Veeky Forums, share your passive income tips
>video related
Veeky Forums, share your passive income tips
>video related
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I invest in memes for passive meme income
This is a fucking full time job for him. Paki tier.
trying to live off passive income is the most garbage shit I've ever heard
grow the fuck up
learn to create an income, work your ass off, live as LOW as you possibly can, and invest every dime.
Nice memes
Cut up your crédit cards, throw out your chikdren, they are only preventing you from investing more!
poor cope
rich people live off passive investments while you remain their cuck
Haha, cucks like you will never learn.. You'll be making stockholders and money-masters rich with your hard work. Cope, my friend
There is only 1 way
Or do both and be rich as fuck.
Jeez what a shit thread so far. Does anybody actually have anything to contribute?
Try this then:
Deliver print on demand tshirts, books, whatever.
Hire some guy over Upwork to do 1000 mockup images.
Rent a medium or large size Ebay store (1K-10K listings=
Hire some other guy to put XXXX number of listings on Ebay following a template you have made.
Order the products directly from the dropshippers using Paypal IPN.
When you have this system up and running, it will give you a montly XXXX dollar wage and only require minutes a day.
Buy blue chip stock. receive dividend, reinvest dividend.
>Ad infinitum
Anyone developing for Amazon Underground?
How much? I only have a couple hundred dosh to spare every month. Can I do anything meaningful with that?
To live off of dividends as passive income? A few hundred thousand
To make some money. I'd just reinvest it in more blue chip hoping to make a larger amount. not to support myself fully, but to hold for years and build up
real input:
Look into adsense. learn basic SEO and create websites/blogs/articles to publish online and connect adsense to the pages.
yes, it takes some learning
yes, you have to spend time creating the content and setting it up
no, this isnt a "push a button and magic meme money falls from the sky"
if you learn basic SEO and published one update/blog post/article a day, in a year youd have 365 published articles, all of which would provide adsense clicks if you did any good at it.
I have 5-10 articles I created back in 2005, they result in about 1 check a year from google for a 100 bucks, and to be honest theyre shit-teir quality
What do you think about making multiple tumblr blogs and setting ads there? Tumblr posting/following are easy to automate and requirejs a little knowledge
never used it, but if you can connect adsense to it awesome
otherwise generally speaking social media is a breed ground for great high targetted traffic. You just need to brand yourself as a legitimate person with interest in the niche and as an authority figure in said niche
im not a fan of bots/automated stuff, or at least not exclusively. you cant interact with your audience and thus its hard to come off as "real"
the most important thing is rich, unique content. the reason person A succeeds and person B fails is because one is actually creating unique interesting content, the other is just re-hashing shit he finds on google and re-words
Altcoin mining famalamadingdong
The problem is more, rent-seeking is a brain drain on the most successful. If you want to live off passive income without being a parasite, the only real way is to invent stuff and license it.
Buy Ethereum [spoiler]classics[spoiler]
> 1 post by this ID
How many posts is there suppose to be?
this is not passive... he's actively working for the money.
So much bs in this thread. Passive income are things that only require capital to make money.
Adsense, YouTube, all of that stuff is a business.
You want passive income? Plow your nest egg into some fund or real estate rentals and you're done. But you do have to work to get the capital, there's no way around that.
internet marketing automation is the way to go. been doing this for 3 years.
1) find a "method" that works to create money online, such as posting affiliate links to facebook groups.
2) automate that method. either hire a dev to do it for you, see if there is an existing service offering automation for your method, or create bots yourself. most bots can be made with imacros which is so easy to use anyone could do it,
are you the guy who created this thread?
If yes I have a few questions
no i am not
but i am familiar with this method. feel free to ask me questions.
my biggest tip for that method is to create your facebook page or group on a complteltley different account. so that when your spam promotion accs get banned your page/group is still intact
Hmm nice. Basically I need money and I have 7 months before I go off to uni. Need the money for me and my family and I've gotta start earning since my father died recently. The point is I have free time and I'm very motivated
How does the payment reach me? Do i have to provide credit card or bank details to facebook? I don;t have a credit card so im still hesitant.
Also is great it has many good forums on this so I have methods ready to execute
What kind of "funds" are there for poor people? What's the minimum I'd have to invest to get consistent 10%+ annual returns. I know there are hedge funds, but you need to be rich and shit.
do you have to give FB your bank?
NO. you are using FB as a medium to generate traffic to somewhere else. you need to join an affiliate network or CPA network. you will need to provide the network with paypal/bank in order for them to pay you.
and yes blackhatworld is the shit, i wouldn't be successful if it wasn't for that forum.
and btw, a credit card is used to purchase products with credit, it doesnt get used for receiving funds.
Oh thanks a lot. Just needed that info.
I'm currently learning Python to make bots to add fb friends- i want to automate as much as possible(i have a programming background so pytohn is quite easy)
which cpa network would you recommend? And what are your earnings approx?
depends on your niche man
go to and you can search pretty much all offers for any niche, when u see an offer you like you can join that network
my earnings are approx $130 - $700 a day
Thanks a lot for the answers. Do me a small favour and give me your thoughts about this method
1) Create facebook page of a niche
2) Create an authority blog/site of the niche which reviews the products
3) Create multiple bots to add facebook friends and invite them to my page (Currently learning python to make bots-I have a programming background so this won't take long)
4) After gaining enough followers on my page publish relevant articles and direct them to my site and also put up CPA offers
5) Let them buy from my site and get affiliate commission.
I know its simplistic and i'll have to work but is this pretty good for a map?
wouldnt really work without paying facebook to boost your pages posts. Pages on FB are almost useless if you dont pay for boosts now. you will only reach like max 10% of people with your posts..
would probably work if you did it by creating a FB group, as groups reach is 100% for free.
if you want an authority site though, you'd need to do SEO too.
You're doing this with Facebook pages? How many fans and how often are you posting to them?
for fb i dont use pages, i use massplanner --> facebook groups, only join groups with 2k+ members
Fb group? Like create an fb group then give them a link to my page? I read stuff like creating girls' accounts as bots then sending friend requests and page invites and conversion rate for them is higher(20%to 35%).
So should I bother with an authority site? Or is a simple site just for landing purposes enough?
oh nice you read inception_ac's guide?
Thank you OP.
Gotcha. So the general idea is join, spam with affiliate links, repeat?
Yup same thank you OP this was actually some good shit thanks.
well "spam" yes, but in a way that doesnt appear like spam.. posting dating offers in a horse riding group will not work and youll be banned for spam in hours.
but recommending a cool new horse riding product or offer inside a horse riding group will work as its blatant spam, its relevent to the topic of discussion
** it will work as its NOT blatant spam **
I feel you. How consistent is the $? Do you do it daily or weekly or how often do you post? Thanks bro
Ya it actually was.
Does anyone have anything relatable to this?
>tfw have a smartphone app that averages $3600 from in-app sales a day
welcome to my world
iOS? How old is it? What category?
Originally yes, working on getting it up for android as well
>How old is it?
recently passed the one year mark
>What category?
e-commerce. I'll refrain from being more specific about the exact business model because it's basically taking two different staples of e-commerce / online marketing and combining it in a unique way that no one's really done before, and I want to milk it for everything it's worth until others catch onto it
With 20k, you could do a downpayment on a rental that would average 10%.
But guaranteed returns are a meme, don't think like that, don't chase it. You must have risk to have reward.
Letgo/offerup or something? I'm in iOS, only do like 200 a day though so congrats. Is this your first big one?
I want to learn Android programming. Where should I learn it from? My java is good. I also know some C++ but i wanna get into iOS later but still please suggest from where to learn iOS too.
One thing I'd add, you shouldn't be thinking about passive income until you're pretty close to retirement.
Generally these vehicles are tax inefficient and if you're working, you don't need cashflow as much as capital growth.
>Letgo/offerup or something
nah, these look like just regular peer-to-peer ecommerce apps à la ebay to me (I might be wrong, I haven't heard of them and just did a quick google). My app earns money through ecommerce, sure, but the way it's implemented is really unique insofar as I haven't found any application like it.
>only do like 200 a day though so congrats
thanks, and that's pretty good bro.
>Is this your first big one?
>I want to learn Android programming
>please suggest from where to learn iOS too
personally I just bought online courses for both on udemy to gain some familiarity with it all and then once I felt like I had a decently big toolbox of programming skills I started making my own apps (many of them shit, most never made it to the app store) just to get used to the whole process of conceiving an idea and then figuring out how to bring that idea to life within the framework of a programming language; in other words figuring out how abstract ideas and concepts are represented in code/logic. It's when you make your own software and have to figure out how to connect abstract thought with concrete logic that you're really learning how to program in my opinion.
Cubicle cucks please leave
Very cool man, was there a turning point where it got really big? For example did it get featured or was it in the press or something? Or go viral on social media?
So basically code until its practical and return to theory when you feel like you need it. Hmm nice
Who will print the shirts?
There are literally dozens of company's that do this
Well then what should I make the mockups of? Should I just do anything?
Congrats on your new tshirt business
I'm a little lost on how to rent a ebay store
>Should I just do anything?
Either that, or niches
>Bieber and teen stars
>astrological signs
>great classical paints
>famous composers
Thank you good sir.
Me too, no idea. Just open an eBay account
You get the ebay account, then you upgrade it.
It is basically just a way of bringing down the listing fees.
Also a good incentive to get your ass in gear. If you are paying 70 bucks a month to list 1000 listings in your store, and you only have 100 listings, then you are losing money. So you put up 900 more just to go from losing to winning.
I sell kindle books on Amazon. Zero work involved, except uploading the file once. It pays the rent.
what kind?
I'm not sure I would say it went "viral" on social media but it definitely fuelled most of the growth. All in all I think it's been very organic growth.
do you own rights? how? if not, not risky? what i average sale price? thx
what books tho?
just a point of clarification: In the beginning, just to get you started so that you can create some simple apps to get a feel for the basics and the powers and limitations of programming, you're probably gonna need someone to teach you. There are both free and priced courses online that are great, and you can also get someone to teach you in person (although that's probably less practical, but most likely better since you can ask questions directly).
But yeah, the best way to learn is when you just sit down, think of an idea of something you want to create that requires just a little bit more skill than what you currently got, and then try to make it. You're gonna probably spend hours on google and stack overflow but it's the best way to learn. Then, repeat by working on successively harder and more complex problems and after some time you'll really start to get good. Also I find that you learn easier the better you get, because you have more knowledge to build upon. So even though you might struggle with the basics and think "well if I can't even get this right how am I gonna make anything of value?", then don't worry. It gets easier the more you work on it.
So you sell other people's books?
Still though, not a bad job he managed to create for himself. Respect.
guaranteed replies on Veeky Forums
gr8 b8 m8
>Adsense, YouTube, all of that stuff is a business.
Adsense is/can be a legitimate passive income. Yes you continue to work at it to build it to a level you want, but it is literally "set it and forget it" once a page is in place.
There's plenty of people, myself included, that are making paycheck after paycheck for shit they setup years ago and havent touched since. Quite literally -passive- income
Good advice. Do you do your own ui? Is it complex?
i shill referral links
How the fuck is this even possible.
The money is from ad revenue or you have to pay to download it? whats the deal?
My plan is to get a bunch of viral 1+ million videos and live off the views for life. I already for 8 videos... CPM is shit tho.
I stick to youtube cause im too low iq to program.
I may hire someone once I reach 1 million subscribers and promote an app on my channel, i dont know the monetizing model for apps tho.
It's from in app purchases like he said.
you know I'm right, drinking the haterade won't change it.
Thanks famalam. I looked around and the big nerd ranch guide is recommended. It lets you learn by making simple apps on the way so it's like what you said. Thanks for your insight man
I love how I see a lot of people saying like that shit is the most easiest thing in the world, meanwhile I can't even get 20 views.
lol that guy smokes so much weed...
>"I couldn't get as high as I wanted to"
I sell other people's books that are "out of copyright" which I download from Chinese/Russian sites. Not really out of copyright, but I tell amazon they are. When you upload a book, amazon sends you an email saying 'please prove that it's out of copyright'. I edit the author's date of death on wikipedia, and send amazon the link, thus proving that his works are now in the public domain. Someone usually re-edits wikipedia within a couple of days, but by then the book is usually on amazon.
can you share a source?
are you using us based account?
>and btw, a credit card is used to purchase products with credit, it doesnt get used for receiving funds.
What do you use then?
What if they check the date of death in other site that is not wikipedia? just lol
sell video game accounts, you'll need some moderate machine even though you can do some stuff with shit-tier machine
I own shit-tier, make approximately 150-200 $ a year
>Hire some guy over Upwork to do 1000 mockup images.