Best girl of resets edition
Best girl of resets edition
xth for depression
xth for evening sadness
Crit needs to be removed as a stat and turned into something else desu. That's the only way this ADC scaling crisis is ever going to be solved.
But if they didnt scale into late game monsters but start out weak, what would be their point? Just put another melee or mage there instead
I feel as if Shaco is an absurdly strong pick in the mid and top lanes. /lolg/, can you tell me why I'm shit and why Shaco should not lane?
If it works for you, why should you stop playing it?
He wins lane against nobody. Have fun against azir or even darius though.
He has no waveclear.
He's useful as a jungle because the enemy has no idea where he is and his stealth just makes him AIDS.
It relies on your opponent not understanding how to play against him. Kinda like how off-meta picks work sometimes. If they've seen it before or can adapt during the game, the pick is useless. It's essentially cheese.
Xth for VxV
>ten minutes old
>six posts
ded gem
>Another day of no Leona in competitive play
I can feel the gimmick rework coming
The Champ
The tracker is fucked for some reason
Doesn't make sense either, it should be able to pick this thread up.
>hehe I am picking Talyiah xd
Fuck you if you've reached level 2 or higher on her.
You've already intentionally fed every single game of those.
Best girl.
Best eyes.
Best wife.
Leona has never really made a splash in competitive outside of Yellowstar playing her
She's kind well, binary as support go. It comes down to a question of why play her when you could pick Alistar or Braum instead?
I'm mastery 7 on her. Does this upset you?
>projecting this hard
my waifu's better than yours
>win game
>99 lp
I find myself doing pretty good on average with her, but it can turn bad really quick against certain enemies like Vayne. Less mobile adc's are fun to W into death.
Works for pink ward
>88.7% BAN RATE
swain is objectively stronger in every way
zed still has 49% win rate
most zed bans are salt he really isn't a problem
I don't even play zed
I won't deny that she probably needs a little something to stay competitive with other champs barring a significant skill difference, but at the same time all she'd "need" would be fairly minor buff
like let her passive stack for reduced total damage so that she at least retains something if she has to chain spells too quickly for someone to follow up, maybe let it ramp up to full damage value by a later level. Let the higher Mpen value work off sunlight procs. Maybe make Zenith Blade behave like Twisted Advance in that nothing could touch Leona during the travel time.
he's above 90% in korea i think
I actually love it.
>this nigger actually thinks that Swain is better
Good! I love Taliyah!
fuck riot
xth for breast waifu
Not next patch, but soon. Here's what will happen, people will hear about zed nerfs and stop banning him. His win rate right now is artificially lowered because the only times he isn't banned is when the enemy knows they're going to counterpick him, so when his ban rate goes down his win rate will increase. People will go crazy because he got nerfed and got 'stronger' so the patch after he'll be over 90%. Screencap this, I'm from the future.
Fuck off underage cancer.
Whats with all the 13 year olds getting banned/restricted today
5% represent. Why is league so dead set on oppressing the minorities in their playerbase?
>tfw your main gets a limiter slapped on because some committee decided it
Edge wins, right guys?
>literally first line of the logs
>"kys kids"
o i am laffin
Spectating, get ready for be bullied.
if you never have a teamfight
> shaco
Not a chance
Are there any champions in LoL that fit the description of: Serial killer that is nothing short of evil incarnate but look and sound sane outside of their murderous exploits to be even more frightening?
This opinion is stupid as shit.
will he ever get a update or rework?
All League characters are colorful and distinct. Nobody looks ordinary.
>Up against Top Shaco as Morde
>"Ah shit this is gonna be annoying what the fuck do I even do"
>Realize he has no fucking waveclear if he can't setup boxes ahead of time
>Shove his shit in relentlessly and fuck him under tower
>If the jungler even thinks of coming I can just 2v1 in my creepwave because Shaco is so low
>Flame horizon him 21 minutes into the game.
>not knowing about permaban kassadong back in s4
I like your stacking Sunlight procs idea, but I don't think that'd be the change she needs. As she is right now she's just not very good as a disengage champion compared to those two, and only really shining on offense doesn't feel that attractive in a world where 5 man teleport ganks are fairly standard. The simple (and frankly, lazy as fuck) solution would be to give her a slow on her W or her sunlight procs.
>Maybe make Zenith Blade behave like Twisted Advance in that nothing could touch Leona during the travel time.
I thought it worked like that already?
>when you're Sona support and you outdamage everyone else on your team
malz did too much damage, it was toxic, also %damage on mages is anti-fun :^)
>toxic rager who can't control their own emotional outbursts
if you want to call yourself that, sure
Are the Nid splashes in 1080p resolution somewhere?
He still has %HP damage
>can't land E
>spamming spells that don't even hit
great supporting
can't even help lucian in lane
wasn't my idea, someone else suggested partial loss > total loss when I mentioned letting it simply stack for individual proccing purposes
she needs to have drawbacks, giving her a free slow on top of her stun/briefroot/ult would be too much. You ever tried stormraider surge on her? Works wonders.
>I thought it worked like that already
Tornado, Flay and Stand Aside say hello.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Sona is more """support""" like the Brands and Annies. Her no skill Qing does more damage than the adc until late, unless the Sona also went a lot of AP.
yeah on a 60 second cooldown. null zone had a very high uptime
speaking of stormraider surge, I don't think sunlight procs help proc it? They should, but I don't think riot's spaghetti could handle it.
when i press my wrist area from under my hand starts shaking like crazy
this only happens on my mouse hand
did i fuck up my nerves?
There is no greater satisfaction than completing lich bane, ludens, and deathcap on sona and deleting the enemy adc with one q+auto
movement speed aura to herself/teammates for the duration of W
it's thematic because speed of light or something
basic attacks apply a sunlight proc on a cd
you're getting RSI. you have to stop using your hand like NOW, buy a hand brace, and do some ergonomics research
Leona becomes untargetable but not immune.
I think it has alot to do with trying to send a message to Riot
I dont think I've ever seen a universal "NERF THIS FUCKING CHAMPION" more than Zed recently by simply banning him, making him perma-banned similar to Rengar/Kassadin
By doing this, Riot (supposedly) will get the message to nerf him, but knowing how stupid they are, especially on the balance team's track record this year, they'll give him a light slap on the wrist and call it a day until people do this shit again when Zed could easily be fixed by either nerfing his waveclear slightly so he doesn't become "Kill for 30 minutes and then split push" or dropping his energy regen a bit more considering his energy is what makes him have an extremely strong laning phase.
Howd that yorick jungle ever work out?
It's a common symptom of autism.
have you read Jhin's story
he blends in with the crowd right in front of Shen and Zed after turning a maid into one of his works of art
Vlad and malz were mindless wave shovers.
Karma was garbage.
Fiora was also garbage.
>Zedbabs try to argue that Zed is balanced because his damage is all physical
>mfw his passive deals % HP magic damage.
what about allies who get hit by her W gaining some kind of combat boost?
ehhhh that isn't really good though
if you did E-Q for example you'd have only one-two sunlights to show for it tops even with someone slapping damage out every quarter second (think MF,) and if you did E-A-Q-A you'd still probably only have two procs to show for it unless you DID have damage from someone else every quarter second and I don't think even that'd be guaranteed given the window between the first attack and Q being quite small for an ideal aqa
It's true though, right?
I want to go Lulu in swimming.
Gangplank was 100% out of date and needed a rework
Vladimir and Malzahar were literally just waveclear machines, nothing different from each other other than one had sustain and the other had a silence.
but swain is
you have a much better chance of winning with swain on your team than with zed on your team
they were good at what they did and did not need to be changed
Fiora in particular should have just been Irelia's rework.
>This is plat V now due to dynamic queue and promo helper
no sweeper as soon as you got sightstone
you got your butt buddy to come bot lane and even then he suicided to azir
I feel sorry for shaco
hopefully you play a better DMP vlad
this isn't true
You forgot he also has AD scaling ap damage from thunderlords!
Can we get more champs with global minigames that everyone needs to play?
>bard sort of but something else would be nice
All we need is an adc and something else and we can have a full team of map minigames.
How I can Zed?
That looks like a Maplestory sprite.
Is it a Maplestory sprite?
you are lying
Karma was not good at anything
When Fiora was good at what she did she was broken and when she wasn't the best at what she did she was useless
It would seem pretty neat if Leona's abilities applied sunlight to her allies, with allied sunlight procs from enemy team healing a flat amount of damage. Kinda silly but it'd be neat.
but adc as a whole is already like playing pacman on a stage with no power pellets
Post best girl?
blind pick normals
Fiora either got fed and raped. Or she died once in lane and became useless.
Karma was literally trash.
Normally your webms are pretty shit but that's quite funny
>karma is trash
>i dont know how to play her
She was a poke bot before her rework. she still is a poke bot