Does Veeky Forums give money to charities?
Does Veeky Forums give money to charities?
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i give money to bums sometimes, if that counts
Unless i get a tax slip, no.
I give money to my university foundation
I give money to the Sierra Club, National Park Association, and am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and American Legion.
No respelled enough to see all major charity's are a scam
I give money to the ACLU and experiment in international living, which is an organization that sets up youth group trips for american highschoolers to third world countries, I went to China with them when I was 16 and it was an incredible experience. I was actually only able to afford going because I got a scholarship that was set up by my congresswoman and her husband since he went with the organization to France in the 50's. I can't give anywhere near as much as he does, but maybe someday.
I'm saving up to give my college 5000 dollars, but otherwise no. It's better to start your own charity with your money than to give people money because they decided to do unprofitable work.
I help finance underfunded charities, actually.
No but I tip well if it's deserved.
fuck you
stop doing that, there are government programs and charities in place to help the homeless get their life back on track. If you're seriously concerned about their plight your money would be much better spent supporting those charities or spending your time volunteering at a shelter. Giving free money to some bum on the street is not going to help him solve his problems, just feed his addictions. Most of those people were in shelters but got kicked out due to drug/alcohol use, they're a lost cause.
>member of sons of confederate veterans
>paying to be apart of an organization that got btfo'd over 150 years ago
Church sometimes. Not been going/donating lately because fuck the Pope he's a cuck faggot.
I volunteer sometimes as well. My time is worth more than the money I would donate.
Donate to Goodwill too. I don't even bother with the tax slips. I just get rid of old clothes and things.
idk about the SCV, but I knew a guy who was involved with the SUV and it seemed like a lot of what the organization did was working to help maintain historical records
>fuck the Pope he's a cuck faggot.
that's a very unchristian thing to say
>that's a very unchristian thing to say
So is the Pope advocating letting millions of """refugees""" in to Europe and the USA who believe that Islam is the one true faith and is taught to kill nonbelievers and apostates :^)
It is written to help those in need and refugees, but not at the expense of destroying your own faith.
we maintain confederate cemeteries and do historical reenactments of the war.
your lack of compassion is disconcerting for a person of faith
I give some money to wikimedia every once in a while
I also seed my torrents like a good internet citizen
>Most charities aren’t worth the cost of the gunpowder it would take to blow them to hell.
>For instance, take Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Both are geniuses at their businesses. But they’re the type of geniuses I consider to be idiot savants. If they really wanted to improve the state of the world, they should continue doing what they do best, which is accumulating wealth. Or, actually, creating it, as opposed to dissipating it by giving it away. Giving money away breaks up a capital pool that could have been used productively by those who build it for making new wealth (which increases the amount of wealth that exists in the world).
>Worse, giving money away usually delivers it into the hands of people who don’t deserve it. That sends the wrong moral message. People should have, or get, things because they deserve them. And you deserve things because you earn them. In other words, wealth should be a consequence of doing things that improve the state of the world. Endowing groups, or individuals, because they happen to have had some bad luck, or are perpetual losers, is actually immoral.
>When money is given away, it’s almost as bad as government welfare. It makes it unnecessary for the recipient to produce, and that tends to cement him to his current station in life. The very act of making an urgent situation non-urgent takes away the incentive, the urgency, to improve.
>Morally speaking, charity is not a virtue, it’s a vice.
>In most cases, philanthropy doesn’t arise from a love for one’s fellow man, but from a need to assuage guilt, a need to show off, and a lack of imagination.
Yes, because Muslims are so compassionate towards Christians which is why they behead them in the Middle East while western governments deny Christian refugees entry.
You can either defend Christianity, western civilization, and the two's bond and fruits, or you can willingly hand it over to people who state outright they will kill you if you don't convert to their faith. As a Christian, you should understand that you would rather die than convert or deny your faith correct? So how is it compassion to let people in who are outright heretical and on a mission to kill Christians?
If these Muslims would see the true way, convert to Christianity, and lay down their arms, I would be willing to accept them as brothers and sisters under God. But, they won't do that. They will behead me instead for not reciting the Quran or something.
Anyways, this is Veeky Forums not /pol/. I stated my case a couple posts ago.
If you knew who Muslim ""refugees"" were, you would have no compassion for them.
They do not flee war. (Why don't they stay in Turkey or Greece? Is it war in Turkey or in Greece? Is Germany the only peaceful country on Earth?)
They do not like you. They will not be grateful. They will not find peace anywhere.
They must not be helped.