Success fucking sucks. Half the people will be leeches and use you. The other half will utterly despise you. No middle ground.
Success fucking sucks. Half the people will be leeches and use you. The other half will utterly despise you...
Who's that fag?
maybe you're just unlikable
You don't know who that is? Why that's the late great comedian George Carlin.
m8, that's Matt Damon.
That isnt george carlin. It is the other tragically dead commedian, phillip seymor hoffman.
>that's Matt Damon
>knows Matt Damon is black
>not realizing it's actually Bono
I fucking hate all of you.
No. People are garbage. You get successful to separate yourself from them. Live in a nice remote house, don't ride public transport, stand in lines, go to work with them.
I'm pretty sure that isn't Bono. Bono is the mayor of Palm Springs, bro.
Come on you guys that is OBVIOUSLY Richard Prior. Kids these days can't tell their head from their ass I swear
some faggot boomer actor who killed himself or something
That guy died? I just saw that tranny on Dancing with the Stars not too long ago...
I had a life changing even that changed my financial situation drastically. I feel guilty that I didn't really earn this per se but I have worked harder than ever over the last year to maintain and grow it. Why do I feel bad?
cuz u dont have jesus.
I do believe in Jesus though
then why don't you obey him?
oh it's preop Susan Boyle?
You're doing it wrong.
Success is about sharing your victories with those around you and thanking those that helped you get to the top.
Otherwise, the top and the ride down to the bottom will be no bueno.
If I were a bitcoin millionaire, they wouldn't know about it.
wtf i hate success now
Yikes. That billboard is terrible. You are going to scare off christians (a major demographic) from ever using it.
>be me
>get lucky and make money
>older used car and small home in nice neighborhood paid for at 22 yrs old
>have pretty nice things but nothing over the top
>can't speak to friends because any suggestion I give they take as me criticizing them
>if i talk about anything i do I'm "showing off"
>only ever called me when they needed something
Basically the only time they were happy was if I told them something was going wrong or my life sucked, etc.
Bunch of pussywhipped jealous cunts.
The Christians that would be averse to that billboard aren't smart enough to use computers in the first place, user.
Failure fucking sucks. Half the people criticize you and the other half just drift away. No middle ground.
The best is always how harsh the good guys get for fucking up once in a long while.
>Always on time for work everyday
>Always stay a bit later after work to help out
>Always help others who are behind
>Always do favors or come in an extra day for the boss
Then one day if you're late
>Then the same useless shitbag at your job is late 2-3 times a week.
I have never worked anywhere yet that this wasn't true.
Truer words have not been spoken. I literally get hounded and asked to go above and beyond constantly because they know I work hard and will get the job done. But the lazy mother fucker they wont ever say a word to.
That's why you find other rich people to hang out with.
moral of the story... never try.
99% of people are complete shit
Make money so that you don't have to interact with them ever
People are stupid fucking animals that will get envious to moment you show any superiority. Most people are so insecure it's insane.
Do not waste a moment of your time with weak inferior people
From my experience, business owners give the most important responsibilities to their best workers and give the bare minimum to the worthless ones. As a result, if a good worker is late, productivity may grind to a halt whereas if a shitbag is late, nothing happens because the business doesn't depend on him. Therefore, it's a big deal if the good worker is late.
Also has something to do with high expectations.
This happens because you guys actually have potential and are held to a higher standard. It's a good thing. If they don't give you some shit for screwing up a little bit then next thing you know it turns into a bad habit and you're no better than the guy that slacks off constantly. They don't want that to happen to you, they want to see you actually going places.
>those around you that helped you get to the top
happens 1 in 10 cases at most
okay well, then I'll be your friend, I'm 19 tell me how to make money.
Lottery? I thought about it and i wouldnt feel guilty per se but would feel weird if i won knowing i didnt earn that money
Its only a good thing if they plan on promoting you/giving you raises otherwise it is pointless
I don't understand why you would purposely tell others how rich you are.
Becuase you have nothing else going for you. Tends to breed the "everyone else is the asshole" attitude.
that's the guy who killed himself by autoerotic asphyxiation--->David Carradine
It's ok, user. I like you.
I'm sorry, Tom Hanks.
>screencap this post
I'm close to a millionaire and all normies consider me rich. I have had so many "friends" in the past 10 years. I have about 10 "friends" right now. They call themself my friend, but I don't consider not one of them my real friend. I have 0 real friends. I know for a fact they aren't my real friends because
1) I'm an unlikeable person. No one wanted to be my friend til I had money.
2) I can see right through their act, I'm way more intelligent than them
3) They often fail to hide their greed properly when I deny them something
4) They tip toe around me and organize with each other on the best way to get shit out of me
For real, though. Make friends who don't know how rich you are. Meet gay fags like us online and fag about with us on steam.
Or just make it clear to the leeches you know that they ain't getting money. Just say ''suck it, fag'' and leave their gay ass.
I'm literally the only good decent person on this entire planet I'm pretty sure. I'm not out to get anyone and never was even when I was poor. I just wanted real friendship like in the movies. But now I know that's all just science fiction.
Are millionaires actually considered rich? Making that much isn't complicated.
I've met others like you. You're not alone. Really, being a good person is easier on the soul.
do you just have a million or do you the means of making a million? big difference. if you have the latter, you are rich.