Second Life General /slg/

Clone Edition

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first for archiplex is a cute! cute!


>don't sexualize belone
>proceed to sexualize belone

What's your favourite video game outside of Second Life?

Belone Sexualizer Simulator 2017

when can we get shrine maidens to cleanse these demons away?

watch out /slg/ he's here to invade the lewdites!!

If you're making a body with Venus head and Maitreya body, you can get back by just using a LL/system skin demo for the neck since demos don't usually watermark the upper neck. The color will still be off, but it's less noticeable especially if you're wearing hair and clothing that cover up the neck.

can I do this?



W-Wow Archer... I-I had no idea...

*smiles warmly*

no ser

I smile very warmly you. Pp is your favourite meme after all. ;)

No??? Then how do you explain this? ? Getting mixed messages right now.

ser this ur bf suck my fat dangus cuck





no that is literally not me

yes it is

wtf..... its not. who. who is that??

dude I just said it's you

are you stupid or something.................................. dont mess w me...

would any1 care to meat up for some pose balling? i'm very horned and sexual and would like to sex

you are must to being im'ing me the coordinates

don't you ever fucking reply to me in this thread again unless it is on topic

Worse than a rein poo taco, into the bin it goes.


I'm genuinely curious as to how a picture of a furry gets deleted but this has been here for 6 hours


I have a bf???


Please don't trick me. I am a very gullible giraffe.


Frowns coldly.

>tricked again

because rulecucks hate furries but love cocks

It's possible to buy a decent outfit with just 2400 Linden if you're going for Maitreya. Every type of fashion (lolita, J fashion, punk, emo, ghetto, etc) usually has some secret store or sale that provides items for cheap. You just have to know where to look. Search the marketplace and visit the physical store. Or look up Second Life stores online.

>American urban sim
>people abuse and mistreat the free/cheap stuff

>any other country urban sim
>people are respectful of the free/cheap stuff because they are grateful that someone is willing to provide stuff for a low cost

/slg/ - Abnormal Psychology 101

ERP is more than just describing what your avatars are doing.

reminder suck my fat d*ck retard idiot


why am I banned from /d/?

I haven't played Second Life all week. I hardly even talk in /d/ group talk.

a not too crazy AO that works with Maitreya?

*for girls

It's happening again


Go home belone

it's probably because you're a jackass

>dad left when I was 8
>play Second Life 10 years later
>hear dad's voice for the first time in over a decade

That is not suiseiseki.ort!

I'm at Anime North with her and she's a short girl.

Poseballing is in your genes.

I heard he's a buff guy who smells like Mcnuggets.
Besides, have you seen his avatars? There's no way a woman made those.

J Fashion avatars, EGL avatars, South east Asian traditional clothing, East Asian traditional clothing, robo girl avatar. A few ironic fat guy avatars. It's not too fartfetched that a girl would make those avatars

except that they're all so stiff and unpleasantly uncoordinated that it's clear that if by some chance they ARE made by a girl, it's a really ugly one that has no idea how to dress herself or is probably autistic

suiseiseki.ort is pretty. Her avatars seem decently coordinated enough.

examples of which avatars aren't pleasantly coordinated?

everytime i see them their outfit is a trainwreck. even the "lolita" one is a fucking mess

My own avatars since I use a lot of bright colors or pastels. Plus wearing a lot of weird clothes or hair contributes to it too I guess.

suiseiseki.ort looks fine.

why do people have to be so mean towards her?

Homo idot

So cute


He even says he's male on his first life profile. How many delusional cucks does this guy have strung along? Also Veeky Forums would probably be nicer to him if he wasn't so manipulative and didn't spam the thread with pictures of people he's making fun of.

>bump our thread with actual content regardless of their intent

publicity bro

I'd rather see Stern builds or people, you know, posting their own avatar.

stern builds suck. what are you on about?

the latest build is actually good, not as good as poop sim builds but nevertheless better than many stern builds before.

Good to see the tranny defense force is still going strong.

poop sims are god tier, stern cucks can only dream of being as good as them

hope hes dead

post sui ass


The vendors below are offering reward prizes for shoppers who play their gacha machine 50 times. On your 50th play, you’ll automatically receive your no-transfer reward. Act fast! These prizes are only available during this Arcade round and will retire immediately after the event closes.


disgusting tranny ass

There's a rumor going around that someone is trying to copy Sui's look. Another brown skin using Maitreya. Double the brown girl ass.


Sinner is just trying to copy another persons avatar

Nothing with copying another person's look as long as you tweak it up a bit to be more original. It's okay to take inspiration, but don't full on copy someone else's entire avatar.

i wish sinner tweaked quoths personality

Attention! New Stern rule! If you don't like Phil Collins or Billy Joel you're not allowed to enter Stern

Recommend a Phil Collins or Billy Joel album.

>someone in Korea7 using a car avatar and making car noises while driving the roads

Trannies are the worst. I also have that keyboard!

I don't understand people talking about stealing avatars. Who cares?

Face Value

Born in the USA

Why is your Num Lock and F-Lock off?

It's not plugged in!

An Innocent Man

H-how are you typing then?

I don't get it either since a lot of people use the same mesh bodies, heads, or clothing items. I've had people tell me they want to wear the same stuff that I do, but are afraid of me being upset at them for copying my look. I don't mind at all since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

A lil fun fact: One of my avatars is based on this character.

it's also not really stealing if certain avatars have a limited selection of a certain style of clothing.


Another keyboard is plugged in below! vid related

Why would you want to use a glue trap on a kangaroo?

It's like the vibrator boxes that show people using them on their shoulders.

Pouch leather is exquisite as it is expensive since the kangaroo is an elusive creature and it's harvested in such low amounts.

Glue traps a pretty inhumane, I'm not liking this factory so much.

Why would you crossplay?