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>She started it t b h
>I was like "lets go do real adventure" and she was like "nah".

Kinky. That's even better. Yarti is probably the best worst influence.


Post waifus


Natalia might have witnessed a no-no too.

Oh my...

Kaarina is quite the naughty girl then. Not caring about the audience a bit.

Please, do not deny us these scenes for long.

So I had this pretty cool dream where the Crystal Sage enemies from Dark Souls 3 where in Morrowind (even though it oddly looked more like oblivion) and they were like robots that if you snuck up behind them, there was this big red button on their backs. When pressed , they just simply "shut down". Then you could get on it then you would starting in the sky while wielding is big flaming sword and you would swoop down and slash at enemies.
Shit was pretty cash.

They were uh just checking each other for injuries. Its important that you do so before and after every adventure. The smallest of scrapes could get infected and you'd never know it until you drop dead.

Once you get a little older I'll help you check but for right now you need to check yourself out after every adventure ok.

Are you the guy that always has the neat dreams?

you sucked and fucked her dad, slept with her with no clothes on, and now you had lesbian sex right in front of her. i'm sure that will grow up into an excellent /adventurer/.

>Are you the guy that always has the neat dreams?
no but i sometimes have cool dreams though

>Once you get a little older I'll help you check
Oh my. Those are quite the implications.

Cleaned up a spilled drink with the help of her dad, cuddled for warmth, tucked her in, told her goodnight a few times, and now she walks in on a VERY important safety procedure. The latter is the only one that will help shape her into a fine Adventurer t b h.

Its just adopted-motherly advice. Don't bring your dirty mind into this conversation, user.

loverslab down for anyone else?

Down for me.




Wait. Which one was her dad. I thought she was an orphan.

>Don't bring your dirty mind into this conversation

Probably blizzard.
They nuked the site because muh overwatch porn

Brynholf is like her adopted father.

Not like, is. Their father-daughter didn't even last a day in my story though, even though they genuinely cared for each other.

So which race has objectively the ugliest females? Khajiit, Argonians or Orcs?

I mean I'm begging to see at least one attractive female from these races here. It hasn't happened yet.

>"Hi Dark Elf lady, what are you doing with my daddy?"

Who would be interested in a mod that replaces female NPCs ugly shoes with cute leather sandals?

no matter what you choose, you're into beastiality of some kind

Yarti's story isn't canon to mine, you know...

I'd probably go with Orcs. Argonians and Khajiit can look adorable with little effort. Orcs take a lot more effort to look great.

Someone post the gifs please.

Ra, mord and witchcat are objectively attractive.
Kal meena is alright.

I can't think of a good orc, so I'll say Orc.

They should. Also, we know that her adult version can also jump into alternate timelines, so there is no excuse for the lack of futa vampire Cumtears x Lewd Dunmer content.

Gib album

Orcs because Argonians and Khajiits are objectively the best race ever and no one can say otherwise.

No follower of either of them yet.

>being a literally furry

She grows up and sells it for a pint on the street corner in this timeline. Quality parenting right here.

This. Also, there is literally no way that her adult vampire version would ever be anyone's pack mule.

Besides, who said that she could do that? Jumping to alternate timelines... Pfft, that's one heck of a generic movie cliche.


A pleb, I see.

I swear user, sometimes I think that your waifu looks hot, sometimes she looks like a cheap Bangkok tranny, and sometimes she creeps the fuck out of me. Are you sure that you haven't changed her face at all in your recent shots?

>because Argonians and Khajiits are objectively the beast races

Maybe after I finish an actual adventure album.


Shes going to be a professional adventurer. World renowned even.

Yeah that could never happen.

>Maybe after I finish an actual adventure album.
Unless you get sabotaged by your companion again.

Nope, the last time I changed her face was a month and 28 days ago, I think.

Define "professional", sill vuu play.

Isn't that Sofia?

is that suppose to say "s'il vous plait"?

>i am snek


Non monsieur, je ne comprends pas le francais.

>did a photoshoot for a storytime yesterday
>hate all the shots I took
kill me

allt í lagi



god damn this shit is making my dick rock-hard. album where?

>Maybe after I finish an actual adventure album
make a follower and just let the other guy do it

Hey guys, did you hear that Zix is really bad at Overwatch and everybody knows it?

You know, like REALLY good at it. We might even open a business for like-minded adventurers in training. I'm sure theres lots of potential customers out there waiting for someone to help them fulfill their adventuring needs.

inb4 lamae bal comes in and kills lewd dunmer and the other /adventurers/ for turning her daughter into a slut.

Who gives a shit.

I still luv him.

Stop being so toxic, thank god based Blizzard removed scoreboards so we can have fun without having to deal with awful people like you.

nah, it'd be Mary Sue of Futurepast Cumtears come back in time to do it

Like a brothel?

a waifu brothel?

did you just grab a screenshot of whoever that is and apply some ps filter to it?

No way that she would risk revealing her position to Molag Bal by doing that though, even for her.

Do you know any other young aspiring adventurers that would be interested in a position at my new business?

i don't think i do

No it would just be like The Companions only all female adventurers.


Nyugga how delusional are you cats and lizards a worst.

Don't make me pop you in the mouth.

wow lewd

That looks like some pretty serious boob envy.

how can khajit and argonians articulate speech when they don't have an oral cavity like humans

they shouldn't be able to produce half the sounds a human mouth can

Because lore. And Hist. And Moon Sugar. And c0da.

can argonians whistle?

who /want to lick the tip/ here?

Of an argonian penis? Yes, me please.

Quick lore question:

What do Braith's panties smell like?



Aetherium. As in, everything imaginable at a single point in the universe. To that end, they are horribly rancid.

I dunno if you wanna do that.

Well I suppose they're not as shit as orcs, but still

Why the fuck is ENB so hard to install for me? This process is terrible. It doesn't even show up ingame.

>literally drag and drop

What exactly are you doing? You have to try really hard to fuck up installing ENB, it's literally just drag n drop a few files.

Some nice user explained it to me a few threads ago, were you not around? Most ENB pages on the nexus tell you how to anyways.

>Ra, mord and witchcat
I have no idea what aspect you're basing attractiveness off of, but I'm not quite sure Mordessa belongs on that list.
Seems more fitting that either Nisrrina or Prissa be there because of their body shape, they're certainly up there with Big hat.

did you contact your local service provider?

requesting a follower of Tristan the way he looked in your last storytime, if the preset is available. I don't care for the makeup. Thank you.

I'm not into cats at all but I think Mordessa is a qt

You don't deserve a pc faggot.

download preset from Nexus or whatever
download required binary from enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html (if the binary specified by the preset author isn't there, grab the next highest number)
copy d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe from the Wrapper folder in the enbdev download and put them where TESV.exe is located
same with the files from the Nexus preset
configure enblocal.ini

Are you a biomechatronics major?

Are there sex mods for Morrowind ?

Why would you want to watch Morrowind models have sex

cover yourself up you fucking whoREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Could you please just stop? Come on, I'm asking nicely. I'm not triggered by nudity or anything, I would just like you to act like a decent poster.

Did you decide on a name?

It has some but they're hard to locate and they're really shitty.

I think I recall NPC Commands having a hilarious pleasure command with stock porn sounds played over it.

What is the largest Windhelm expansion mod out there?