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Anyone have the FLC chart?
Thanks for the help. I'm assuming I should switch to using Chaos Warriors as my bread and butter instead of Marauders ASAP?
>Now this is pod racing
At the Battle of the Bitter Moors, Karl Franz comes face to face with both Boris Todbringer and the Ar-Ulric.
He gets fucked up
good luck, I'm behind 8 ironbrakes
Oh shit, can you play as averland?
What provinces does VC get unique buildings?
Is there a list of unique buildings for each faction?
Why is handgunner upkeep/price as high as it is?
The primary appeal of those kinds of firearms is that you can give them en masse to shitty untrained peasants and have them kill things way more expensive than them. Increasing their costs defeats their purpose
And where the fuck are my pikes? How do I do pike and shot with no pikes?
this is all contained in just one dlc?
>tfw Manny throws himself in front of the chaos horde for you
Almost makes me feel bad for crashing into him after he stops the invasion
Some based dwarfs are guerrila razing the norscans
Based as fuck desu
I know right? It's like the game is a sand castle and Chaos is some dickhead who comes and stomps on it. You're having plenty of fun before they show up, but then you have to spend all your time telling them to leave you alone rather than building more sand castles.
>enemy orcs have one general left alive with like zero hp
>attack with my smaller supporting stack
>10 units vs 1 guy with 1 hp, game says the guy has like 25% chance to win
>fuck that, go into manual combat
>first arrow flies at the orc, he dies
>"Decisive victory"
I wasted two 5 minute load screens for this
Auto resolve math are fucked
TWW may be the first Total War where I finish the game with every single faction and don't get bored.
I'm finishing up second VH campaign now and can't wait to play legendary Empire next.
No, it will be like the free content updates in Atilla, it will come out alongside a paid DLC probably. The lores and heroes are probably going to be the same FLC though. You are going to have to add a new hero when you add a new lore of magic.
anyone have any good strategic tips? I feel like I am a shit commander. Like what the fuck do you do to a enemy camping a hill and not moving? Especially when you have basic units?
Also, are goblins good AT ALL in green skin army? I want to make a army mostly of goblins lead by a goblin grreat shaman.
Also.. what the fuck role does azag the slaughterer play compared to grimgor? Aren't they both supposed to be melee except I think azhag has access to black magic?
>And where the fuck are my pikes? How do I do pike and shot with no pikes?
you got the superior form
Who do you think the new LL for Vampires will be? Krell? Vlad? Neferata?
Anyone tried this mod out?
>5 minute loading screens
why didn't you install the game on your SSD user?
you do have an SSD, right?
>be empire
>1120938 chaos sorcerers/champions enter my lands corrupting everything
>all these fucking half-stack nigger hordes teleporting behind my armies
>chaos only warring empire provinces and not literally everyone
>chaos half-stack literally raiding right outside their capital
>they have a full stack and don't do shit
>dwarves declare war on me and sue for peace the second they encounter resistance
This is WRE attila levels of annoying
next expansion when
Anything other than a Strigoi would piss me the FUCK off.
Vlad, he is the only named Lord who hasn't been put in the game yet. So far they have kept pretty consistent with what constitutes a Lord. Krell is a named hero unit.
>step out of the settlement for a moment to sack a neighboring one
>Grimgor nuttin' personnals it immediately through the Underway, sacking it before vanishing again
next week
>be orcs
>Chaos invasion 2: electric boogaloo begins
Suddenly 3 Bjornling ships land in Southwestern badlands
Well, I already had 2 goblin stacks with Waaghs down there so I exterminated them in two turns, but literally how does that happen?
Halberds are great and all, but not nearly long enough in the game
Actual pike walls would fuck shit up way better
Might be interesting
But it wouldn't make sense for Vlad to work under Mannfred.
If they don't make it the Red Duke I quit. They have to make Bretonnia relevent somehow.
Does anyone know what's going on? I'm trying to edit the damage on spells and Gyro bombs but the changes won't take effect.
irondrakes may not be the best unit, but they sure as hell are fun
at least they occupy cavalry for long time with their 120 armor
There are no other named Lords in the vampire 8e book, so unless they are going to pull a character from an earlier book there isn't much of a choice.
That's where they spawn, it's to make Chaos relevant to stunties and greenskins.
I was completely wrong about the awful Goblin leadership being a negative.
It actually works to their advantage, your units always run before getting totally smashed and they're faster than most (maybe all) other infantry so they generally get away. Plus, once they're buffed with magic and the hero skills they're not that bad in combat.
The battles generally devolve into a complete mess with enemy melee chasing my gobbos and my wolves and archers dealing with their ranged and siege units.
It's literally fucking impossible to kill combat focused lords though, just have to feed them units to slow them down. And I'm not sure what I'll do against Chaos when I have to fight them.
It always happens, I guess it's so you feel a bit of the Chaos love if you're playing Dwarfs or Orcs.
ill never not be mad.
I think they might. They put Kholek in for the WoC and he doesn't even have a model.
Talebecland betray the honour of the Wolf-Emperor. They besiege Altdorf while his armies are busy in Marienburg.
I hope they don't think this act will get them on my good side.
Yep, you can play as every minor faction.
>And I'm not sure what I'll do against Chaos when I have to fight them.
Autoresolve them with Waagh stacks.
i dont know if its the larger units mods but the AI seems mega fucked recently
>Wait for me to attack
>Send in all my range units
>get assblasted for about 5 minutes
>still not moving
is it like this for anyone else?
But user Vlad was dead in the game's timeline, it took Nagash to resurrect him in the End Times.
>firing mass dwarven cannons at Giants
>watching the cannonballs bounce off him with each hit
>one shot bounces off the back of his head and lands on a nearby Goblin Big Boss and pancakes him
This is too funny
Well yeah, there is that option.
Even against Dwarfs and Orcs stacks of Goblins still tend to perform better in the auto resolve, it is fun to fight the battles though.
>There are no other named Lords in the vampire 8e book
Fuck the rules.
Someone please teach me how the fuck do I play VC?
I made it to turn 100 with 3 1/2 provinces because of how slow corruption spreads. I lost when Archaeon the fuckboi made a beeline towards me instead of the Empire.
I can't trade with anyone so getting income is a bitch.
Everyone cost so expensive and the skeletons and zombies are trash for expanding in the early game.
Is there something I am missing? I beat the game on hard with Empire and Dwarves but VC seems to stump me.
Azhag has been dead for a while. I don't think they're going to worry about throwing in a few characters from the past of the fluff.
I'm not sure they're getting one. The images behind them seem somewhat random. Obviously the magic ones do.
I think they said the free lords would be rivals in the lore, and I forget the names but that'll probably be greenskins and dorf lords.
Vlad would make the most sense. Krell doesn't make any sense as a lord, should be a unique hero that comes with kemmler. Neferata makes the least sense for a total war game. Sure she CAN fight, but she doesn't want to.
Konrad is probably the most likely I'd say.
Bretonnia as a whole will release for free with updated roster.
Red Duke is silly given the current absence of the Blood Dragons, and isn't pertinent to the vague chronological setting of the game. Mallobaude is the way you would go if you want a Bretonnian vampire. But he would still start in Sylvania so that doesn't make sense either.
Would be a good choice for a pure melee LL which the VCs lack
Kholek was in the book however.
But it makes no sense, pulling a long dead character out of the air who would be almost identical to an existing character, right down to appearance. If they're gonna do anything it should be a Strigoi, Blood Dragon or Lahmia.
Plop an agent into the province you want
march in with your army and take one of the settlements in 2-3 turns, suddenly you have 30-50% corruption and an a town to garrison in to prevent atterition in case they have corruption reduction in that province
Kill orcs for ez relations
and skellies and zombies are godlike early, also dire wolves
The other Legendary Lord is going to be Whurzag, and it has the orc banner behind it. The other Legendary Lord has part of the vampire city behind it.
Oh right, I just meant they seem to be ok with dead characters coming back.
I wasn't putting my money on any specific one.
Well, if the Chaos gits don't have any wolves or Marauder horses, you could try going full Attila on them with wolf riders.
>so unless they are going to pull a character from an earlier book there isn't much of a choice.
I know Total War Warhammer is not the same as the tabletop game, but if they do this it is totally allowed by the rules. You can use old heroes in the new setting.
I remember when you can unblock the other faction just changing a minor shit in some txt
Vlad is far more popular than some literal who you would put in for those other factions.
Unless im wrong, I'm pretty sure the game starts at the year 2502 and Azhag is pretty much alive at this point
He dies at 2512-2515
t. army book
Is it just me or are ranged units really finnicky in TW:WH? They refuse to fire at anything constantly, claiming that they're 'obstructed' even though they're on flat ground right in front of the enemy.
Should've dragged him to war with the empire then buddy.
So you have some shitty lord as LL?
But he's too similar to Mannfred and would never work with him
Why no zacharia with dragon zombie?
What about Arkhan the Black.
he would make more sense than Vlad
or even Konrad, but neither of those three would answer to Manny
Anyone know where the game stores save files? got that weird autosave bug that causes a CTD
Mannfredd is presumed dead until around 2522 when he reinhabits Castle Drakenhof
t. army book
Why does Coke Life taste so shit?
Never buying that garbage again.
not really
a pike phalanx wouldn't hold very long against a charge of Chaos/Greenskins who are basically just angry mountains of muscle
But he's too similar to an existing character, if you want Vlad just make a mod that renames Mannfred.
Because that'd just look like a skinnier version of Manny, at least the other three bloodlines have unique looks and philosophies.
>What about Arkhan the Black.
Arkhan's a Tomb King, not a vampire.
My money is on Neferata for VC, and Skarsnik as Greenskin LL.
>comparing a character who has been dead for 5-10 years in the lore to someone who has been dead for around 200.
It is a FLC, what do you expect? that is like saying Suebi shouldn't be the FLC because they are too similar to the other germanic hordes.
But you could say the same thing about a spear wall or any formation composed of humans
Pikes would just be for what's left after the rifle volleys anyways
I had 30gb on the SSD and the game needed 24gb, I figured by the time there's an expansion it'll be too big to fit
Why would you have a sneaky diplomatic isolationist who views Sylvania with disdain from their distant home as lord of Sylvania?
>comparing a character who has been dead for 5-10 years in the lore in a faction without necromancy to someone who has been dead for around 200 in a faction that is known for necromancy.
>leoun sends a army of grail knights to fight the forces of chaos
what a fucking bro, gonna send KF himself to join up with him
It would be pointless to have two LLs with the same powers. They'll pick a melee focused one for VCs.
>tfw you know very little about the lore
Which books are worth reading?
Do you have to read the tabletop gamebooks to get full lore?
Oh sorry, I thought we were supposed to want interesting content as consumers.
>alright motherfuckers, it's time to fight chaos. I've done my part and completely wiped out the Greenskins, so Karl let's team up and...
Looks like all that is left of the Empire is Wissenland, which migrated south and ate the entire Border Kingdoms
I like the fact that buildings don't have negatives, I hated that in Rome 2
I bet there's people who think this is too casual though
>>comparing a character who has been dead for 5-10 years in the lore to someone who has been dead for around 200 that has been stated to be too powerful for anyone but Nagash to resurrect.