Titan Edition
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/dg/ - Destiny General
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1st for Warlocks the best
1st for Stormcallers arent that great!
Titans meme the way
Is it really time to shelve my titan and actually level a warcuck?
>This is supposed to be impressive
Throwing grenades takes timing, not skill
Getting lucky because 2 retards ran head first up the ramp is not something to sing praises about
If you do, level up sunsinger first thing, easiest class to get a high k/d with.
jesus fuck why did you post this
kuroneko and ufufu. any other option is ugly and wrong. i went to school with anna kek.
>got my first Y2 Longbow today
Dam Ive missed this thing.
"Sit tha fuck down"
did he show you his penis?
naw but now that i saw that pic, i would his boipucci tee bee aich
Xur selling anything I give a fuck about this weekend?
I have a Longbow with Shortgaze SLH10, Ambush, Guerilla Fighter, Handlaid Stock/QuickDraw/Oiled Frame and Hidden Hand. Is that any good
None of those are passable.
who /tranny/ here
>Guerilla Fighter
keep it, but only in the vault
me c:
hormones since 16 waddup
I am. And I used to post here. Are apple and Bv still around
I always thought you were cute.
be my girlfriend
post psn bbygirl. apple is still around and bv aswell
Nice premade trip Prince
My psn was pullpinpro. I sold my ps4 to pay for rent.
any IB groups?
post boipucci slut
the fuck??? he actually checks out
I'll post tits.
Why wouldn't I.
Fuck this thread, i'm outta here.
tfw these people will never get banned
dont come back
>play one match of Iron Banner
>335 chest
>tfw i will never suck on your sensitive little budding tits and finger your boipucci
y liv
are those two bears related?
>Go into IB
>Its literally all 6-man premades with Hakesaw/Mida+1Kys combo.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me.
Maybe someday user
tfw no pullpinpro gf to cuddle and fuck
Who the fuck is cricket? Some other fag?
There's only one true girl in this thread
you got kik bby? also get a ps4 again so we can raid and be lewd together
sheen or potc
more like dicks general
Mods please delete this thread
>Enter IB
>No players on other team
>Free items and win
>enter /dg/
>no game discussion
>just dicks and ugly men dressing as girls
I choose the best one!
What's with the dead, soulless, serial killer eyes?
Yeah. My kik is trlizzy
shard this thread lmao
>up 10k to 4k
>they end up winning 20k to 12k
Caleesi knows what's up.
Also get on for Overmeme I think there's 1 spot.
how bout no lmao
Nice try, but he joined lmfao!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !
this is what you gave up when you went for fatasstronomicalatom and faggiliol. i hope you're happy >:c
>implying that's you
>implying that is appealing in the slightest anyways
sorry no just borrowing his webm :(((
Lmfao you sure showed him!! Way to BTFO another literal who user Zippy!!
>tfw your gi will never scream out in allaha achbar as she attacks your dick
You can't make this shit up...
This general will never recover will it? They could shower this pisshole with content and the shitposting would just skyrocket accordingly.
So when are you changing yours to Oh no it's Seal?
Or better yet, Seal Boy so i can keep calling you that forever
>not being bisexual master race and liking qt traps
Its always been like this.
we know all the qt traps but where is the list of daddy doms?
>tfw lost a Destiny friend to that shit
Fucking memegames, go play Darksouls 1 already you fucking turboshitter. You are not allowed to post anymore untill you beat that fucking game.
>hurrr hey guys look at me waste my time playing meme games when I could be playing the pinnicle of gaming which Destiny, Bloodborne, and Darksouls 3 are all actually based off durrr but watch me play those!
You can come back to this thread and meme after you learn how to play real games.
But I don't want to spend $10 on a new name then another $10 just to change it back to the old :^)
Stray btfo
Nah m8
>no hips
This is why sissies are shit tier
It's never got any fucking bullets in it though. It's must have the worst inventory In the class. I don't really see what's so good about it. Is it just nostalgia faggotry or what?
>not liking qt small bois who loved to be cuddled and treated like crap during sex
who wants to raid with daddy and i? 2/6 for kf
>not liking no soft skin and love handles
>not liking female smell
>not wanting to sire an heir when the time is right
>not having a woman who will let you treat her anyway you want but not take shit from other males
>not wanting a hole that doesn't have shit pass through it everyday
>spawn in, it's 6 vs 1
>for once, I'm on the 6 team
>even better, it's me and a premade of 5
>feet up, take it easy, let their lads do the work
>no idea what the fuck happens but the one guy on his own manages to fuck their shit up, kills like 4 of them and escapes
>suddenly I'm alone in pantheon with someone who is obviously a fucking xenomorph or something
>moderately spoopy
Honestly, every time I get teamed with a premade, they turn out to be shit. I have the worst fucking luck sometimes.
>wanted a hole that has blood and piss go through it constantly
I don't believe this is real but sure
>Non-shitpost poll
Have some pixels
Dicks have piss go through them and you want to suck that like your life depends on it.
Also it's not blood, kiddo, it's a lining.
I ain't gay, but lemme get in on that action
Just doin' what I can to contribute since I can't play Destiny right now.
Talking baout your own ass everytime /dg/ blows you out of the water?
Jesus Christ yes oh god.
Whatever was I thinking back then?
That's also the reason I'd really like to be able to name our guardians properly, with their names displayed in game, with online handles being required only for identification purposes.
>not wanting to sire an heir when the time is right
w-wha, thats not me
and this is what he got in return. a better qt.
That person isn't nearly big or black enough to be Drin. I should know, we're practically best friends.
>Pays 10$ to remove Idiot from his name
>Pays 10 more to put it back
Still love ya Stray Lost Idiot
>drin is a fat black man
I feel like this is right.
>Half my team of randoms bails out as soon as Shaxx goes "the enemy almost won"
>We're a measly 300 points behind
Fucking pussies.
Is this the power of meme magic?
>using my gt for things I do not care about