RIP Blessing edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: 18.13: TennoGen, Passives, & Reworks
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first for ;_;7
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3rd for rip fast
ded frames
ded game
ded fucking everything
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140 Fullarton Street, Suite 1800
London, Ontario, Canada
"complaint" letters go here
xth for game killed by devs and comfy thread with neps
ded gaem ded frames ded general ded bread ded company ded ded
So dragon dildos and cheese pizzas?
Boypussy > girlpussy
They dug up Mag, shat on her and buried her again
Bravo DE
So it's official, Mag is utterly and completely terrible in any situation right? Cause I sure as shit can't make her work.
And Qurans!
No. Bombs
Nova Prime's knockdown passive on paper looks good for heavy gunners. The problem is, every other enemy EXCEPT for the gunner locked into his slamdown animation is knocked down. Absolutely useless.
God no, Draco is so easier now you dopey dum dum
Remember to use filters
send them a paper packet with white powder in it.
Just get the place shut down for day, should be a laugh.
So how is Black Desert? Shit looks complicated and a bit too much like Skyrim. I wanted to try it, but fuck spending $30 just to get in.
I'd go back to Revelation but it's still in ching chong.
Called it, GG DE
You can easily generate fear by sending them letters with flour.
>Reminder: Multishot does not work, but status does.
See ya mag. Was nice knowing you.
What's a good game to play for a week while DE takes flak up the ass and rethinks what they've done.
I was sent here after I refused to restart the game to patch.
It's a great backdrop for a goodbye, isn't it?
So guys, I rather someone else test this out consider I don't have a tricked out Mag build yet and MR limitations for lvl 135 enemies but this is what I got.
Aura: Corresive Projection
Duration : 105
Efficiency : 130
Range : 145
Strength : 180
I used 5 lvl 90 corrupted heavy gunners, and I used Crush + Augment, since it decreases armor at around 50%, then I magnetized one of them and they were all grouped, after, I had to cast Polarized; twice which removed all their armor.
If Magnetize gets hit by Polarized it basically follows how AntiMatter Drop works, except the bullets actually attract to the orb. I shot with a Vaykor Hek.
After that I waited for the duration to end, the explosion killed off the rest with ease.
I don't know how it fare's against enemy scaling, so someone should try it, and with a better Mag build than mine.
From my results...Mag most likely requires a lot of synergy with her abilities to actually kill, if you plan to go solo at sortie lvl enemies. In a squad sense, I have no idea yet, as I have to try her out in pubs or real missions
All done in the simulcrum.
>inb4 4 CP
Let's get this over with.
Instinct to breed on overdrive.
God I want to fuck a bursa so bad right now.
please explain
This patch
Vivergate 2.0
it's dead Jim, let it go.
what are you going to play now? I feel like playing that Halo on PC thing.
What are you waiting for?
I'm not the only one that saw all the NOTICEABLE tension in the liestream today right?
>what are you going to play now?
I've been on a bit of a fantasy kick. Might dust off my XIV account.
Wait, they nerfed Draco?
More like 0->0->0 damage.
Mag's abilities do not scale with shields now, hard damage only. She's completely useless now.
Today is my day!
I've been thinking of doing another Morrowind run.
>nigga and nigger are still censored even with the profanity filter off
>kike, spic, wetback, porch monkey, spearchucker, wog, and chink aren't
That hacked Halo Online thing? Been thinking of trying it out.
>Solo Trinity is literally LITERALLY invincible now
Damn, this feels good.
How shit is this game? Should I even bother?
Why the fuck do they still only stream at 720p? This is unacceptable.
If you're not going to give me a reason to log in I already stopped doing Sorties when they were long and shitty ones, now they'll be even worse and that's all I did anyway, at least give me something nice to look at.
>Vauban has such low starting armor, Steel Fiber is fairly pointless on him
"HEY EVERYBODY, Vauban's shiny new passive grants him 25% bonus armor per frame within 20m, enjoy that extra 35-75 armor if everybody is willing to sit on your dick the whole mission!"
Pretty sure I'm finally done with this game.
That's unintended, but never mind, we'll simply remove Draco in the next update.
According to that gif and this user She's even more useless.
Does this patch even have a silver lining?
I have a feeling we only got fucked.
it's fun, drive or die infection on that sand map reminded me of tribes, you can go p fast on it
Press F to Pay Respects
Fire rate and punch through don't work either, they're fucking useless move on
Dont bother, its fucking garbage
I need another Grineer Eximus Excavation Sortie.
I can't wait.
>Mag and Saryn are the bustiest frames
>Mag is following in Saryn's nerfbatted footsteps exactly
It's like pottery.
Do like fun or challenge?Then don't play Warframe
No, we got fucked. I'm quitting the second an even slightly better grind-MMO comes out.
I never said anything about FR OR PT. I am stating that you MIGHT want to keep your MS mods on so you can still use your secondaries. And also the STATUS percentage IS effected while in PM WITH USING MS mods
Volt is good now. Got a portable Riot Shield while being able to move fast. Also moving fast gives you bonus damage.
>double affinity weekend
>mfw i baked 10 weapons
Neat, think I will then. There's a guide on leddit for how to get started with the game, is that trustable?
You've come at a bad time. They've just nerfed basically anything and everything fun and/or useful into the ground.
It was nice of them to put it in the buff bar and not give it its own space.
Great stuff.
They couldnt have put it on the party bars either, so I can tell who i'm near to at a glance instead of just a vague "2"
Update when?
>Low Duration Magnetize
>Fire Quanta Vandal at it
>mfw 1.8mil damage against ancients
Damn I should play this again
yes, basicly only way to really get it
most passives are trash, yet another proof that DE doesnt play the game and is creatively bankrupt
Doing god's work user
>Mesa can not shoot through shields
but I did
What are you gonna do stick Hornet strike, crit, and 5 elemental mods on? Mesa sucks dick, rip
I believe you are praying in the wrong direction friendo
Garbage p2w
it always was like that
My problem with Warframe is that the gameplay is FUN and not P2W compared to other MMOs. I mean with all the guns and melees, the rest of games seem kind of boring.
There is no point in playing other games.
so Volt's new 4 is okay CC if nothing else
50m 12s stun
at least i have frogbutt
Firefall would have been fun if they kept improving it and not shitting it up. Instead they did the opposite of that.
Real silver lining is that you can now cut the addiction to this badly designed grindan and start to enjoy other things in your free time.
It's not just the nerfs, the game itself is a shallow skinner box with terrible droprates and unsatisfying buggy mechanics.
>those ledditors and forumites who wanted "broken" and "overpowered" frames nerfed could've just done so by crippling their own by taking off mods
>they think forcing nerfs on everyone else is a better idea
I of course am referring to Wotan
>People in twitch chat celebrating the destruction of powerful weapons and frames
These are the kinds of people we play this game with.
you know I'm surprised they didn't fuck loki over, since his kit seems way more OP than fucking hysteria/exalted blade/blade storm/bless
do they dare not touch radial disarm/irradiating disarm?
Volt is pretty good right now,idk about mag
and now they're complaining that Mag is fucking awful and that they can't even use her in corpus sorties
they fucking deserve it
What exactly have they did to Tonkor?
I need to know.
An user just posted a long ass post on Mag. But we need someone to do against lvl 135 which he doesn't have.
come to think of it they changed all 3 starting frames, nerfing 2 of then
also nerfed typical noob frame in valk
bad time for new players
Delete this you piece of shit
There can be more than one of us, God-man.
i made the nipslip weebm
Overload falls off after encountering beefier enemies. It was made to single out special mobs with higher health in turn them into towers to kill over lower healthed foes. It was designed to never go end game.
Thanks DE. Never touching volt again. Not because of overload but because YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 4 UP AT A TIME AND THEY TOOK OUT BONUS RANGE AND CRIT WHEN SHOOTING THROUGH IT.
Polarize does flat damage now, no scaling whatsoever.
>Magnetize lingers after the initial target dies
>it still redirects bullets into nothing, effectively acting as a detriment to everyone shooting towards it, making you unable to actually hit anything past the bubble.
>the bubble remains for the remaining duration of the bubble instead of instantly popping
>if you are inside the bubble and shoot outside the bubble, directly away from the center, you hit yourself and you die.
I have no idea how they did it, but they actually made magnetize (previously bullet attractor) worse. If magnetize migrated to the nearest enemy, maybe it would work, but as it stands, the bubble lingering after the target death is complete bullshit. I swear to go, if they make that a fucking augment instead of inline I'm actually fucking done with this shit.