Overpowered scions of sigmar edition
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>Total War Warhammer
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Overpowered scions of sigmar edition
>FAQs & General Info
>Steam Groups
>Total War Warhammer
Launch Trailer -- youtube.com
Mods -- twcenter.net
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First for warhammer is great fun, i enjoy it, will play many, many hours of it.
Still want the next non-warhammer game set in ancient China.
Zhuge Liang OP
>Found your problem.
PvP is the best barometer of unit balance. The AI doesn't use units optimally.
Chosen do not perform even close to cost - just like most of the Chaos units.
Ok playing as orc, 2 main issues, how to deal with low happiness.. aleays getting -5- 10 in each province, qlso how to deal with low money at thr start... please help me out here
Was this a good idea?
I'm playing on Legendary and the Emp starting position is nearly impossible. I say nearly because you can maybe get a lucky RNG where you have just enough time and money to bribe everyone around you (2 Brettonian factions, Marienburg, Wissenland, Middenheim, 2 Dwarf factions) into not warring you and sending two stacks (you can only afford one).
Hopefully if I start up a creep from the south, enveloping Talia, Estalia, Brettonia I can reach the Empire by the time Chaos arrives.
>Ok playing as orc, 2 main issues, how to deal with low happiness..
You kill stuff. The more passive you are, the more unhappy your populace will be.
So, what're the benefits of ambushing?
catching them out of position and vulnerable
>whats the benefit of a sneak attack catching your enemy unprepared
boss tents and raid, you're gonna have to deal with a few rebellions ever so often early game, it'll cool down later.
raid everyone for money
On a side note, I hear Grudge Throwers are pretty good dwarfen artillery. Are cannons not as good despite being in a later tier?
lids, when are they going to announce a Kislev mod for The Empire? i want strelskys and bear cav mang
Do you know which infantry units can beat Chosen Great Weapons? Because I tested it against Black Orks and completely dominated them. Which infantry unit is more capable than Black Orks?
Cannons are okay but there's really no reason to use them in the Empire lineup.
Steam Tanks are even better, more mobile, and almost unkillable.
>I say nearly because you can maybe get a lucky RNG where you have just enough time and money to bribe everyone around you
You don't even have to do that. The key on Legendary difficulty is to crush the secessionists ASAP and then move on Marienburg. After that, you gauge your relationship with the other Empire factions. Most likely, the northeners will make a move on you first, which is pretty useful since they'll never make it through Altdorf.
I have rarely had an issue with Bretonnia. They're usually content to sit where they are.
>Start out as Orcs
>Turn 10 out of nowhere 3 full stacks of dwarfs just decide that they need to deal with all their grudges against me. Now.
I can't fucking do shit against a rank 10 Thorim and two level 5 lords with full fucking stacks fighting me.
Well, yes, the mechanical benefits. I'm asking because I've not yet managed to do it.
Is it just being able to initiate a battle when the enemy may not want to, or do they like start scattered or tired or lose morale more easily or what.
So when are we getting a Kislev/Katarin DLC?
Greatswords can beat them straight up and Grave Guard are more than cost effective against them. Chosen are incredibly expensive for what they offer.
Finished Greenskin campaign last night, gonna try dwarfs on very hard. Any tips?
>need to forge an alliance with nordland for my quest
>they want nothing to do with me for no reason
in rome2, they started in a marching line, you deploying on either side in the woods or some shit, and them marching, not attacking until they saw you. so every unit has a "oh shit im outflanked" negative morale modifier
Actually if they die it just skips that part, it happened to me too
I wanna know when we'll be getting any DLC at all
Oh good well then fuck those fags.
If you would normally not be able to complete a quest objective because a faction or race has been wiped out, you just pay a small gold fee and skip that part.
Happened to me for Baltasar's quest for the amulet where you had to assassinate an undead character, but I had already cleansed the heretics.
I really wish halberds were more viable as line infantry, but their lack of shields and rather niche roll pulls them down. :(
>crush the secessionists ASAP
>become great power, -10 to all factions
>relation with Dwarves and Brettonian factions reaching boiling point unless you bribe them
>all while dealing with Marienburg's two doomstacks
I don't believe you played legendary
So what difficulty yall playing at?
shields arent necessary. I only use halberds and never spears and destroy everybody
I don't understand why the great power penalty is a thing. If anything, it should get people to like you more to want to get on your good side.
First time ever I actually want to get showered with dlc and updates to game.
Just let me throw money infinitely at screen CA plz.
So, playing as the Dorfs, Chaos rolls in around 50 turns in, I watch their LLs and Birdfuck dick around the Empire, run into literally only one battle which wasn't really a battle because my "army" was 5 units strong and not meant to be attacked, and then.... Chaos just left. I don't know if they got their asses kicked or what, but they just vanished. Haven't returned. What do?
you catch them in a marching formation along a road with your forces generally hidden amongst trees or whatever
it's just a long snake of 1 width size enemies with no formations
30% damage reduction from ranged weapons on infantry meant to take the brunt of the attack isn't necessary?
try it in a custom battle
prepare and wait another fifty or so turns for a much larger shitstack of chaos to roll in
so /twg/ introduced me to Darren's stream and I loved it
any other recommended channels/youtubes to check out if I wanna see "high skill" [warhammer] gameplay?
It says they're completely removed from the game and I've been waiting for a while. I saw to it that Greenskins and Vampires have been completely eliminated as well. Basically have nothing to do right now because I'm friends with everyone who is left.
Considering there are 40 more men in the Greatswords unit, Chosen Great Weapons lost half their number and annihilated the entire Greatsword unit.
I just tested Grave Guard as well and it was almost the same result.
Chaos are expensive, but their units do perform, their price is tied to the fact of how the Horde mechanic works so it doesn't translate well to MP cost effectiveness.
They really need to fix retreating in TW:WH. Orcs seriously need to be able to hit and run more.
Who has the best generic lords?
Found the problem?
You didn't read the first line of the post. Go into custom battle and walk each different type of Chosen into Greatswords. It takes like 5 minutes.
Chosen Warriors do not hold the line, they get carved up BAD. Great Weapon Chosen do not carve up the Greatswords that cost 600 less, the Chosen get wrecked but it's closer than shielded Chosen. Halberds are just worse Great Weapons against melee, so they get shit on too.
I know you don't seem to get it, but this affects campaign too. The balance is untested amateur garbage. All of this shit is immediately obvious the first time you even play the campaign, let alone multiplayer.
>Man these Chosen are going to be great, I can't wait to stomp all over these weak imperial scum
>Wait why are my Chosen losing to such a weak unit what the fuck those were really expensive
>I guess I just have to let Kholek do everything.. All of my units die every time
Shouldn't take more than like 60 turns into a playthrough to notice.
I can post a screenshot if you want.
Bretonnians don't give a fuck and I've only had problems with a single dwarf faction. Ironically, I haven't been able to establish any sort of positive relationship with any other Empire faction.
I nearly sunk my campaign by confederating too early, however.
Anti-large units like get rekt by Great Weapon units or even shielded units.
Anyone got some tips for the orc campaign?
So I've tried twice now and it just seems ridiculously difficult. One problem I have is obedience just diminishes ridiculously quickly so I have to garrison my armies, but then of course there fightiness goes down....
Then, very quickly, the main dwarf army just seems to come along with a massive force full of better troops and demolish my second settlement.
How good is the archer cav as orks? Having trouble on higher difficulties and realized I haven't been using it. Usually my early game stacks are four/five/six ork boyz, three/four arrer boys, some light spear cav, and some goblin spearmen sprinkled in for flanking/occupying archers.
What do I do /twg/?
I have played total war for long and thought I could get into this new one but I just can't grasp the fantasy. I hate that the weapons are mostly oversized and cartoonish, like I am just playing a cartoon. Of course, a total war based on history is what I am used to and prefer but I thought it would be easy to look past the dumbed down and fantasy total war we have.
See Chosen do stack up and perform, I don't know what you all are talking about.
Are you testing against Easy AI where the AI's units are weaker?
Because Greatswords will utterly destroy any Chosen unit 10/10 times with half mean remaining, more against non-great weapon Chosen.
>half men**
It was tested on normal.
sack then occupy the turn after to keep your funds up and dont be scared to get another lord early and play from the red. You get a shitton of money from sacking/winning fights. If you get a waaagh early you can just steamroll through that purple dwarf faction with sheer numbers. Rebellions aren't a big deal as they give you something to fight for fightiness, just try and keep a lord around when you know it's going to happen so they don't occupy something
Yes Chosen will get torn up by Greatswords because Chosen Warriors don't have AP. Greatswords and Chosen Great Weapons are the infantry damage dealers of your army.
Should I build boss testns in each region? even in the smallest ones?
>grudge issued to maintain public order of 10
>order drops to -98 and a rebellion starts
I have no idea what I'm doing in this game. I wasted 10 turns encircling a city because the narrator guy recommended it but I think I should've just fought it out and moved on. I'm gonna restart I guess.
I had nothing to do so I was thinking of starting a new army but I wasn't sure so I just clicked through a few turns since I had nothing else to do.. finally the narrator recommends I recruit another lord lol.
Progress from my second legendary campaign as Empire, circa turn 60ish.
Again, the key as Empire is to move quickly and wipe out Marienburg. If you don't, you'll get bogged down playing whack-a-mole with those fucks for 100 turns.
why are chaos warriors and chosen so shit?
I tried out 3 chosen versus 3 greatswords and only the great weapon chosen won their fight with around 50% casualties sustained
the halberd and regular shield dudes lost with halberd chosen doing slightly more damage than regular chosen
I tried it out with regular chaos warriors but they were smashed with ease with only a few casualties on empire greatswords
Haven't gotten far in my Ork campaign, I found Arrer Boyz much more useful when fighting the Dwarfs and Goblin archers against the other Ork clans. You just have to tailor your army for what you expect it to fight, I am sure the Ork archer cav is very useful against the Counts and possibly Chaos.
I usually did 1 per province, more if I had a spare plot that I didn't have a use for.
Total War games aren't hard to learn, but they do have a steep learning curve.
Don't worry senpai, just have fun. You're doing great.
Chosen and Halberds can't stand up to a unit like the Greatswords, you should have used all Great Weapon Chosen and you would have won.
dwarves are such assholes early game I swear; orks have dick-all for armor peircing
oh ok... great!
some coming dlc for you
First thing you do is try stay as neutral as possible with Dwarfs for about 40-50 turns. this time try to eat up the other nearby orc clans or ally them etc. When you get the big guys like giants and big spider then you can wage easily war against Dwarfs. Rock lobbers only effective units against dwarfs and goblin archers are great against other orcs in the begining of the campaing. It doesn't matter what Lord or faction you play if mods.
Because mustaches > big edgy armor
As VC, I always keep a bunch of flying units around, because they're literally the only way of dealing with archer cavalry.
Trying to fight archer cav without flying units as VC is pure bullshit.
I thought goblin launchers were best
>armor piercing weapons are good against armored units
Gee wiz.
>any Chosen unit
>this includes Warriors, Great Weapons, and Halberds
Greatswords will 1v1 any of these, the only ones that put up a fight are the GW Chosen. Halberds and Shields die like bitches.
Go get a friend and test it if you want to make sure there's no AI nonsense going on.
The way this game works just makes them garbage. It's probably has to do with unit sizes and how damage/etc doesn't scale properly so the Chosen's elite stats don't matter for shit as far as the engine is concerned.
Also, if you test GW Chosen against Greatswords with a player were they both run face first into each other with no AI bullshit going on the Greatswords will win with 30~ people remaining.
Chaos is just ass. Unintentionally probably, but the way the engine treats their smaller unit size just makes them hot rancid asshole.
>Finished the Total War game
>No cinematic, no fanfare
>you are just given a one line you beat the game message
Well, fuck you.
They are later in the game but in the beginning of game you need rock lobbers more than anything.
He's a big guy.
Why goblin archers over the other two variants?
the goblin archers have 90 of them in one squad
You wait for Total War: ayy lmao and don't worry about disliking fantasy?
I know Chosen and Halberds get chewed by Greatswords, thats literally what the Greatswords are, they smash into infantry lines and break them.
It's like expecting Swordsmen to stand up to Chaos Warrior Great Weapon units. One has a fuck ton of armor and AP, the other has no AP and armor.
There are three Chosen infantry types because they do different jobs. It's rock, paper, scissors for infantry combat. Chosen are the backbone, they are great at surviving, GW do the damage, Halberds kill cav/large units.
I was hoping for that, ever since some fucking northerners poked one of my fleets going north and I didn't have any option but to run.
What mods do I install for attila while Warhams a Bam gets patched?
Greatswords are meant to tear up armored units. Have you tried throwing some Dragon Ogres, Trolls or Forsaken at Greatswords? Also, the chariots are insane at taking them out.
Not only do Greatswords have worse stats even after their Anti-Infantry bonus is counted(It's 10 bonus damage against infantry) than normal and Halberd Chosen so they should at the LEAST be incredibly even or even barely lose, but Great Weapon Chosen will not beat Greatswords 1v1 when both of them charge.
Chaos is legitimate ass. If your Great Weapons are coming out ahead it's because the AI either didn't countercharge or didn't fight you flat face to face. Do a quick custom with a friend and have both of you just right click GW Chosen and Greatswords together and watch.
This is the battle I did Both units charged on flat ground and Chosen GW came out on top.
did this to my AKM upper handguard
night /twg/
How do they make sure people dont make mods for factions? like if they release tomb kings dlc, but theres already a tomb kings mod(hypothetically)
why did no one make an athens mod for R2, and it had to be bought as DLC?
>When Kholek and Sigvald are coming for dat smile
>tmw you watch at Sigvald in his lord description portrait and realize he's not wearing anything around the crotch area
Gentlemen, how do I gun?
I'm trying to figure out how to play this game, so far the only factions I can play are VC and Bestonnia. I play Dwarves by the book, and I still am getting roundly trounced. Can someone provide me some gitgud common knowledge about TW so I got some better basis? Only experience I have with TW so far has been Arena.
>quest wants me to deploy a battle wizard
What the fuck is a battle wizard? Celestial? Bright?
How low did everyone change their gamma settings to? I cant seem to find tje one that it should be
are you familiar with the concept of an ambush? I feel like you aren't
It would either be a ton of work (that no modder would take on) or the campaign would be extremely barebones and buggy, like the Bretonnian campaigns that we're seeing now.
any wizard will do
Put your gunners in the front. Let them volley while you are approached. When the enemy is halfway, charge melee forward. If youre on a hill, keep range where they are. If not, flank them to the sides/rear.
okie dokie thanks