Vamp Tits Edition
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>Total War Warhammer
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Vamp Tits Edition
>FAQs & General Info
>Steam Groups
>Total War Warhammer
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Daily reminder Bretonnians have the best seige towers
VC or Chaos for my next campaign?
Which one stays challenging the longest and doesn't just turn into a steamroll after 60 turns?
Anyone using this mod?
I like everything it claims to do but would like a second onion
Chaos turns into a steamroll after 15 turns if you stack Growth skills. Do VC, it's a little bit better.
Chaos is challenging for awhile but not in a fun way
if > 50 franz
else gelt
you came to the wrong waaagh
>if you sack a settlement, the AI's broken income will just fix it so you can occupy it next turn
>last dwarf quest requires 2k trade income to progress
>everyone is either dead or hates me
well fuck
So Ungrim is the Slayer King. Dose that mean he's the most shameful dwarf of all?
Just started, this is my first Total War game, but god damn I love warhammer not to have got it.
Was going to do first play through as Dwarves on normal, VC on hard, then Empire or Orcs on Legend.
Are there any notable differences between the Lords, or is it mostly just a choice of "This guy is a melee badass, this guy is a supportive badass, this guy is a badass with a pointy hat"?
And any general advice? Still getting used to just the movement. Not used to having to move each unit individually to get the best out of them.
Dorfs have the worst quest requirements, like needing gyrocopters just for the first one
Go with the melee lord.
Magic is horrible right now.
don't go above hard difficulty, there's no point
Melee lords shit on magic lords.
Big bird was kinda disappointing. I was expecting a challenge and instead he went down in about 5 seconds flat, first enemy unit to die.
I can second this. Did Chaos for my first run, built growth, and then just ran around the map utterly decimating everything. Just stuck with Archaon and he became such a beast so quickly that nothing stood much in the way.
If I remember correctly his ancestor shamed himself, but was also a king so could not abandon his duty. And since said king has offspring, they inherited the throne and the shame.
I want to do the quests but I just can't afford the time to replenish troops afterwards and 5k with these fucking orc doomstacks on my ass
>Border princes went to war with the dorfs and are razing all their settlements and cucking their stacks
Thanks man gitz, we'll kill you a bit fasta'
Playing this game has rekindled my urge to open up my old fantasy armies and start collecting again.
Convince me not to...please...
The biggest mistake you can make as Chaos is bothering at all with Norsca, I did that for 50 turns and by the time I left the Human factions has loads of stacks
So good. And the fact that they got blasting charges makes them even better.
Iv been spamming quarrellers and these guys. Autowin
>tfw really want that green fart cloud from the vampire trailer back
>tfw somehow it felt cool to me
It's good. Make the fights last long enough to be enjoyable, but they don't drag on like in Radious. The only negative change, imo, is to zombies. They're just too fucking slow in this mod. Otherwise, yeah, would recommend.
>Managed to confederate red fangs before killing Gorfang
Neat, get to make him my bitch
> Tomb Kings still not announced
Did the same. Every army was 2 Organ Guns, 2 Cannons and the rest filled up with Ironbreakers and Quarrelers.
Too bad about the annoying building requirements holding them off for a long time
You're falling apart user
How do I stop myself from putting everything in the usual melee front/missiles behind lineup?
I want to make use of the Empires Greatswords but it is so damn tedious to have them walk around the enemies which are engaging my swordsmen so I can rear charge.
At this point I might aswell use cav.
if you hold down RMB with shift you can drag/paint an actual path for the unit to follow. It's quite good.
Is the user that made the wider firing arcs for missile troops and artillery still here? Or does anyone have the link to that mod?
Also is there any mod for Vamptits that removes the makeup without making her Sharia law compliant?
>turn 100
>end times
>kislev has fallen
>counts united under the EMPEROR
>imperial dwarven hugbox complete
>northern limes garrisoned and fortified
>everyone has military access through the safe, uncorrupted and developed lands of the EMPIRE
>dwarf campaign
>autoresolve everything cause a million dwarf warrior armies is boring to use
>take over all the the south eastern area
>fucking orcs keep sending troops up north where i have few troops, cant beat them without fighting the battle
What do i do now, i already won the empire campaign.
So now that the dust is settled it's shit, right?
Nice, by the time Archaon was invading I had only united the north and southern counts
Deploy formations unbeknownst to mankind.
Replace Swordmen with Greatswords.
Charge with Greatswords.
Flank with cav.
Greatswords are literally gods in stats and effectiveness compared to normal swordsmen, you should have made this change ages ago.
>tfw I spent 100 turns just conquering the tribes
It almost wasn't worth it, given they basically all died without doing anything.
There's already a mod to unlock all factions, now just to wait for mods to change their rosters.
Greatswords don't need to flank to destroy the enemy.
I think you're boring.
I was concerned about having my elite troops being shot to shit by missiles sinces they dont have shields.
why the fuck does everybody stick in the north when even quests point you towards the southern areas
by staying in the north you literally fight against yourself and your potential allies, instead of fighting against actual enemies
Is Warhammer Total War worth picking up right now?
Well i'm sorry but before you get stuff like irondrakes and advanced artillery they're the most boring shit ever.
For very hard and above, always melee lords.
If you really like suffering, Gelt on legendary.
>literal rape train of legendary chaos lords marching down in perfect column
>thorgrim and grimgor have been marching alongside each other to be the first to drink from bird jugular
>thorgrim and grimgor have been marching alongside each other
anything can happen
I really wish they had an option to opt in or out of watching AI battles during the end turn. Even if I'm not fighting I don't want to miss grimgor and thorgrim setting aside their rivalry to tag team sigvald's boipussy
That's only a problem if you actually try to flank with them cause then they'll be shot in the back.
If you charge head on the enemy can't shoot them without friendly fire.
Seriouslly, whats the point in uniting the tribes? Just wastes time getting crappy allies while your true enemies sit back and grow.
70 armor is worth more than shielded.
>mfw won the empire short campaign but decided to keep going because there's only 4 vampire count settlements i need to take for the long one
>declare war on vampire counts
>next turn see an army that looks a lot like yours in the same place
i'll just try some other race for now
also is it just me or do the luminarks suck ass? rather just use mortar or something cheaper or steam tanks
Is there a specific hero that is the best at spreading Vampiric Corruption, or will any of them work?
>Send Ungrim all the way up into Sylvania to his first quest battle
>Vampire Count ghost that wasn't even visible on the map when it started moving travels 300 miles and scores a critical assassination attempt on him
so what other dlc are we getting before the next stand alone expansion?
Bretonnia and what else? Any ETA on when the next big expansion is coming? 30 hours in right now having a lot of fun but I since I don't play multiplayer I don't see more then 90~ hours of playtime
I did it for fun. You know, that thing you're suppose to have while playing Total War?
Luminark is straight broken right now because broken damage scaling
Just make steam tanks
>MFW 30 grand a sack as Chaos
Yes, I'm sure doing nothing for 100 turns in frozen wastelands while fighting against hordes of mounted skirmishers is very fun.
Grab a master engineer and some organ guns and cannons. Then press K and watch shit go flying.
If you could be any non hero, non leader unit from total warhammer, what would it be and why?
muh dick
How do I get started on the chaos campaign? Do I have to disband everything and make autoresolve stacks like Legend of Total War?
I want to play vampire counts just because this. I know fuck all how to play them though since my first (and only) campaign so far has been their complete opposite: dwarves.
Any tips for dealing or postponing Lord of Change as Chaos near / after Turn 105?
only because they look badass in game.
also has anyone noticed they don't do their bat scream CA showed off?
never seen em do the scream once
Nuln engineer
Just chill in Nuln figuring out new ways to blow up Skaven crawling around in the sewers
Kemmler needs a wight king for his first one, locked behind a damm tier V settlement
But you can get a lucky random event and get a Wight for free (like I did)
You can't get a random card of Gyros.
At least you can RNG a wight king with events
What do I invest my points in when playing Archaon?
Chaos Chosen
For that sick af armour
The horde growth skill as fast as possible
Horde growth, then his combat skills. He is an absolute beast when upgraded.
It's the best TW release yet, and it's a very fun game.
>Greatsword landsknecht comes up
>chops you in half while wearing 1/5 the armor and looking 10x classier
What are these skidrow torrents popping up? Did the game actually get cracked or what?
>Movement range
>Horde Growth per turn
>Fireball, Kindleflame
>24 more levels of Character skills to become god
>get the Skull, the Shroud, and Evasion.
You are now a fire-ball spouting fast lord with 900 weapon damage and are literally death incarnate.
If you don't go for the growth talents you can get 3 more points for either 3 more magic skills or can grab like 9 melee defense.
Horde growth
Then the whole campaign just becomes out waiting on Horde growth while sacking settlements.
Seriouslly, the population growth thing needs to be tweaked for chaos, makes them boring as fuck. That or I'm doing something wrong, which is a distinct posibility.
Second on this one. Is it mostly just taking lots of expendables while your big dudes do the work?
>already burned out
Opinions on kholek?
Does he do enough work to make stand out from archaeon?
Demigryph Knight. Bet it would be awesome to bond with one of those beasts, riding him into battle.
>warhammer game
>no in-game army painter
you had one job Creative Assembly.
Archaon can already become a kill everything deal machine. Kholek trades magic for being slightly better early and late as a death machine in melee.
>Border princes keep razing dorf lands
In Total War, Kislev invades you!
>tfw I invested all the way through Archaon's magic tree
feels so bad man. At least I haven't recruited kholek or siggy
Ha the imperial dogs think they can fight.
it's actually in the game files, but I doubt it will be free
If they add Kislev I wonder how they'll balance them out so they dont just march north and destroy the tribes before Chaos arrives
just add massive attrition for human factions in the north
By having Chaos spawn early. And having huge ass corruption from the get go.