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- Update 1.1.6 now available for download!
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Burger King assist trophy when?
3st for exhibit the ribbit
my favorite melee set is when he was 6-0'd by m2k
Pls don't die
I NEED a sissy bf to play Smash with.
Anyone want to apply? I have both versions.
I just wanted to know who to avoid
Thanks, faggot
I've been dumping my smash game to used custom skins and it's been 3 hours already, how long does this shit usually take?
Anther's ranked has made me absolutely hate online play.
Fuck people who abuse lag.
Anthers is cancer, even /ssbg/ is better place to find matches
Who is the best /ikemain/bando of this general? Falkore or Horneaus?
angry kid
switched to corrin
It took me about 5 hours at around 850 kb/s. Just hang in there.
I'm incapable of getting better.
I've been playing the game for over a year now, and I still get bodied.
I give up. I really just give up.
How bodied do you get?
Do you get this bodied?
No. FG win rate isn't a good metric of a person's skill.
I'm talking about Anther's ranked and local matches.
>FG win rate isn't a good metric of a person's skill.
No shit.
Usually when people complain about being bad though it's because they keep losing in FG.
I just don't see many people getting upset about being bad over Anthers matches and whatnot.
They usually just bitch about how broken the top tier characters they don't use are instead.
>They usually just bitch about how broken the top tier characters they don't use are instead.
Why would anyone complain about that?
I'm playing online against mid-level players at best. Character MUs barely come into play outside of knowing the basic idea of what you should be doing in that specific MU.
>Why would anyone complain about that?
'cause they don't want to admit they're bad.
Usually people that are still playing FG aren't serious enough about the game for admitting that they're bad at it to affect their ego all that much.
I guess it's just easier to shrug it off and get over it when you haven't really put in too much time or gotten serious enough to go looking for games against people specifically aiming to play competitively.
any advice for mewtwo vs villager matchup? I'm having a tough time dealing with villager due to the danger of using shadow ball, which I keep at a low level, but I feel that I need a good advice on how to approach in general
just don't throw fully charged shadow balls
do it like abadango and use it for spacing mostly
What kinda fetish is this? Making girls sit and wait for birds to shit on them?
>wait for birds to shit on them?
It's a joke about staying frosty while playing dipshit, didn't you see the cake?
Sheik is a cute cute CUTE girl!!
Kokonoe, Rosie, and Cake!
Palutena and Lucina!
Nintendo girls are not to be sexualized.
Shut up and eat your hamburgers Apollo.
Would anyone like to play?
They're all pure!
I can play later tonight but not right now
>Charizard is bad
Someone explain this maymay
Post mains
I'm getting mad at an autistic furfag game for autistic furfag children
>that completely out of place Kirby
le funny webcomic face
>not dorpsbewoner
Why use foreign names if you aren't gonna use the good ones?
Who has the best MU against diddy as of now?
SNK rep when
As soon as I get a femboy or trap boyfriend, I.e., never.
who do you main
Lucas and Ness
Palutena and Shulk, too.
is it impossible to increase falcon's bulge?
just for laughs haha
This just looks retarded
Fucking disgusting.
>tfw your mains aren't good enough for a bf
Most likely yes
>suck at smash
>really suck at smash
>less than 10% on For Glory
>grind 50+ matches
>now around 15%
mfw that sweet sweet progress
Though I don't feel like I'm any better and I probably just got lucky coming up against equally shit players
>less than 10% on For Glory
how the fuck
Good games Pankeki, awesome Mii sword!! I gotta go, lets play more later!
>fight someone with not-your-main
>they use your main
>switch to your main
>they switch to a horrible match up
>get mad
kill myself any time
For the NX port, aside having all the dlc included, would they add exclusive content a la Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin? Like new modes or exclusive fighters?
Anyone want to play?
My NNID is Sakuyadorf
>page 10
Quick, give me some sick custom tracks for smash!
can anyone give me some (you) i'm feeling very bad tonight
need one more for dubs, please respond
NNID KupopoCrash
Sent :^)
hosting in a minute
>lets get rid of Fox's jab infinite jab shit
>but not Luma's
Fucking wonderful hope Rosa gets removed in Smash5 or some huge ass nerf
I'm playing with the gamepad. Plus I don't think I've ever pulled off a combo of more than 2.
I use to play with the gamepad that's no excuse.
fuck off it's the best excuse I have
Do you have any advise on how to improve, other than just grinding matches?
Start by not making excuses. Saving replays also helps.
Sorry about that, dubs anons. I legitimately was having major controller issues. I'll leave after this.
IIRC Gamepad and Pro Controller are slightly better than Gamecube due to the shoulder buttons.
I play with my 3DS as a controller and still have never dropped below 50% lmoa
they got a small delay that increases a lot if there is a cellphone near you
>bullying the new guy
LoL has a more welcoming community than you faggots
And the GC controller has better face button and C stick placement. Depending on which you value more, they both have their pros and cons.
>Top tier in every single Smash game he's been in
Why is he so perfect?