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lmgtfy.com/?q= how to kill myself

I want to marry Roadhog

I'm going to marry D.Va!

>there are people that think the "pro meta" means jack shit to their shitty quick play pubs

first for i'm this close to playing only in premades with other top 100 players such as myself, matchmaking is becoming unbearable

I want Roadhog to marry Junkrat and live happily ever after

How to fix overwatch:

>add proper tickrates
>Give Tracer a 15 HP shield
>Give Zenyatta a 25 HP boost
>Remove D.Va slowdown and reduced distance damage falloff by 25%
>Heal mercy 0.5 HP for each second shes connected to someone
>Reduce Bastion Magazine size by half, increase reload speed by 30%
>add a forbidden area in front of every spawn on attack/defend maps to avoid spawncamping
>reduce mcree flashbang duration by 1.5 seconds, remove 1 bullet from magazine size
>Reduce roadhog damage taken to the head and slightly decrease ultimate buildup when hitting him
>Reduce Widowmaker fully charged body hit damage by 40 points
>Reduce hanzo body hit damage by half and add a 5 second bleed that deals 50 damage

ilya is great

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail


Guys how do I get as gud as this player?

>finally got my first legendary skin
>then got another
>I don't even play S76
I play this game almost exclusively for the characters with actual projectiles. Goddamn.

tfw this game isfun________as__________fuck

nerf widow
fix roadhog
implement proper netcode
nerf healers into the ground so that they're not required anymore
mcree rightclick cut in half

If I get one more fucking loot box that gives me 3 sprays and an icon, I'm actually going to lose my shit.

>there are people that think company sponsored "professional game scene" matters at all
It's just a fucking marketing campaign for gaymer gear and literal doritos and dew, it's not something people do for the spirit of fair competition.
Enjoy your hacks.

>Give Zenyatta a 25 HP boost
You'd have to nerf him slightly in some other way first.

best heroes reporting in

>it's a zenyatta thinks he can be the only support episode

Bastion and zenyatta cats when?

I want to be Junkrat





Please look forward to it

>its a your teammates run in front of your reinhardt shield and die episode

tfw when on top 10 on masteroverwatch for genji

Are you me?


who is the best overwatch streamer and why is it a_seagull?

Rate supports in order of most useful to least useful.


Mercy = Zenyatta

Mercy's ult is good, but I feel like Zenyatta is more useful because it's better for your team not to die in the first place. Also, he can heal and debuff while still attacking at range, whereas mercy can't. Also, I don't know if it's just bad luck, but every mercy player I've encountered so far just follows around one player on our team in healbeam mode constantly, then pops her res on one fucking player who immediately dies a second time and simply feeds the other team more ulti charge, and otherwise she does absolutely fucking nothing for us, whereas even complete shitter tier zenyattas will at least get a few kills and help us win an objective with tranquility.

I understand leaving mid match repeatedly is poor sportsmanship, but leaving after a round should not be an issue.
When/how can you leave without being punished?

me desu

>he actually thinks the game needs immediate fixing/balancing
confirmed for bad


Zenyatta's ult is better but he's dogshit the rest of the time with no heals.
Lucio is overrated and meta fags should kill themselves.

Don't actually post changes when you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Remove McCree 6 Shooter revolver turn it into a 5 shot and give him reduced cooldown so he will be used as a fan the hammer bot exclusively
>Make picking off a mercy when she's with her team impossible
>Add a forbidden area because I'm bad and they're going to farm me
>Reduce the resident snipers damage to do less than Hanzo's damage, even though snipers are among the harder heros to play
>Split up Hanzo's damage for no reason except to make it easier to heal

Holy shit

tfw some games I play Genji incredibly well and other games it's like I've never played a video game in my life

What the fuck is wrong with me.

It's pretty high, but the spread is ridiculous so it's only high if you are almost touching the enemy.

>Hes a D.VA main
>he tries to make people believe shes good
>mfw shes arguably the weakest hero in the game and even tracer can easily kill her

Why is Genji's ult so weak? Who ever heard of a katana taking 2 hits to finish off a person?

It's like Blizzard never watched glorious animu or samurai movies.


I was considering trading some games in for a battle.net gift card at gamestop to get this. Is it really worth the 40 bucks?

>you will never rub Widowmaker's shiny belly

>believing the game is completely balanced
Here's your (YOU)

The only change I want is for junkrats trap to not be invisible

If you need to ask that question it's not for you

git gud

It actually does.

McCree, Widow, Double Winston, Double healers, etc is as powerful in pubs as it is in comp.

it's because of the diferent enemy heroes

do yourself a favor
stop posting
and check this link
lmgtfy.com/?q= how to kill myself

Charging is so much fun.

Doing the same with Reinhardt
On some games I'm a walking hulk of devastation pushing the advantage as far as camping in front of the enemy's spawn, and in some games I can't even shieldbot the payload correctly without dying to stupid shit like Mei

>Play Roadhog
>See Mei's expression of shock, confusion, and then pain as you hook and kill her
This really turns me on

For me its playing Torb and I land some rivet shots like I'm aim botting and other games I shoot like Saul in Pineapple Express.

maybe you should look down sometime tracer


These are some hilariously bad changes actually.

>squishing the mei at the end

I'm surprised the wall wasn't covered with lard and whale fat afterwards

>finding out some of the sprays require achievements

>join game right as it ends
>get put on the losing team
>get a loss and lowered stats on my record

How much damage does Reinhardt's charge do?

People beleiving the pro-meta is so well established that it has literally found the ultimate unbeatable team composition ever.

Metafags don't obsess over what is good, only what is bad.

They are the people who leave the game when someone picks a hero that "isn't viable in competitive" like Mei or Roadhog. They are the worst fucking shits and I hoped I was done with them after quitting dota

13-23 W/L for a 36% winrate, and I don't plan on stopping.
No waifu no laifu.

>tfw have 300 overwatch dollars
>tfw level 16
>tfw the 2 main skins i want right now are tracer's posh skin (white and gold) and widowmaker's huntress skin (her black suit legendary)
>tfw tracer's is 250 and widow maker's is 1000
>tfw i can't decide what to do

help me family


Please tell me you got play of the game with that

I don't mind if they buff her, I just don't want people to cry about her being OP when I push their shit in.

So Symmetra being a genuine autist is a thing

how could tracer possibly kill d.va?

>that hero you tried once, failed miserably and vowed to never play it again
What's her name?

Reminder that double tank double support is staple most of the time and everyone should get used to this

flip a coin 3 times

Save it for the more expensive one. You'll hate yourself in the long run if you sell yourself short because loot boxes come more and more infrequently since levels take longer.

It's kinda ambiguous

I manage an LSHIFT+E 95% of the time that happens.

Why is Reinhardt's attack so weak? Who ever heard of a massive two-handed rocket-propelled hammer taking 3 hits to finish off a person?

...And the correct answer to the only needed balance change that needs to happen is:


So that you aren't dead on your opponents screen, whilst you successfully evaded on your screen

>Winstons pixel spray - destroy 10 traps in one life

why are some of the achievements piss easy and others fucking impossible?

It's not a big deal, but it does explain her obsession with making things orderly.

>forced pro scene that blizzard pays for
tf2's pro scene never really caught on, why would watered down tf2 do any better?

>muh stats

It's because you are bad and can only win when the enemy team is even worse.

Well it could be worse, this game does nothing but throw Symmetra skins at me

>get a decent team
>we win
>suddenly I'm on the absolutely retarded shitter team


here's your (you)
now go away cuck

Why traps? That's kinda random.

>fighting fire with ice

+++ commended
but also muted and repotd for feeding

If she is it's very slight because one of the first things to go with autism is empathy, It's shown that while Symmetra does have a bit of a superior attitude she isn't without empathy.

I genuinely think they added that as a single throwaway sentence in order to simply be more inclusive, which is frankly disgusting.

She doesn't appear on the spectrum at all.

You realize the point of stats is not to jerk off over, but to help you improve and self analyze... right?

About 300

It was my other charge but it wasn't nearly as good.

>Hello this is tech support, how can I help you

>Two Widowmakers
>On Attack

>nerf healers into the ground so that they're not required anymore

Finally someone gets it. Double healer is the biggest imbalance in the game right now.

It turns the game into SC2. Just get all your guys in a big group and crash it into the other big group of guys and hope you somehow win.

Support should be there to keep the team topped off and to give the team precious utility and buffs. They shouldn't be there to give everyone bullshit EHP.


okay wait


with a scattergun instead of pistols

To be fair, allied traps are fully visible, where enemy traps are 100% invisible except for a foot sized trigger pad, and a few steel teeth sticking 2 inches out of the ground.

Will Symmetra ever not be a joke pick?

literally every team should have 2 lucios

How could D.Va possibly kill Tracer? Best case I force Tracer to run away.

>>reduce mcree flashbang duration by 1.5 seconds, remove 1 bullet from magazine size

it currently lasts for 0.7 seconds so you want to make the enemy stunned for -0.8 seconds somehow?