Mental steps edition
Mental steps edition
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>people keep crying about LB when ryze is a thing
Does anyone have any tips for a returning player? It's been a good few years but I still prefer playing top
>people cry about negative ratio champs at all.
They're literally trying to help you win.
>lose a game to someone literally just walking way too far forward and getting maokai W'd
>he didnt even have to flash or speed up he just pressed W
>it was a fucking ezreal
Why are there no Syndrafags?
because like her personality, shes garbage.
We have Illouifags, that's no excuse.
>You're not seeing diamond borders in silver 5
Not that guy, but can confirm. I was Silver 5 myself as well and I distinctly recall having a Tryndamere on my team with a Diamond border. This was about a month ago. With Dynamic Q and all it's really not hard to believe.
Post the rest...
>tfw the new Nid splashes reawaken your maid fetish
just wish these games had more customization for faces
Dynamic queue won't let a Plat player and a silver queue together. Dynamic queue is not the root of this. Placement matches, maaaaybe. I just am not seeing it though.
I'm only a Plat player but with what I can do to a silver game, you'd think a diamond would have a supremely obnoxious score that you would've screenshotted.
I'm just not buying it
because she is fat, FAT!
Christian imageboard
He's not going to believe you user. He stuck in the matrix.
Spoke too late.
There is me
I forgot how fun Vi is!!
Their boarder is not an indicator of their current rank.mmr.
Then shit, link the source or give me a name of the source.
Why am I so attracted to this champion?
No chucklefucks, I don't mean sexually. I mean, her kit doesn't work and fucks over itself. She is underpowered as hell, and her designer is a chucklefuck that will never fix her. But I keep playing her, even though I know half the games I lose I would be curbstomping if I just picked LeBlanc there.
She is fun in a odd way. In a "this champion totally fucking sucks but god damn that Quinn used E over my field and killed her self from 50% HP fuck that was cool" way.
>le spoonfeed
> those tanlines
Feed me mommy.
>Thank you kind user.
I'm aware. It is an indicator of their skill last season which is an indicator of their skill this year assuming they stuck with the game.
You'd think with so many people having it happen to them someone would just post proof so I could come out of this computer I live in and have my brain explode.
>Why am I so attracted to this champion?
you never had a girlfriend when you were younger
vayne is CUTE!
vayne needs buffs!
>You'd think with so many people having it happen to them someone would just post proof so I could come out of this computer I live in and have my brain explode.
Have you bothered to google it? It's kind of turning into a pretty common problem.
I salute you. Where all the good art at?
i like syndra a lot but honestly i'm tired of riot purposefully keeping her shit for 1 year and 4 months and counting AND STILL NOT FIXING HER FUCKING BUFFS
i've kinda given up on her
It's not attraction he feels. He wants to be a father.
how come every single new character has to have a "game changing ability" thats retardedly shallow whilst somehow also being needlessly complex (Bard,Taric,Kindred,Taliyah im looking at you pieces of shits) seriously just compare those over the top nonsense ults to something like Gangplank ult or Aurelion sol ult or Vayne ult that are simple yet effective
why does Riot CONTSANTLY reuses and recodes exsisting abilities either out of laziness or sheer incompetence (but theyll say m-muh CODE!)
look at how the new Zyra passive is literally just illaoi passive . Notice how because they took the easy way out of this "rework" non of Zyras old problems are solved and she's still total shit not worth picking up?
look at how Annie uses the same ammo system Jhin has (why the fuck couldnt they have just made her glow bright red/orange??)
how come both Graves AND Jhin use the same reload mechanic and ? shits fucking LAZY.
Next look at how unpolished the updates are.
Out of the all the Marksmen update only like 4 Marksmen are viable.
Jinx needs a massive revamp and role switched from late game hyper carry to mid-late game base buster
Caitlyn needs to remain THE GO TO ranged carry. stop letting so many others outrange a fucking SNIPER. Jhin was the last straw honestly.
corki got dumpstred with nerfs
Varus is still a ar pen poke machine even though they keep trying to goad players into using his trash W passive.
Sivir still has godawful scaling and is ONLY good for her ult and wave pushing
Kalista single-handedly broke the game and STILL hasnt been reworked( protip REMOVE THE FUCKING ULT AND W)
Riot still refuses to rework the more unfun and problematic champions like Katarina Zed,Yasuo,Rengar,
Almost all the Itemization is fucking horrible imba
CDR has been trivialized as hitting 40% CDr is fucking nothing
the melee update made way for some unholy fusion of hyper damage dealing AND being tanky enough to outlast glass cannons tank Yi,Yasuo
What does Lilypichu look like? is she actually qt or is the weeaboo voice all a ruse?
>ridiculous self-peel
>no skill shots
>insanely mobile
>stealth for no reason
>best tank melter in the game
Nah, fuck that cunt.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>zyra is total shit and not worth picking up
Dont you ever fucking insult bard again you dog.
I have a few
>ridiculous self-peel
not even the best among ADs
>no skill shots
if she had skillshots she'd be better
>insanely mobile
in the age of lucian and ezreal both having 40% CDR, not nearly as much
>stealth for no reason
one second
>best tank melter in the game
not even top 3
she is 3/10 asian at best
>in the age of lucian and ezreal both having 40% CDR, not nearly as much
This. Give her fucking tumble the ability to go over walls (just that) and she'll probably see reasonable play.
She's a fucking assassin... yet can't set up sneak attacks like ALL OTHER ASSASSINS.
tanlines are the best
worry not she's still brown and has cute brown inverted nipples
wish there was a way to give her the shape of nidalee's default outfit for the tanlines
Not enough Syndra art in the world, unfortunately.
>not even top 3
I'm curious to know what your top 3 tank melters look like.
So /lolg/ recently i've discovered im good at thresh.
Yes i know thresh is just a good champion, but i have a 80% win rate over 32 matches and get an s almost every time
I am climbing ranks faster than ever, but im afraid if i keep going i wont be able to play my main role (jungle) in the elo im in.
Has anyone else had experience with being a filthy one trick?
I wish League had a burly man with a minigun like tychus from Hots.
Instead we get some "xD Randumb" girl
Why do people build firecannon instead of statikk on Jhin? If he will always have IE as well, then that's a a significant damage loss. I don't think the extra range is that crucial, it's pretty high by default.
>Ranged Udyr.
kog is best
vayne is good at tank-killing but her short ass range and needing long uptime to deal damage make her worse
caitlyn will end up killing tanks faster at full build by virtue of how completely ridiculous her dps is
ditto for azir
silver bolts are overrated, very overrated
>54% wr supp
>53% wr mid
you a shit
You lost me there
>hanzo afk in a corner
>spamming arrow until ult is up
>waits for people to group up at payload
>ults through 5 walls
xdd nice game blizzard
You walk into your room and see this. She tells you she's entirely at your service and calls you master.
What do you do?
I know right
so how do i really play jhin? agressive? passive? do i just sit my ass farming all day or can i go all in early?
>so how do i really play jhin?
Take mental steps back
Had no reason to Google it before you mentioned. Googled it. Found nothing. Just you silver shitters continuing to lie.
There's a lot of shit wrong with your post but I'm going to pick out
>jhin and Graves use the same ammo system.
They dont. Graves starts reloading after every shot. Jhin only reloads after his fourth.
riot are so fucking lazy and they don't want to break their game with even more spaghetti code that's why they just reuse old code for "new" abilities that are really just old abilities with new animations
why does death recap not tell you exactly which keys your opponent pressed to kill you? why does a little replay of the battle not happen right after you die? because riot are fucking lazy, and also incompetent, that's why their game has a million bugs they refuse or are unable to fix (like yasuo)
Those flip-flops are triggering me...
he has a really strong lanephase you just have to be really careful about kill lanes
you want to zone with fourth shot as much as possible and control the wave with Q so it's pushing but only slightly (so they lose trades but you aren't sitting under tower all day)
very few people can stand up to jhins damage early on
don't bother taking traps early on, do qwqw for a bit of an extra root. especially good if you have a support to combo
She's a dwarflike asian with indonesian tan. The typical wife lol "pros" get really. qtpis Lesha is much better looking if you require a comparison. So ... yeah, lily is pretty garbo.
I dont want to be a caster anymore. This game sucks. I wish Blizzard would hire me.
stop reminding me my tax return still hasn't come and i can't buy overwatch yet REEEEEEE
Is youtube banned in your country?
Meant to link the Sorry
It's like people don't like thighs or something
>which keys your opponent pressed to kill you?
why would you need to record that information at all?
Don't bother is a boring as fuck game with a ubercancerous community.
I had forgotten how fun Vi was until about a month ago.
Fisting people to death while they can't even fight back is the best.
>Tank Vi
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
That's a shame, any pics though, still curious
>combine tokens to advance in your mastery
My butt hole is literally ruined. I am never eating tacos again. fuck just kill me
>Don't bother is a boring as fuck game with a ubercancerous community.
So...League of Legends?
graves reloads every 2 shots actually
when not hitting for a while at 1 pellet, he will reload automatically, jhin also does this after 10 seconds without hitting anything
rfc is not bad on jhin, before ie the damage of rfc and shiv are actually pretty close to each other due to jhins crit penalty. even after the difference is around 60 damage (assuming shiv crits), assuming 70% crit shiv's avg damage will be 193 and rfc's will always be 160. of course shiv is aoe and shit.
since jhin hits slowly and moves a lot, the RFC range is more meaningful. if you attack 4 times in 5 seconds compared to an AD carry that attacks 10 times in 5 seconds, then one auto with more range is more meaningful. jhin also hits really hard, so he can surprise people with a 700 range crit later on.
both have their places
pd is the best either way
I'm not that guy and that would be overboard but an accurate death recap would be extremely helpful. Just have it have the normal one and then have a little "advanced" tab you can click on to bring up the full report.
I want mastery 7 but i'm not getting jewed this time, i know better know.
I want to go swimming in lulu
>look at Nidalee and she seems fun
>decide to try her out since she's free
>cool ass moveset and fun as fuck
>probably the single most monotonous and unfun early jungle clears I've ever experienced
Holy fuck, arsed with going through that shit every match, that's far too much fucking effort for clearing compared to others. The fuck were they thinking.
>literally everyone but adc playing with teleport the last 15 games
Worse. People in league at least try to communicate.
Overwatch players are either too young or too bad to want to do that and even if they did, they're still hopeless.
Literally Polygon's Doom demonstration level of FPS skills.
And Blizzard wants to make this an esport, fucking hilarious. Stardew Valley can probably muster up more comp players.
Why are you still playing this shit game? Its done. Overwatch has killed LoL.
>tfw don't want to get mastery 7 because purple is prettier than blue
Best part is they're making it harder next patch
Graves reload is the same at 1 bullet or 0 isn't it? I don't think there's any delay. I don't play Graves but my jungle duo plays him a shit ton and that's what it looks like.
Xth for random Vlad fanart
her early clears are one of the reasons i like her so much actually
even clearing takes effort with her, it's nice and keeps you on your toes
after you complete the first jungle item and have QWE shit is braindead though
easier though since you don't have to bother about using pounces well since now it's just shit for everybody
based riot balance :^)
>Worse. People in league at least try to communicate.
you mean to shit on each other? im seeing people in diamond and above constantly and heavily use the ignore function. the lower you go into lower elo the worse this gets. the community sucks, dont deny it
>why does death recap not tell you exactly which keys your opponent pressed to kill you?
Why would you ever need this? Are you fucking retarded
lane her as a "support" :^)
no, his full reload is like 2s, he has a small animation inbetween autos but it's much faster to shoot, his reload cannot be less than 1.25 seconds
hi i play bard and thresh and im shit at both, what supports can i play to have fun and also win games?
A shame indeed. I am more sad about her current state in the game though, her ult bug makes her nearly unplayable.
taric, blitz and mundo
>tfw want to go cleaver on Ashe because one autoattack applies it fully
>ghostblade cleaver memebuild doesn't work on her
>cleaver after her regular build overcaps CDR by 10%
at least it would clear up her boots to get zerkers
does her ult still get a tremendous boost from muramana or did they fix that?
Morg and Ali
That's not as bad as you'd think.
Better than the deafening silence of Overwatch that's for sure.
And I don't consider being passionate about winning a bad trait. At least by the whining in chat you can see who is most passionate about winning.
Overwatch players are basically bots. If you put them through an AI test they'll probably fail it.
What ulti bug
Become a master worthy of her.
lick her feet obv