/owg/ Overwatch General

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>OP Pastebin
pastebin.com/twRyTamX (embed)

>Torbjorn "Destroyer" Comic


Alani is OP

>torb's smug ass face in his loungin' victory pose


posting racist stereotypes is bad

Cowboy is very, very overpowered and no butthurt "you're bad" deflections will ever change that.

>double symmetras on a team
>don't even get multiple teleporters up

Reminder having fun is all that matters~



Next hero, map, mode, or balance update when?

>someone on the forum complains about masteroverwatch.com
>wants it to not show his stats, even on the official blizzard's site
>player icon is widowmaker's visor

>Genji doesn't cause bleed anymore
I really should have followed the game more. Guessing it was too good huh?

When they implement ranked play, are they going to have separate solo queue and team queue modes? Or are they going to mix solos and premades together like in quick play?

the game just came out. Can us retailfags at least get some time with the current product?

end of june

Even when it in presentation is lackluster, making a big push and having everything work out great as Reinhardt feels so fuckin good gurl.

>Take both points in under 3 minutes

Maybe some day I'll actually be good at reading games and not "this is a good time for being aggressive, boy I hope this works."

Widowmaker more negatively impacts this game than McCree does desu.

You are bad and aren't speaking from experience. You're speculating what McCree can do when you have no actual idea.

You and the people crying about mei and bastion should try actually playing those characters for a few dozen matches each before you spout poorly informed misinformation and crying on the internet every time you lose a match

>first balance change is a lucio heal nerf and mercy ult nerf
Is this true??

>now traveling to Ilios

I hate 2 out of the 3 parts of this map

I hope that Tracer and Widow get nerfed.

And Temple of Anubis needs a rework.

I would love to see a solo queue for ranked and quick play. I'm so tired of 4-6 man teams filled with bad mannered children

Why do non-ult explosives do so little self damage? all these people just shooting themselves in the feet and hoping you die first seems really stupid.

>Enemy team swaps to double bastion at the last 20 seconds to make sure we don't win

why am I gay for 76

Neither of them are overpowered

Question to McCree players: do you actually enjoy playing as him? What you're doing requires no skill at all and you KNOW he's broken. I can't imagine it would be very fun.

>Step into Junkrat's trap
>He comes around the corner with a smug look on his face
>Deflect his grenades back at him

>queue at 3am
>my team is solo queuers
>other team is a 5 stack

git gud

>attack on temple of anubis

XVM addon when?
So I can easily see who's the shitter in my team.

I'd imagine they'd have a mode that allows for solo / duo queue in one matchmaking queue and 3+ groups in another queue

Absolutely, Widowmaker is the only hero who can actually dominate an entire team by herself if she's left unchecked. McCree is only going to pick off stragglers

She's less pubstompy so shitters complain about her slightly less


I just want info on the next character. And for god's sake, the blast radius on junkrat's tire is stupid. At least make the visual effect match the hitbox if they aren't going to nerf it a bit.

>playing roadhog on a tight area with lots of hallways and corners
>fishing around corners and grabbing squishy shits
I fucking love hooking


I feel bad whenever I am trying to get better at playing a certain character and know I could be an asset to the team if I switched over to what is needed. It really sucks when it takes me so long to actually, get even halfway decent at one character. Is there another way to get gud or just not horrible, without being a poor teammate? I just don't want to ruin other peoples fun.

>third round on koth
>90-99 OT
>zip into the hill and get a quadruple kill with Tracer's sticky bomb, clearing the path for my team
>POTG goes to a Junkrat in the first round that got 3 kills with his wheel

git gud

>You're bad and haven't played the game

Got any evidence for those two statements? Of course you don't.

Wallhacks are retarded.
Her RoF is retarded.
Bodyshots doing 150 damage is retarded.

>Get 34 kills as fucking Symmetra
>Make the enemy team my bitch
>Think I might get PoG
>No fuck you have a bastion sitting in the corner getting two kills.

>Next heroes
Doomfist, Athena, Japanese JPop Shades girl, Soundquake
India, Korea, Something on the moon, Brazil, Paris, something in Antarctica
>Balance update
within the next 3 weeks

Change Zenyatta's health to armor. There, one shotting from Widow is now fixed.

The skill that would take is so immense that if they can pull it off they deserve it.

>being this much of a passive aggressive girl

Just shoot it

Post funny moments

>My favorite characters to play as are also the most hated
Some things never change

>MFW choosing Soldier 76


it's pub matchmaking. Everyone who plays and wants pro level play is dumb.

When comp comes out stay out unless you are confident in your play, otherwise you can do literally no wrong in pubs unless you purposely try to ruin someone's fun

Maybe not overpowered but she's way too good at everything.

Catty ain't ya'?

>attack boosting Torbjorn with Mercy speeds up his sentry upgrading

>Just shoot it
Oh, I do. And I normally play Zarya, so I always shield it for free 50% charge. But sometimes it will still surprise me with its range when it does go off. Like I said, I think at least a more accurate visual would be nice.

>getting potg with zayra/symmetra

Is it better to hook, then leftclick to heart's content, or hook, leftclick then melee?


If someone isn't constantly going after widow anyone who can aim more than not at all (maybe too much to ask from winston and support players) can absolutely dominate with her.

I've mainly been playing supports since no one else does and Lucio is a lot of fun.

Recently there have been other cucks picking supports in my games so I've been branching out.

And god fuck is it ever easy to win pubs as fucking Winston. You never fucking die. If you ever get even remotely close you just jet pack the fuck out and grab some health packs.

I've had so much fun leading the enemy team around on a merry chase like a conga line of fucking retards as my team just sits on the point. It's free fucking wins over and over. And going bananas with the ult is great, leap spam is my jam.

Thank you for reading my blog.


>Play Reinhardt
>Shield up, stomping forward
>Whole enemy team backs up
>Spam "are you afraid to fight me?"

>The skill that would take is so immense

I am laffin m8

>guess I'll play Symmetra for the second time ever for a lark
>get PotG
>it's just a single Reaper walking through my turret nest and then me literally not doing anything else after zapping him to death

that's cute.

I like interacting with the enemy team like that

>Had an amazing play as Symmetra
>Got PoTG
>For some reason the play starts 4 seconds early and shows me using my teleporter and misses half my kills

POTG is half the time just utterly retarded and randomly seems to pick it out of a hat of "someone got some skills with an ultimate.". I've seen so many POTGs that were just "hanzo pressed q and got a double kill".

I enjoy hearing you people cry about him

>get potg with a Dva ult because Zarya ult held them in place
thanks nerd

Turns out the Korean cum plum is a lot more fun than I thought initially.
Still though, she gets one shot by Widow, out tanked by most heroes, her main guns are complete dogshit on distance and close combat is pretty dangerous considering the shit armour. Even her normal handgun is better than her Mech weapons.
She's really fucking great for causing absolute havoc and kicking faggots off a ledge. The charge is pretty effective in general.

>enemies keeping the cart locked down tight
>"I'm going to get ovaltine!"
>team kill together with your teammates
>all of this is seen in Phara's PotG
At least I'll always know what I did for them.

2x Winston is legit terrifying and harder to deal with by pubs than bastion + rein imho

also his hello is the best in game

Not really

idk every game im in now almost everyone knows they can just shoot him all day

like ill just pick junkrat and constantly bombard him with grenades and there's nothing he can do about it

For story fags:

>Overwatch gameplay is an elaborate VR simulation
>The recall to recreate Overwatch brought together a bunch of ex-Overwatch agents that were out of practice when it came to working as a team
>The VR sims are meant to pit them against each other to train their teamwork, coordination, and hone their talent for when they go on real missions together
>Reaper and Widowmaker are just really detailed programs Winston put together so they would be prepared to fight the real Widowmaker and Reaper on the field
>The reason none of the characters take death seriously and comment about it when they respawn is because they know it's a sim and they're treating it like a competition

There will never be a story mode anyway so it's the closest explanation you'll get.

How do wallhacks and no risk bodyshots benefit this game in any way.

How does right click win man even get passed conceptual development.

>people want a competative/ranked match
>with Tracer, McCree and Widowmaker in their current state

You people are in for a rude surprise. The nerfs for those three can't come soon enough.

>Team went full retard and goes attacker/snipers on defense
>Trying my best as lucio to keep them off payload
>Keep getting hooked and mcree'd because no one else is with me
>Swap to genji since its a shit show
>I'm terrible at genji but I may aswell fuck around
>Everyone including the enemy team loses their shit at me
Literally what.

I really like going to their spawn door and spam hello and emote spam. It's great when they do it back.

Thanks, I can feel less guilty then. I am not looking to be super, I know I will never be very good at video games. I am just looking to be a bigger contribution to the team, even if I am pretty sure I am the reason we lose half the time.

>3 american heroes
>2 japanese heroes with another one likely coming
>only 1 chinese hero and 1 korean hero despite both nations holding a huge amount of gamers and esports gaming culture
>no canadian hero
>no african hero yet, but that'll likely be Doomfist
>literally zero arab/mideastern heroes


Great argument

I don't understand why people can't separate the story of the universe and the nonsense that occurs in the gameplay. Didn't shit like Doto and LoL mentally prep people for this sort of disconnect?

I was opening a loot box and got a legendary skin when suddenly I was pulled into a game because I didn't notice my team had queued me. Now I don't have the skin in my equipment. Is Blizzard seriously retarded enough to require you to equip loot box gear or they just delete it?


He's broken and you can't defend him. You're a right click shitter and I can't fucking wait until he's nerfed and you have to aim.

>I'm FORCED to pick Bastion on Anubis
Easiest loss of my life.

>sees this game
>looks fun
>sees price

how is this allowed, especially there are microtransactions.
In the future there even will be new heroes which we have to buy.

Is there at least a good story mode?

I'm not arguing with you

>no african hero yet
Is Egypt no longer part of Africa?

>do poorly on reaper
>start using his teleport to literally *teleports behind u*
>start using his teleport on cooldown in general
>immediately do better
>that fucking shotgun damage when getting into peoples faces
>making hanzo and widow switch out
>drop down and kill 4 people as they come out of spawn

at last I truly see

definitely favorite thing to do before the match starts. Feels like you're actually playing against people.

I asked this before but never checked back to see the replies, when you're faced with another heroes shield like Reinhardts shield, Mei's ice wall, or even Winstons shield. Is it worth shooting at them to break it? Shooting their shields gives them points which gives me the impression you want to avoid doing that but maybe I'm missing something.

Literally why I switch to Bastion when a team is having a really hard time against us and manage to make it to the last checkpoint. SHUT DOWWWWN.


The game just came out and wasn't going for the full saturday morning cartoon diversity package
The fact that it turns away shitters like you is more than enough

@143534879 (u)

if someone didn't want to aim they'd just play support or tank

I don't care, I'm not defending him you sensitive moron. I enjoy clicking on people, and hearing people whine about him just makes it even better.

>enemy team about to push onto last point
>at a standoff for a good amount of time
>finally hit overtime
>reaper on ledge about to jump off
>could easily snipe him and prevent him from popping ult
>i just want the match to end so i can get my exp and open a box
>turn around

I want to run my hands over a sweaty and flustered Soldier 76's abs.