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>Total War Warhammer
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first for When are we getting dlc for warhammer?

Blood dragons when

i've heard that campaign is extremely short compaired to older games
is that true?

Reminder that BOTET is fucking shit and devs are pure cancer

You're minding your own business as rightful Reikland Emperor when this guy bursts in and starts slagging you off


meh, not really. I got a good 16 hours on my Empire campaign and Im not finished yet.

Guys why isnt there any peaceful options in this game. Fucking annoys me to hell thats bullshit senpai

spookin' em good

should i bother trying to charge anything as dwarves or just sit 4 ranks deep and eat any charges

Summon my electro cunts


also I noticed that bretonnians simply being in an imperial province makes the forests more lush

Took me 260 turns for my greenskin long victory, could have probably gotten it in 200-220 if I rushed more

I just don't have to wat 40-1 minute per turn anymore

>a level 13 captain cant kill level 3 vamp

he is distracted by her tits isnt he?

>noone will bother cracking the slav dlc for attila
feels bad man

So what are the Vampire Counts best units?

>finally finish off Chaos after Kholek spent 10 turns running
>The VC have conquered almost all the ruins

Looks like Grimgors got a lot of zombies to smash through

> TW Warhammer looks incredible
> Dying to play it
> Will never be able to afford a computer that can run it
What can I play to scratch this itch?

There used to be a torrent on a .ru tracker some time ago

At least I think, some user posted it in the thread, I got my slavs for free so I didn't even check


does this sound peaceful to you?

>Vampiric AND Chaos corruption
They can have it, its not worth the trouble holding onto it

post specs

Dire Wolves.

Graveguard are your bread and butter

So spooky

WHERE ARE MY BEASTMEN CA?! I want to ambush empire armies.

What's so good about them? The hounds that Chaos get are just decent

>Will never be able to afford a computer that can run it
You can run game on average pc



I'm completely incompetent when it comes to computer technobabble.

Can only run Overwatch on the lowest settings.

Okay so the AI is a cheating bitch and the game could use a few patches, but can anybody say it's actually a bad game?

When you get a Lord that gets the upgrades for the fellbats + dogs, and the tech tree upgrades to them - they can shred 90% of the unit roster in the game if they get a flank in.

as much as I like the game, the game feels so unfinished, each faction needs 5 or more units, it feels like Im seeing the same units everytime

Im really waiting for Wood Elves, Skaven, and Kislev

they also should let you customize each units or atleast have an army painter, I wonder how theyre gonna implement equiping certain units items like arrows or great weapons

Its not a bad game. It just gets extremely tedious when you're in the late game

what gpu

Try killing yourself, neet scum.


a good chunk of the units don't even perform half as well as they're supposed to, whether you're coming at it with the mentality of a tabletop player or just reading the stat cards in game. it's neat but broken as shit. it just manages to not do retarded shit like have boats sailing into cities.

is it just me, or are dire wolves and bats not worth the unit slot?

>being mean

I'm not used to having "Expendable" units.

I still don't like losing units of zombies, skellingtons and fellbats.

Fucking Toris man.


I like it but im a oldskool Warhammer fanboy so im biased.

A lot of the fun comes from the setting and getting to be in the universe; when you take that out of the picture I'd say its pretty average.

You're seeing 5 different races. That's more than enough.

How do I find that?

How do I see my % for ambush being successful?

good god

The autoresolve still being fucked is the only thing that I'm really unhappy about.



How do I trade settlements?

Dark elves are the better kangz meme.

>they're utterly shite

I'm fine with that.

>they're stupidly expensive

I'm not fine with that at all.




Who cares, they'll literally rise again when you finish the battle

>pc specs is technobabble
>that fucking screen

Is this some kind of newfangled falseflag bait?

Greenskins are the only faction where you get to feel like the AI thanks to Waaaggghhh


>some dwarf clan joins my confederation
>entire bottom right corner is now mine with no effort
>lose all interest in the game



It's just you. Poison direwolves and bats can do some serious work when given all the upgrades/Lord boosts/built from a heavily forested province. They're quick, cheap, and remarkably good at flanking. Like all non-humans they're dogshit in auto resolve though.

>3 different tribes confederation with Greenskins in the first 5 turns
>Completely surrounded by Grimgor's mates
Come the fuck on

install speccy and take a screenshot of what it shows ya

press windows key
type in dxdiag
press enter
second tab

dl Speccy

This happened last night in my Dwarf game, my own fault really, I just clicked without checking how many settlements they had.

I sure hope you built the garrison upgrade, then again, without a lord in there you're probably fucked anyway.

ayy lmao, this answers that question


This might come in handy.

i brought thorgrim over to attack thinking the garrison would help, sadly they did not
it's on legendary so I think my campaign is coming to an end

how do i do that?

but if you dont want to download that
just do as this user says

Gobbo archers are decent though, they do decent damage against quarrellers even. Also wolf archers are great skirmishers.

Oh look men, 'tis the bitch of Ulric!

I never seem to get far up the tech tree before the game becomes easy.

Do people sit around teching and not invading or what? Literally just wandering round with stacks of crossbows and T1 infantry fucking shit up.

>they're utterly shite

When will this meme die? Goblins beat orc boyz in a melee

You got someone with a fetish for Vampire tiddies

Does this answer the question?

>Sigvald says he's "Moving, Father"
>Archaon and Kholek ask if you're a god
>Orc Warbosses will randomly ask you (Gork) to guide them to bigger fights
TW:WH players confirmed for Chaos Gods

>intergrated graphics


Well I guess you really are fucked.

should have just said that you're using a laptop

Get fucked stunty

Oh, okay.

I'll just go pretend none of this conversation ever happened.

>WH:TW fastest selling total war ever
>confirmed to stay to 8th edition, no End Times or AoS
Haters and shitposter btfo.

Isn't a laptop a pc, as in personal computer?

Wouldn't that gimp the Dwarf AI though?

Holy fuck those fucking orcs are so annoying. Especially those at the far left corner where you need to take attrition to reach.

They keep coming


What's THE mod for Attila guys? I bought it for the Age of Charlemagne DLC (I'm a huge Carolingianboo) but I've played that to death and want to actually play the proper Campaign now but the gameplay sucks ass.

Also what's the best Nomadic Group to play as,

Dibs on Nurgle

It might but I don't think auto-resolve odds will be so different.

There's no one mod

Yeah, but you can say that about every TW game.

Yes, but PC is generally used for computers that sit in your house or next to you in an office, because laptops are more compact they're usually referred to as their own thing, specifically when looking into how easy to upgrade individual parts or when used for the sake of gaming.

The Nation Calls.

Reposting incase anybody didn't vote

that voice actor is amazing, don't think i would be able to say that ever.