Karma Edition
Old thread eyosonwhorecares
Our game is dying
Karma Edition
Old thread eyosonwhorecares
Our game is dying
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Friendly reminder to eat out your support
1st for people who want nidalee nerfed dont know what the FUCK theyre talking about
can people please get diamond+ before spewing worthless opinions?
>Friendly reminder to eat out your support
My premade buddies only play Blitzcrank and Bard, so I'd rather not thx
*only applies to qt bluberries
Dr Euler best guy!
if the thread is so dead he sees this, the game is officially dead
>not wanting to eat out blitz' superior robo-pussy
Eat them out irl then.
how do we revive /lolg/?
riot lyte already resigned
Xth for Vlad
But only people who are in diamond or higher want her to get nerfed.
She is just fine before that
>>Is smurfing okay? Why don’t you have better solutions in place for this?
>It’s complicated.
Why is that even a question? All I see is shitters whining that they have to get better at the game in order to win.
Smurfing is not only okay, it's perfectly fine.
If you reach global in CSGO and smurf, nobody bats an eye.
If you reach grandmaster in SC2 and smurf, nobody cares.
If you reach legend in Hearthstone and smurf, nobody gives a fuck.
But lolbabbies start whining if somebody who is simply better than them is making a smurf?
jhin is super duper satisfying to play, also his passive (believe it or not) has actually helped with my last hitting by teaching me to be more frugal with my AA's per creep
I want to use normal supports for once. Would Lulu be a good buy?
IS my experience of Yasuo about to be changed?
my favorite part of that interview is how they weasle around the question of why there are no more winter maps.
if people would offer money for a fucking winter map, we'd have one in a week, but so far it's all the usualy lofty PR-speak that doesn't communicate shit.
>posting Lux
Anyone else notice that Lux NEVER gives off slutty vibes of any kind, even if there WERE highres images of her serving 5 cocks at once?
She's just so graceful and pure :3
>>calling someone else toxic when they tell you to fuck for being toxic
xth for memes
>>>calling someone else toxic when they tell you to fuck for being toxic
>being unable to see why you are the source of the toxin
High res? more like massive res :3
lux a best
It's literally the opposite this guy is trolling
>Azir and Zed
These two are literally worse than Lee Sin even in his worst days.
Lyte may be gone, but his legacy poisons this game and /lolg/ in particular to this very day.
Bait his ult and you're literally playing against "Gap closers mean I can no longer play this game"-The Champion.
Has been out for over 3 years now, if you still haven't learned to counter him, it's your own fault.
He's been (re-)balanced so many times that people should be able to deal with him.
>ragebaby mad they can't unnecessarily flame people
>using the lyte scapegoat
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
>full build
>2 armor pen items
>wukong builds 1 armor item
>I deal no damage to him
nice!!! so glad he hasn't been nerfed yet!
>anybody who uses the word toxic unironically in this manner
Consider buying a length of rope
>90%+ banrate in high elo korea
>when an ally gives up first blood sub 3 minutes
Post tilt feels.
I learned how to counter him but RIOT said it was unhealthy
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>his shit connection caused a problem for everyone else
>someone told him to get rid of his toaster
>he could've stayed quiet or replied civilly
>instead he flies off the handle and starts saying "fuck you nigga" etc. in all-chat
teemo jungle is pretty brutal with the bloodrazor. I love it.
>>someone told him to get rid of his toaster
>talking to your team mates at all
you are literally the most toxic person to ever walk this earth
>"s-stop saying things that upset me!"
there's literally a safe for work version of this you didn't have to crop fucktard
Stop biting the bait, it's not even good bait.
It looks better when cropped. Makes it lewd.
Pool's closed.
That was one difficult game to throw.
Almost 0 LP my friends!
tell me /lolg/.
What's the best lane and why is it bot lane?
all too easy
How did you manage that?
But that's the exact image I cropped, you dingus?
Not everybody here is masturbating to lewd depictions of Karma's tanned young teenage body or imagining her sucking on the tip of your penis with those full lips while your hands fondle her perfectly shaped breasts and those delicious brown nipples, you know?
Some people, geez.
It took a lot of "strategic" shot calling once I established myself as the highest kills carry, and the team blindly followed.
>trying to undermine master tier bait with a "i was merely pretending" fallacy
is it weird i like to max w first on jihn? i love that root duration.
Reminder to report that user!
Not so many bullshit counters in bot so you don't have to feel like killing yourself after certain games there
AKA Jonahtan Hamilton
he's great
As long as your good with skillshots, I don't think so.
But I think that if you max W first, you might have to harass the living shit out of your enemy more than before since you might be a little bit crippled in terms of farming (mainly because your Q is still rank one). But then again, I don't heavily main Jhin so I might be making shit up.
Why is cowsep a faggot now, I just want to see Yi gameplay.
Link original.
>can't look it up after given artist name
All you had to do was type in jonathan_hamilton on Gelbooru.
>taliyah is such a shit champ that she even ruins rotating game modes
No. Go to any booru or r34 site and type in the characters' names and you'll be able to find it in 15 seconds.
hey there, m'friend.
imgur? please?.
why is bayonetta licking that dinosaur
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Lulu thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" underage magical girl, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about a moba game. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Lulufag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I want to go swimming in lulu." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
What's your comfy role and mostly used champ for that role?
>Top and Poppy
What I like about top lane is that it has that relaxing feeling about it. It feels like you can be anything you want up there, let it be a tank, an AD focused champ, a ranged AD champ (although I hate those who does that for some reason), etc. Anything goes up there.
As for champ, Poppy feels flexible regardless who she faced against. She can fuck people up with her E+Q combo, fucks people like Riven, and she just feels comfy overall.
You are actually worse than he is.
> 0/4 in placements
Thanks yolo 19 death jinx
as 5 million people in this thread already mentioned, you could simply google "tsuaii" or put "jonathan_hamilton" into the gelbooru search bar and be greeted by what you are seeking, even the cum drenched full sized version of the OP pic
>support an adc
>he goes 0-9 despite all my efforts
>we win
>invites me to his next game
feelds bad man, he just wants some elo
a bit late, isnt it?
udyr jungle for me
the constant changes of stances and fast in out play style just flows so well for me, combined with the freedom of the jungle makes everything feels so open and free.
>top lane
If you are a tank yeah, otherwise it's the "1v1 me you fockin phagg0t". I can't be more than 2 minutes farming without the other fucker wanting to force a trade so fucking hard.
less responding to shit nobody should respond to. more images.
>"1v1 me you fockin phagg0t"
please leave
Im new... And headed straight for b5. I need to suck it up and buy fizz or azir n git gud with them or something. Trying to carry with morg doesnt work when nobody groups on your team, or when they do they just dive in like morons.
>inb4 le support cuck
I don't play pussy ass, dick-sucking bitch supports like Janna or Soraka. I Instead use aggressive control supports like Leona, Nautilus, etc to establish dominance and control the flow of the entire lane. And when I ping to engage, we engage, bitch. And if you fuck up and get half your health chunked, sorry ADCuck, can't suck your dick and heal you. Not my problem.
have you even versed a renekton or darius?
That's supposed to be written like that, if you are worried I didn't use curse words, read the whole paragraph.
I remember when that shit was bannable.
You sound retarded and generally unpleasant to interact with.
> jungle
> open and free
The jungle feels extremely claustrophobic and dark to me. But maybe that's just me. Even though I main jungle.
>Not my problem
it literally is
you adc is half life and you have to work around it
>monogatari of all fucking anime
Opinion discarded.
how did XZ get 12 kills lamo
>picking top
>not being comfortable in 1v1 scenarios
You're the kind of person who doesn't like pepperoni, orders pepperoni pizza, then complains that pizza tastes like shit.
How do I get S ranks?
Do you need someone to explain the definition of "support" to you?
literally leona mains
absolutely disgusting
Play AATrox jungle and go positive.
>assblasted adcucks
You have it wrong lad, I was questioning about that user's desicion to call top lane relaxing, when it's literally brawler's lane. I like it that way since yon can snowball really easily.