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>How to get autosummon covenants to work on PC:

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darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Rotten Ghru Spear

Remember: Sully literally did nothing wrong

nth for spells and bedtime

poylent bussy

so glad fromsoft included all these wonderful shield counters in the game, would have sucked if they were all useless or something

Is the shit covered spear from the goats any good, or should I just go with Dragonslayer/Lothric Spear to punish fags that keep rolling and backing away?

I don't understand why people say Cartus curved sword is OP. The only good attacks it has are the standing 2HR1 and the WA.

>Dark souls 1 is a magical king's field inspired theme game that has magical mushroom forest, crystal cave with clams and golems
>dark souls 3 is a meme game with dead mushroom people and dead memes from dark souls 1

Myiazaki lost his magic.

The WA is literally just a signal for me to start casting user

dead memes are the only good memes user

o shit waddup?

Im sl 26 in ds2 what should i level adp to? I havent played since release and checking out the dlc. I dont want to get fucked, any tips?

Running R1 is good.

Weapon is OP because:

Nah, I think he just got tired of Bamco's bullshit, because BB was actually good.

Because it has all of the strengths of the curved sword class with none of the weaknesses. Objectively speaking it invalidates every other regular curved sword because it outranges them, has the best moveset including those terrific moves, and outdamages everyone except the Falchion at 40/40, and I think that's only by like 10 AR at most for the Falchion.

Aggro mod soon


>invade a gank squad
>become human
>send home the squad

Found that having 90 agi is the minimum you really need in Dark 2. Another above is for taste.

If he did nothing wrong then how come he lost to some unkindled ash-hole.

Right, but I miss the magical fantasy themes from dark souls 1.

BB was different, so he had to have a bit of creativity. DaS is just more of the same, and I don't even know why people are bitching about it, because when they tried to be different, everyone bitched.

can't rememeber the adp but just make it to 100 agility and you'll be fine

>hosts face when

>90 AGL

How wasteful.
Either go down to 88 or up to 92.

Jesus christ.

Theme wise, dark souls 3 is just a shit coming from dark souls 1's ass. It smells good and doesn't look that bad, but it still came from that hole.

>tfw thinking of making one of those autistic fake patch notes to dream of things that will never happen in reality

Memes are love and life

>want to use Dancer Chest because it's the only slim looking plate in the game
>makes my waste nonexistent and gives me a huge ass

>They sprint now

I'm 72 at the moment in my first playthrough, is there a recommended level to stop at? I've finished grinding covenants and im sitting on 1.3 million souls and debating if I should just spend them all or stop at a certain level.

90 to100 agi is very low investment, relatively speaking. Otherwise, find a weapon, see how it feels, go with it and the hundreds of other weapons that also scale well with it. There are a ton of weapon in Dark 2, and nearly all of them are very viable weapons

You know what made me fucking depressed when I tried it? Remember that old as fuck screenshot some fag took after dying to the cats in the Basin, and then walking over the bridge where you fight Taurus Demon he could see his bloodstain in the distance? I tried the same thing with DaS3, dying in the rafters of Cathedral of the Deep and trying to see it from atop the Giant's Watchtower. There was nothing.

>makes your waste nonexistent
so it gives you an enema?

Do it and post it on reddit. Remember to keep shit as vague as possible



Would anyone on PC be willing to help me trade some stuff to a new character? If so, please lay down your red sign at High wall fire. Pass dsgtrade

Need a summon, level 100 at the Church of Yorshka on PC.
Please someone help me, I get summoned practically instantly but can't find a summon

IT'S AGILITY, NOT ADAPTABILITY. An arbitrary sum of Attunement and Adaptability = Agility. Get it to around 88 (9 iframes) and 92 (10 iframes)


>So much range you can easily roll catch people
>Make all the other curved sword useless in comparison
>VERY good damage and WA

It's a meme weapon now.

Depends on what you want to do?

Co Op? (Done reliably at pretty much all levels)
PVP? (Certain brackets)
For instance;
>30 = Farron
>50-60 = Aldrich
>Invading = 1-80 for the fastest invasions
Anything above 80 is pretty much dueling. You can still get good invades at around 90-100. But it slows down a lot.

120 is the Dueling Meta and Fight Clubs. But this is also the Reddit and Streamer meta filled with kids and memeing shitters.

Jazz for your soul

I'll help if you help me transfer. Password or no?

B-but Falchion does more damage

Did you kill sully?

>Adjusted straight sword performance

Password is Gentoo

And can't hit for shit.
Carthus has also bleed on it.

Bleed pressure.

what's the point when you can just use an estoc?

>huge ass on cute guy

I've started playing Dark Souls one on Steam and I can't seem to get online. I use humanity and reverse hollowing, but I still don't see any ghosts of blood spots or anything

>addressed a covenant summoning issue
>did something about some inconsistencies

On my way. Xfer after.

Am I retarded or something? I've missed this 5 times in a row so far. Is there some bullshit trick I'm not getting?

You're out of nodes. Yeah, this game is fucking trash on pc, you need a million mods.

Not many people playing it anymore, my friend.

Who? Doing a blind run, helped kill the boss here as a summon at least once but not in my world

That's a big soul.

>Dark Souls 1: amount of humanity you have governs your luck (item drops)
>Dark Souls 3: amount of hollowing you have governs your luck (item drops)


>longest curved sword (better than the dark sword)
>catches rolls the most reliably out of all weapons in the game
>fastest 2hr1's in the game
>Hollow + Carthus Rouge = Blender
It's an amazing weapon

Most curved weapons are mediately fucked by how small they are because their moveset is extremely limited in range. The Carthus makes up for it by not only being the fastest, but the longest. And the Bleed is just extra damage if you're Hollowed + Hollow Infusion

Don't run, walk. It helps if you go up instead of down too

Try it while going up. Roll, don't jump.

Area boss. If you can't see signs you're either too high level or has a very high level weapon for the area (or very low?)

Where are you? Try invading on a low level character at the parish. Use the creos from firelink. Also, try downloading DSCM


OK walk me thru that here after

finally got it after riding the fucker all the way down.

>huge alien with a grab attack that takes 90% of my health
>frenzy meter goes up while I'm getting held
Oh boy. Is this place essential or can I skip it? I'm just getting annoyed.

Sign is down. Waitin on you

I like butts. I like cute things. Women can have them too. My penis doesn't care. Men are better though.

So fucking tired of taking damage when my opponent's sword is 6 fucking feet away from me at the end of his swing.

Anyone using the washing pole deserves to hang.

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Rotten Ghru Spear

Good weapon, or complete shit like the shit on it already?

Something something convoluted, something something cycle, yadda yadda fire dark humanity.


Not seeing it... lemme try quitting and reloading?

>luck is boosted by hollowing

Is there any armor in the game that could pull off a Fume Knight cosplay?

You'll miss the only bloodrock in the base game to upgrade to +10. After you get past those brain enemies you find a lever to drop the big brain to get your bloodrock

i'll join if you're still there

>what is Hollow infusion

i never said i was judging you. butts are great. this is my butt (male)


Beyond the scope of Light and the reach of Dark

I hope he's in the DLC

Alright, I'll give it a go one more time.

Ever since Rom, this game has just been an annoying nightmare to play for me. I was having fun until then. Now I just want this hell to end. :/

How hollow your swords (male) are then

An easy way of getting out of any elevator is to face away from the ledge and backstep out onto it.

>on PS4
>never getting any fan mail
>what the fuck is going on?
>using the biggest memeing shitter builds imaginable
>still none
>40 Dex
>40 Luck
>Washing Pole
>Hollow Infusion
>Carthus Rouge
>Leo Ring
>suddenly hate mail out the ass

I have become death.

Drang with artorias head?
Something that raises your luck

Oh shit, I thought you were a chick. That's even better.

Not to egg you on, but you really should check your spelling.


Fire Witch helmet?

Is Glencour the Tarkus?

and then griffith applies the fujiwara armbar and breaks that shit

what now, guts

I think he might be at least referenced. I'd put money on him also being the scholar who got Lothric to say 'fuck it' to Linking the Fire, too.

>Invade Crucifixion Woods as Watchdog
>There's at least one Finger, one Mound-Maker, and the Host has at two phantoms, a Blueberry, and they're all in a free-for-all amidst the two Exile NPCs
>Most of us are wearing Untrue Dark or Untrue White Ring


Or even northerner
Only because guts gave him enough space. Can't do that from that position

>wanting more of that break the cycle bullshit

>seen 10 different GUTS players today
>not a single one was using a Greatsword
God. Fuck. Dammit.

I feel like making Griffith cosplay just to shit on these faggots. Carthus Curved Sword would actually be a pretty good match for his sword too. Luckily it's OP as fuck in PVP

Whoops, you're totally right
Can't think of any puns or snarky remarks right now,
so have a purinsesu instead