Dueling Network General #2187
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Dueling Network General - /dng/
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xth for yuya
when do we get more info on TCG movie pack?
when will you learn?
>inb4 butthurt (you)s
This is why I always try to make the thread. Shit like this keeps happening.
jesus christ the janitors know the real thread more than you cancerous fucks apparently
So I rejoined the game back when DUEA started, what was the meta looking like just before that absolute nuke of a set? What were some staples that DUEA forced you to stop/start using? How did the previous meta adapt as petdecks/rogues?
I will remember this forever
Post webms
Which deck are you using lately, /dng/?
how, why, and what % of the time do you get this field by your 2nd turn. or 3rd
you can fuck off with that meme shit
>felgrand over titanic
sylvans need soul charge to do it
Share dick?
Well at least now the "Upcoming Sets" will be a permanent part of the OP. Good, now people will be EVEN MORE inclined to actually READ the OP.
Reminder that we're missing a couple more tidbits though
TCG: Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck (July 8)
OCG: Duelist Pack: Pharaoh's Memories (June 4)
OCG: Structure Deck Yugi/Kaiba (June 18)
Are you teataim?
I don't even know who that is
Probably 33%. Sylvans are a sacky deck. I run Spore and Copy Plant to facilitate Ultimaya along side Princessprout's level changing abilities.
I was playing a stunshit deck, man.
Here you go.
the only good thing that coming in those months is the dragon deck.
I can make changes however you want but based on their posting styles and personalities this is what I have.
>GETTER. "they" rarely talk and always depressed. both are hispanic. Hmmmmmm.
>Taiga. "they're" both black people.
>AtmosX. accel "disappears" and "he" shows up at the same time? Hmmmmmmmm.
>swamp man. "they" always post at the same time.
>Raita. not a trip but he's cool with deckbuilding. so was scorpion404.
>King. this one is hard but I just get the feeling "they're" the same.
>Iron core. refuses to use a trip. Hmmmmmmm.
>Vorcia. "their" voice is literally the same.
>diamante. pretty fucking obvious
>only connection between Taiga and Blu_Switch is that they're both black
Retarded and reaching. Taiga doesn't even post delicious Real 23 art at the start of the thread which was always Blu's calling card
I miss Blu ;(
>Retard makes early thread
>warned that is obviously going to get deleted
>idiots jump to the early thread
>make proper thread
>idiots tell proper thread to fuck off
>early thread eventually gets deleted
Are we doomed to repeat this cycle forever?
So wrong it hurts.
>Scrubtoo trying to predict what cards are going to be good
>Didn't pick up ASF when it was obvious how good they were going to be in the future
I like this list. It makes sense
>Gets ALL FIVE (5) cards banished from his hand first turn
>Still manages to OTK
Fucking KILL Infernity
I felt that if I made the thread at 750, somebody would have already beat me to a new thread with the same low quality OP. Every time there's multiple threads being posted, they usually always get deleted, so that's why I posted early.
The trip in OP was a mistake though
>summons Rune-Eyes instead of attacking with both Odd-Eyes and overlaying into Flare Metal
lmao you beat a shitter
>Blowing the negation on level eater
the fuck did he think would happen
That's why you make Abyss too so you can stop the wombo combo
Shut up autistic retard
yea but isn't everyone a shitter in ygopro except for like 2-3%?
Also Flare Metal is based
>leave Infernity with no cards in hand
>get upset when they make a comeback
I played this guy once. He's actually good, but negating Level Eater was retarded. He should've went for your T.G. Hyper Librarian.
>negates level eater
are you seriously proud of this?
>He should've went for your T.G. Hyper Librarian.
He should've hit Arma
By the time HL hit the field Infinity was beyond dead
You should try a larger amount of Sylvans for those times you need to blind mill. My deck has literally just the field spell, Sylvan Charity, the Sylvan normal trap, and 3 Lonefire for the cards that are not Sylvan monsters. Snapdrassinagon is a free excavation of anything from your deck when combined with the Field spell, and a mulligan when blind milled. The level 3 that destroys monsters can mill 2 for a blind mill, and every deck has SOMETHING that dies to it.
So where's Marzepan?
Also I don't have enough Iris pics to be accel tbqh
What do you expect from neo-new /dng/? All these scrubs want to do is complain about the game instead of becoming better players
I'd have to split my ED focus in that case. All the cards I have now extend my combos and potentially improve my gamestate, and that space is TIGHT.
Honestly, i'm pretty sure he let me deck him out since I told him I probably can.
sure dude, whatever makes you feel better about that webm
They complain about the game and i'm willing to bet they don't even buy cards irl
It's not a matter of buying cards, it's a matter of refusing to become better players. Please try to read before giving your dumb ass opinion
>complaining about shit when it doesn't even affect you financially
>FK Kozmos topping everywhere
>Shin Rank 3 Tensei topping everywhere
>Brilliant Monarchs topping everywhere (and even use fucking sicknasty Ultimaya tech here and there)
>Dracopals STILL topping everywhere
>Diverse format and yet /dng/ still complains about TCG meta
I just do not understand. This is only going to get better once TDIL, the Felgrand structure, and the Movie Pack drops, what the fuck do you people actually want?
I really don't think you need Raigeki, Super Solar Nutrient, Twisters (especially if you don't run Snapdrassinagon), or even miracle fertilizer (the Sylvan trap can be topdecked, sets up combos and doesn't cut out your normal summon for the turn). As far as your extra I would cut out Leo and Stardust Spark for one more each of the 7 and 8 Sylvans, because they are legitimately really good cards that not only have non-targeting, non-destruction removal, also further expand your plays when they do so.
How do we make Chaos Dragons great again?
eric. I fell for it
All the decks are linear except Dracopals which is currently in final desperation mode.
Dr. Red and Charge of the Light Brigade to 3. If that doesn't work just give up.
Brilliant Monarchs and FK Kozmos popped up around the same time complaints started dying down, SHVI added a little diversity and Hoban/other people popularized Extra Deck Monarchs so the format is no longer "Domainarchs or Dark Destroyer Turbo"
Riverside is still here I think and he's participated in a couple of tag duels with us. The rest of the list looks dishonest tbqh with you. Also you missed Marzepan like Atmos pointed out.
Dracopals is in final desperation mode in OCG maybe, we still have Monkeyboard and Sorc at 3, which is EXACTLY why I said Dracopals would still top, but of course portions of /dng/ continued to proclaim the deck was dead like the retards they are
Black Dragons or Hundred Demons?
>we still have Monkeyboard at 3
i think he said that we have monkeyboard and we have sorc at 3
>Diverse format
>Literally the same decks from the last 2 formats but more with more winmoar shit
The only change is more handtraps since comboshit.
It's the same boring format since DUEA nuke.
If only D/D/Ds were here
>Kozmos, Monarchs, Burning Anus still around since DUEA and Pendulum goodstuff
wow so just like it was last time
>If only D/D/D were here
They are.
When the fuck was Monarch around during DUEA you fuck?
>what the fuck do you people actually want?
I can't speak for everyone but I just want Alternative to come out in the TCG.
shut up mexican retard
>Tunnel vision into unbreakable board
>page 8
why ded bread
leaks WHEN
Sure, here's me IRL
Which of the mexicans who fought against trump are you?
Chaos meta when?
If they're pandering to nostalgia, lets go back to the fun OTK format from 2002
Blue-Eyes/Red-Eyes/Dark Magician meta when?
But they did make a new BLS deck :^)))
S-Should I get a trip too?
change the e for an u
Way ahead of you
Probably next VJump is when they're going to unveil the new legacy theme. Hopefully it's Bakura's cards to build off of the DP. I think Red-Eyes will get a couple of new cards too.
Of course.
it said legacy cards and red eyes so probably
I might as well get a trip too.
The real question is will the red eyes cards be good enough to fix the deck to a locals playable level
It's no XOF, but I'll take it.
Hi, The Tricky.
When I make the OP next time I'm going to make a list of players any user can call out to play with on DN or Ygopro. Should I add you guys to the list?
I've been trying to shadow duel Diamante for a while, too. Maybe he'll stop acting like a faggot after that and accept my challenge after that.
>tfw just realized you can use The Tricky in Blue-Eyes to go into Stardust Charge Warrior
Is it tripfag hour?
Just call me Capital T, Dark Xyz Dude.
Sure, why not.
You were my tag partner in 2 games last night, right?
The Tricky + Gofu OTP to make Ultimaya Tzolkin in Blue-Eyes when?
Shadow duel Diamante? What a great idea.