/acg/ - Animal Crossing General

#1123 - Everyone Died Edition.

Previous thread: >The Basics
ACNL Basics Guide - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/
AC Wiki - animalcrossing.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Crossing_Wiki
Nookipedia - nookipedia.com
The "pthhhpth" pastebin (FAQ) - pastebin.com/jU4CeWhu
Brand New Catch - animalcrossing.us/animal-crossing-new-leaf-brand-new-catch-may/

>Furniture & Collectibles
Item database - moridb.com/
Item image gallery - animalcrossingnl.mooo.com
Museum Checklist - mediafire.com/download/0p18zy41jkxsy8a/ACNL_Fossil_&_Art_Checklist_RC2.xlsx

>Customization Guide
Image/Pattern Converter - thulinma.com/acnl/
All Furniture Customizations - customnewleaf.tumblr.com/
Image2QR code - mediafire.com/download/d0g3vj88g0gk1pf/Version 0.4.zip
Pro Designs Android App - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nefastudio.android.dmoridesigner
Image2QR recognition *shit* - acqrfactory.com/
QR Paths - pathmagic.tumblr.com acnlpaths.tumblr.com/ acpath.tumblr.com

>Happy Home Designer
All villagers & items - happyhomedesigner.wikia.com
FAQ - pastebin.com/f8pnU0wr
Amiibo Cards - nintendo.co.jp/3ds/edhj/amiibocard/index.html
May Happy Home Challenge: "The grand outdoors".

>How to play ACNL online with /acg/
People need to add each other's FCs in order to visit faraway towns.
Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.

>Villager Birthdays
27th - Del
28th - Renée
29th - Purrl
30th - Hamlet
31st - Marcie
1st - Keaton
2nd - Lucy
3rd - Filbert

>Upcoming Events

Town tune list - newleaftunes.tumblr.com/tunes
Camper Reset guide - i.imgur.com/meQutqI.png
Dream Town List - pastebin.com/W4FQW6ZW
What is the void? - pastebin.com/9KPbdnSY
ACNL OST - pastebin.com/bPyY03LK
Upload to Imgur via 3DS browser - webrender.net/imgur/

Ded game

Ded thread


Please tell me I didn't mess up the original post, first time doing this.

user it's 1 pm here, we are just very low in traffic

I was walking with my dog
sorry ;_;

Marry, Fuck, Reject

fuck off already

It's a simple question, I don't see the problem.

I still have a sporty floor and world map to give away.

>chow in my campsite twice in a row

He must really like my town


Does anyone have any villager in boxes for me to snap up?

>Playing AC Gamecube for like 2 months
>Doing my best
> Snooty and Peanut leave like a week or two after joining the village , whatever
>Based Ocatavio just left
>Meanwhile Jeremiah has been announcing he's gonna leave for a month
Am I doing something wrong? I think they left when I didn't played for at least a day, but I'm not sure.



When I go in a town with 7 villagers while one is in the process of moving in, is it possible that I can still give my voided villager to that town?

Yes. If someone is in your void and you visit a town with 9 or less villagers, they will get your voided villager.

How do you enjoy this game off Iine and casuaIIy?

Don't force yourself to play it. Play it after you've done something stressful, when you wouldn't mind cute animal-people running up to you to talk.

By not becoming obsessed with having a perfect town with perfect villagers. Just let things happen.

I obsess over things like that.
perfect names, perfect villagers, perfect map layout, etc. because if you want a town that actually looks decent you have to put a lot of work into planning it and time traveling so you can get all of the right bush types and flowers and so on.
when you're first getting into the game, yeah you should chill and not stress over anything. but eventually you'll get bored with the look of the town and you'll have to do a shit ton of stuff, spending millions of bells redoing everything because you're not happy the first time you try to make it look nice and so on.

Katie is in my town if anyone can take her.

I'd like to.


The only thing is, I'm currently taking an animal from someone else's "void" somehow? I don't know how that works, but I don't want to erase/prevent that thing from also movie in by adopting Katie. Do you know anything about that?

Katie's not a villager, user. She's a special event NPC. When she appears in your town you can take her to another town and the next day she'll send you a present in the mail.

Katie's not a normal villager, she'll come with me on the train to your town, give me and item, and then she should appear in your town within a few days, at which time you can bring her with you to a new town to also receive an item. You don't adopt her. Also my void is clear so that shouldn't interfere with your void, I'm pretty sure.

Let me know when you've added me and opened your gate and I'll bring her over, thanks again.

thread died because some frogposter in the early morning made about 10 identical threads with frog pictures and no actual post. it bumped a few threads off the board.





Does anyone have any extra fruit I could have? Just started a new game and I only have apples.

At this point, frogposting should get you banned.

I can help you

Thanks! I'll add you now. Your town or mine?

Mine, because the fruit is still in the trees

Anyone have a translation?

forgot to say, gate open


Frame 1:
Hey, wait for me!

Frame 2: *Thud sound from rock and falling down yelling sounds

Frame 4: Why didn't you wait up? I needed to tell you something important. Will Smith is in town and he's selling Blue Chairs

Shitposting outside of /b/ is against the rules (global rules 3 and 6).

>tfw raining irl and in game
So comfy.

Inside of house, currently.

Town layout is pic related.
C-1: Cleo
C-2: Deena
C-3: Cheri
C-5: Sandy
D-4: Filbert
D-5: Maddie, Static
E-4: Samson
E-5: Hopper
F-1: Mallary


So /acg/ really won't make it until the next AC game will it?

I don't want to have to go back to /v/ again ;_;

Read the thread




I think you furfaggots have sole claim to /acg/ for now as it looks like /acg/-2 finally merged with /gerg/


Caught ANOTHER one! This one's is gonna be my buddy.

You know, the general you guys have shared a designation with for awhile now?

Apparently Tom Nook gets off on taking trash from me.

no hard feelings though right?

Finally starting my new town. What kinds of things should I look for when picking a map/layout?

good river and building placement (plaza, town hall, recycling center). especially where the bridge is placed if you want a winding river.

Yeah, totes

meant to reply to

>two gators and Francine greeting me
dis gon b gud

You just noticed? Have you never tried selling trash to him before in all these years?

And yeah, it never gets less disturbing.

The last time I played the GameCube version a lot, I was too pure to notice it.

I still have a dynamic painting to give away to anyone who needs it for their museum.

I'm sorry, real life got in the way, but I'd be up to do it now if you wanted, if not, then thanks so much for the offer!

It's not exclusive to Population Growing.

Yeah, but after PG, I just threw it in the bin in town hall (in WW/CF), or sold it among other stuff (in NL).

Pretty much in that order.

Does anyone have any villager in boxes they want adopted?

>Ah, hey, Mayor!
>Good morni-
>I-I didn't trip... I was just giving Mother Earth a kiss.
>Yeah, right.

Which gators?

Hello Everyone. I just got this game and I havent played an AC game since the gamecube. Just wanted to send out my FC and name to visit other towns.

Gayle and Del. In total I started with Gayle, Del, Francine, Peanut, and Tank. Good villagers make up for the shitty map options I got.

god i love this image

Thread's pretty dead right now.

Not a problem, just wanted to get my FC out there atm, just to see if I can visit people tomorrow. I already added everyone in this thread so far.


I'm kind of bummed, I really like this game, but I can't help but feel like I arrived after most people have moved on and stopped playing.

Hopefully I'll have more things to do once I can make city planning things and visit the island.

Anyone here wish there was a MMO-Ish type of animal crossing.

Del is best alligator. I especially love his mad scientist house

There is a follow up pic where the mayor is cleaning his face.

I think the community is still plenty alive.
I'm waiting for them to announce the NX + the next AC game (the actual next installment in the series, not that HHD or board game shit)

>basket o' butts
>watering can
That's all the introductory stuff I can accomplish today right?

How would that even work?

Im my "Dream World" Like a Massive animal crossing city would be the centrak hub then there would be like 4-5 "suburbs" to the city where 20-30 anons live with like 15-20 animals. Alot more fun for events and tournaments. Could maybe get jobs in the city etc.

does anyone want to visit / be visited?


Uh oh

How do people add custom paths/roads and different colored stuff in their games?

For instance, I just saw a photoset on Tumblr of someone with a nice cobblestone path and cutesy bridge in their New Leaf game, and the grass looked like it was a lighter shade of green
I just bought the game for the first time, just got it the other day...

talk to the girl working at the sewing machine in the able sisters for ten days, doesnt have to be straight in a row
from there its simple enough

and for the different colored stuff:
for flowers, there are things called hybrids. try putting some flowers of different colors but the same species next to each other and water them for a few days
for furniture, sell 100,000 bells worth of stuff to the pink one in retail (i suggest getting a net and going to the island, wait about 10 or so days and then go from there for the island)
if you're talking about grass, then it changes with the season
and the bridges can be unlocked as public work projects, try talking to isabelle as mayor

He is a raccoon.

I know japan says he's a tanuki, but 'merica
will say he's a coon, so...

Well my Development Permit JUST hit 100% like, 15 mins ago, I don't know if that "It'll be done in one day++" is true, or if it'll be completed at midnight when the new day starts, idk how it works in this game but I can do projects now that my rating is 100% right?

you can design your own paths by editing the default patterns in the tab with a pencil in the bottom screen or you can use patterns from other people by scaning their qr codes using the sewing machine in the able sisters' store as mentioned. Those patterns can be displayed as roads, paintings, wallpapers, floors, clothes, hats and umbrellas.

He's a tanuki. His name is Tom Nook because it sounds like "tanuki".

I think, yeah
sorry, its been a long time since ive last played
also the new day starts at 6am every day, not midnight, strangely

Y'know, new leaf is so much better with headphones. You can actually hear the waves crashing against the beach if your house is near the beach, or the river, or the rain when it's raining, it's super comfy. A lot of nintendo game's music gets way improved by headphones, honestly, they need get a better sound card or whatever for their consoles.

One more thing, I've been playing long enough to get access to the island, I just got here for the first time this morning, and I've read about the bugs, and I'm catching some big ones right now, how long can they stay in the crab pot? Because ReTail is closed right now I believe but I don't have enough inventory space to keep them all

If you really need to, you could just dump the extras in your house. I don't know how long stuff stays in the basket at the dock.

>how long can they stay in the crab pot?
forever, but you can't put anything else inside if it's full