Fighting Games General /fgg/
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What's the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?
Anyone wanna play something on Fightcade?
I'll play whatever you want.
V! V!
Chicken winging is hard. Playing against Fireball chars is even harder.
Why doesn't sfv have unlockable skines
Two personalities:
Nicest person you'll ever meet
Twisted fucking psychopath
>guy on the left
TFW starting to get gyno tits like that
Do we think SFV will change its matchmaking system? Was SFIV's ranked barebones at the start as well?
It does.
Call me what you want it doesn't make it any less dumb
Is the lack of already guard a buff for grapplers in life xiv, hbr?
Tfw have had fun since 7th grade
I don't think mine are as bad but fuck I hate it
w-what does it mean
13 got a lot of the designs right and 14 seems to be keeping the good designs from that game, 14 Athena is looking like the exact copy of 13 Athena, except they just took the ending of her neomax and made that her climax super.
tekken is only complex on a superficial level
fightan games that are not smash that let you style on a nigga.
anyone want to play melee?
I'm bored as hell
get a job, save money, get surgery to remove it, enjoy your life afterwards
27th for donchan
Play me in DoA5LR I'll paypal you 1 United States Dollar
nigga you don't just get gyno like that. You're just getting fat hit the gym
That figure triggers me because of how badly it looks.
Mai >Ibuki
so no one is going to play hien
>mai doesn't have donchan
I don't think so tim
It looks like only waifufags are recording.
it speaks volumes, then, that it's the most deep one.
christie > laura
This latest anime trope of head patting girls just makes me laugh. Soon enough gooks will start to draw every female characters with diapers on and their lines will consist entirely of babbling as they further infantilize female characters.
It's really no wonder Japan's population is declining. They've effectively turned themselves into a nation of pedophiles and manchildren.
Anime fans are mentally ill lmaoooo
there is no competition.
except with elena.
I can't agree with this. Christie is hot though. Anna is still my no.1 Tekken girl
i don't blame you.
It's ok my previous bfs thought it was cute so I'm just gonna roll with it
Sometimes I look at the sort of shows coming out these days and I feel embarrassed that I was ever into anime desu ne.
Because Capcom went full fucking retard and made MP basically useless in terms of unlocks and FM. They could've introduced bunch of Skinner box elements like Overwatch where you win and unlock skins and shit but no. Let's all push that shit into the equivalent of a torture mode in SP.
Well fucking done, Capcom.
Who should I play in Blazblue? I like movement, mix ups, and zoning. Preferably all in one character
>mfw she probably won't be returning for T7
R.I.P. I'll miss her.
sniffsona 5 fightan game when??
Isn't Crash today?
i need u anne
lambda maybe
try your locals facebook page people are always looking for games
Go back to your containment thread.
nu-13 i think the name is. the robot with lots of blades.
it's a real shame that they're just limiting the roster (in number) imo. i understand no "clones", but still.
i cant wait desu
They want to bring in some new players and there was a lot of bloat coming from Tag 2, limiting the roster is just one of a number of things designed for this purpose
Can any pros even use this move even somewhat consistently? I don't think I've seen it a single time.
Limiting the roster is a good thing. TTT2 was a nightmare to learn. They should instead focus on making each character unique with lots of costumes and unlockables.
Not even worth $60 desu
are you shitting me? this is 100% worth $60
Anime art style is only good for porn. I can't fucking stand watching that garbage medium.
What's some good music to listen to while fighting my way through gold with the terrorist?
You should pay full price
Stop trying to actively kill SNK!
Id buy that for a dollar
Can you please write a proper link?
it isn't I would just throw it in storage and just look at /v/ or Veeky Forums for the dump
uwot? all you have to do is copy all of it and paste it in the url
The money goes to the retailer at this point.
>steel box
>not paying Takeshi SNK directly so you can make sure he can feed his wife and 18 children
>watching anime porn
Yes but can you write a proper one?
I'm not your dog, paste me a good a link.
you literally
just copy
and paste
listen , I don't have to do your work, you're a rude and impolite asshole, you paste me a link I can click or fuck off.
>no f+1+2 or df+1
just asking for a kick parry.
i know why they do it. still a shame. i like a lot of tekken characters.
it was a nightmare because of the tag system and learning 2 characters right out the gate. tag 2 is also just a bunch of clones. the most unique console characters are unknown (how to deal with spikes) and green ogre pretty much.
if you don't count clones and moku and combot, chreddy as one character, bears as one, and the 2 unique console chars, tag 2 had about 40 characters, which is what tekken 6 had. and granted, tekken 6 was hard to learn as well, but tag 2's difficulty is exaggerated purely because it's a tag game (that is based off of tekken 6).
no I refuse to believe there is someone lazy enough to not want to use their mouse
Anybody live in LA? How bad is the traffic on a Saturday afternoon?
What other characters play like BB Hood?
I want Balrog to be next just so PRBalrog can have his boy.
I feel bad for him :(
too bad balrog is a namby pamby
PR Balrog has already said he didn't care if Rog got in or not even before he was announced.
>waeg uop
Should LTG stop making fighting game videos?
He's gonna get butchered.
that was pretty funny
it was pretty alright yeah
better than anything fg related he's made I think
I'll eat my socks if it's not Balrog this weekend
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" update
but its still may?
When is capcoms special announcement?
>3 charge characters in a row
we already have a suicide lined up for a non ibuki reveal, step it up, wheres your loyalty
who wants to play some melee
I will go to /mlp/ and start watching that show if it's not balrog.
nakoruru info when