthy economy = higher goals = greater accomplishment = more longevity = more fun
I think I'm ready to call it quits when these nerfs hit.
what does that even mean?
>DE cucking their own game
I always knew that all Canadians have a cuckold fetish. They can't enjoy anything unless some Jamal or Ahmed is there to rape what is precious to them.
I've been playing since feb2014 and still don't have it
> = "not a giant grindwall"
The only part where fun comes into it, is the lack of fun.
>less supply with the same amount of demand=healthy economy
It took the game 3 whole years to get despair to drop for me.
That user is still waiting.
Sure. I'll love paying 1,000 plat for a Soma barrel now.
well shit I just got it randomly from a t2 sab mission, ive only been playing for like 3 months.
I started playing in a small clan.
I was still MR4 when my favorite frame was changed.
Negatively changed.
Torn from my fun I was made to grind their way.
With each new nerf, the meta changed, and so did the ways to have fun.
Fun is peculiar.
With each nerf, I was nerfed too.
My thoughts, personality, how I saw grind and jewing,
Warframe changed me, and not only my BMI.
Warframe can kill.