Can you honestly blame the man for trying?

Can you honestly blame the man for trying?

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


Niggas always trying to reinvent the wheel instead of doing something that works.

Just imitate the US or UK, and your country will probably turn out okay.

you think there is a place for 3 or 4 US or UKs in the world?

You really think the US is a role model to emulate?

Look at Meiji Era Japan: France and Prussia.

You can when it involves millions dying of starvation and then purging anyone who even politely tells you that it's not not working please let's try something else. Mao is what happens when you let Cartman from Southpark run a country.


The US system of government is a fucking mess, and literally nothing else is either unique or good enough to warrant emulation.

>I know, why don't we imitate countries who either turned into fascists or got conquered by fascists

Brah, the UK is still on the parliamentary system they installed in 1689.

France is on their fifth republic since they created the first one, which was a hundred years after the British.

If you're going to be a hipster, at least pick a good country like Switzerland or the Netherlands or something.

Well no, I'm specifically talking about the French model of education and the Prussian military model.

Both the best at the time, and the Frenh model of education still widely used today.

The British parliamentary model is a mess. No written constitution, and it's barely changed since WWI anyway. It's why the country is about to either break up or move to federalisation.

And, it should be pointed out, whilst the system is still basically the same as it was in the 17th century that it was subject to massive, massive reform between the 1830s and WWI.

I don't know if you know this, but essentially every democracy on the planet uses either the Westminster system or the US system.

And I must remind you, that both the US and British systems have gone from their inception to present day without a single coup de etat, revolution, or foreign conquest, a span of 327 years for the UK and 227 for the US.

I defy you to tell me that Mao wouldn't have done better if he had attempted to apply these lessons instead of his own masturbatory garbage.

How could anyone let this freak of nature rule a country?

An awful lot of former British dominions use the UK parliamentary system, and granted, the massive problems facing the UK constitutionally and politically are fairly unique to the UK's political culture, chiefly a complete refusal towards reformation that came in following WWI and the loss of empire, most likely out of fear things will somehow get worse, I'd imagine.

As for the US system of government, it's a complete mess which led to Civil war after less than a hundred years, wide scale public dissatisfaction after WWII continuing to this day, a complete government shutdown, an impeachment, a resignation pre-empting a guaranteed impeachment and the complete affront to democracy that was Edgar J. Hoover's iron rule of the FBI all in living memory.

As for countries which use a system similar to the US system, it's really only South Korea, most of South America, Kazakhstan, Iran and sub-Saharan African countries; none of which are particularly impressive it must be said.

None of Europe, other than Belarus, uses it and India (the world's largest democracy) doesn't use it.

>freak of nature

Dude what, Asians bald like crazy once they hit their 40s. I had a group of middle Korean tourists in my town last week and they all had JUST level hair (the men at least).

> The British parliamentary model is a mess
Nonsense. One of the most stable, democracies in the world.

> No written constitution
Don't need one. Common Law is a superior system.

> about to either break up or move to federalisation.
It won't happen. And if it does, the English parliament is still the English parliament.

>Don't need one. Common Law is a superior system.

The Romans figured out this meme was bullshit back in 450BC. Why are the English still not able to do the same.

>It won't happen.

Veeky Forums said that about Brexit.

Are you actually trying to argue that Anglo governments are unstable compared to other government types?

I'm not even mad, this is great.

And whilst the system may be stable, in Britain itself this has turned to stagnation.

Reform has been avoided like the plague since WWI. In fact, it's likely that without the War Britain would have federalised decades ago.

>Have no idea how economics and agriculture works
>Still start idiotic projects that ofc failed and literally killed millions of people so fast he made a world record

>Most likely one of the most disgusting men to walk this earth.


Unstable? No.


In the case of the US system, no, it's shithouse.

As for the UK system, I guess there's nothing inherently wrong with the system, it's just that in the UK itself it comes with a lot of baggage that just makes it clunky and completely stuck in the mid 1800s.

As for comparison, I'd say that German federalism seems to work best, although it depends on what kind of country you've got.

The UK system as is is horrible at dealing with a country comprising of several distinct nations and cultures who, rather naturally, want a degree of self governance. Which is precisely what the UK currently has.

The UK system seems more suited to more nationally homogenous countries like Australia and Canada.

To be frank, this has been a completely pointless argument, because I was comparing the US and UK to Maoist China, and literally anything beats Maoist China.

But yeah, the actual best system is the Nordic model, by a huge margin.

Lol nigga, you think developing countries haven't been trying and failing at this for decades?

The United States and UK both benefited from geographic isolation, roughly homogeneous voting busy, lots of flat and fertile terrain, and freedom from debt and international corporate exploitation.

The vast majority of the time, mimicking the US does not work. If you try democracy before you've got liberalism, it's very easy for reactionaries or theocrats to take control of you try liberalism before you've got democracy, debilitating corruption is almost inevitable.

Perhaps most importantly, developing countries lack the same freedom to experiment and manage their own affairs. If a third of your GDP is handled by a single American corporation, it's going to be pretty fucking difficult to seriously enact economic or democratic reforms. Left nationalists like Chavez or Allende tried to assert their countries' independence by seizing assets held by foreign corporations, but if your citizenry lacks a critical mass of honest and competent people to take the corporation's place, your economy is going to fail.

What you're saying is the international relations equivalent to, "Why can't a homeless man get a job and stop being poor?" Every developing country has pondered or attempted what you're suggesting, and it very rarely works.

>just emulate a unique country with practically an entire continent to itself

Huh, really makes you think


>As for the US system of government, it's a complete mess which led to Civil war after less than a hundred years,

As opposed to all those other burdening democracies that descended into Civil War in five days?

>UK system
>nothing inherently wrong
>party can have 24% of the vote and receive no seats due to districting

he should have just gone with five year plans from the start
stalin should have told him who was boss, too

Nationally homogeneous. Canada. Pick one.

Eplain to me the nordic model.