In 2013 my personal finance teacher had us by $500...

In 2013 my personal finance teacher had us by $500,000 worth of stock on google finance and at the end of the semester we would see who had made the most money.

I lost to a guy who put all of his money in Apple stock, but this is what my portfolio looks like in 2016.

Did I do good senpai? Should I put real money in the market based on this?

(this doesn't include the $20,000 in dividends)

Yeah m8 history will repeat itself 100%

yea bro u did excellent! but can i borrow like $50

index funds.

invest in the entire market and you cannot lose. consistently outperform day traders while sitting on your ass.

Ty based hs educated financial guru

I'm not saying I would invest in the same stocks, I'm asking whether or not my financial knowledge is enough to start investing now.

My stocks were kinda like an index fund. I had stock in freaking everything from railroads to pharmacies

I guess john bogle has no idea what he is talking about then

If you have financial knowledge period youre ok to invest. As long as you dont do anything risky or just plain stupid youll be fine.

I prefer starting with a fee free site like Loyal3 unless you have a good amount to start with, in which case Id start with an actual index fund before anything.

agreed m8, index funds are for rubes. put all your money into gold and trumpcoin

Ah yes, stuff written in the 1960s, right?
Required reading for a hs or undergrad level finance class. Yes that's how portfolio management works, you know it all already smart millenial. Have you settled into your corner office yet

you aren't even trying now

Did I do good?

Started with 1 mil back in 2014's econ class btw.

I assume you work on Wall Street, no?

John Bogle is a fucking idiot. My bank won't even recommend Vanguard products to clients because of how that fuckface used to run shop.

op you better get ib if you're actively daytrading your portfolio


care to share why or are you just going to keep throwing wild accusations at one of the most established and successful investing firms of all time?

>not recommending vanguard


doesn't even beat inflation.

>taking investing advice from a high-school teacher, one of the lowest paid professions in the country

I would honestly like to punch in the face every one of these idiot teachers who hold six-month meme-stock competitions. All it does is encourage rampant speculation and excessive risk, and does nothing to actually teach sound long-term investing strategy.

OP, you got a shitty education from a shitty teacher.