Nerframe edition
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First for slit wrists
Why does Sonicor take 2-3x as many shots as every other weapon to kill nullifiers? Which trash secondary should I forma then
Are people making bets that they will revert trinity in some way?
>Mynki said that anime was an inspiration for Warframe
140 Fullarton Street, Suite 1800
London, Ontario, Canada
Threadly reminder, "complaint" letters go here.
Warframe : Where the developers are building their dream game but discounting the actual player's experience.
Tonkor "rework" when? pls DE
as a forumshitter I demand others play this game the way it was meant to be played.
nth for I want to fucking kill myself
who cares how are you still using that thing?
beam weapons and throwing star weapons are good against nullies
Mag is cute!
even if she's a rotting corpse
>Sortie 3 Interception
>Be Mag in a pub, was the only one with CP
>Debuffing enemy armor left and right
>Ease with kills everywhere
>Downed often because Mag is squishy even with Quick Thinking
I saw she starts need to cast 3 Polarize (Casting Polarize by itself) to debuff armor once enemies get around 89 and up some still need two. However it was still a great feeling.
I really need to get some Suda weapons for energy and magnetic bonus for Crush.
So I like Loki, Ivara and Chroma.
Will all three of those get nerfed as soon as possible too?
Only complaints? Why not some beer? And don't forget to buy TennoCon ticket today!
i've quit since syndicates were introduced what has changed and is it still a grind fest?
It's a shitter's first crutch, user. Get over yourself.
I know
I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought I could live for no one else
Can I trade a loki prime set for a vauban prime?
If i told people to send bombs/laced letters i get the pigs breathing down my neck.
a magnetize and polarize build would have same status? max range then 190 power and no negative duration?
I'm currently grinding spy to 1 forma valkyr, mag is next. am I to take that valk build is now maxed eff or the ramp up becomes too much? hysteria is a critical low status memelee weapon?
since DE is spineless and won't admit they screwed up what changes can we hope for trinity? ev dying means no support role from her, who would replace her?
I'm feeling absolute regret. my unforma mag and valk were only used in very special occasions. even my ash was untouched. what did I missed of these frames? what was left of them?
they will nerf EV and call her balanced, mark my words
Probably, you can pretty much trade anything for anything if someone is dumb enough.
I've seen some Loki/Vauban WTT so you might get lucky.
>craft it
>enjoy it
>enjoy it even more
>show it to your friends
>getting bored of it
>never use it again
lifecycle of a tonkor
noone would be willing to lose money on it
stealth may lose its damage bonus
chroma will get vex and cold nerfed strongly
>People do not understand balance
>Either Nerf Trinity
>Nerf Zenurik
>Trinity had to go so we could live
Simulacrum Mesa test:
Tested against lv100 HG with Shooting Gallery active. At least two tests were conducted for each weapon, no significant variation due to RNG.
>identical maxed builds building corrosive using 90% elementals
>TTK: 2.8s, no significant difference between the two weapons
>272% power strength, the very upper end of usable
>PM secondary modded identical to first
>TTK: 4s
PM is clearly worse against HGs than either of the top 2 secondaries. However, this is without taking into account PM's ramp-up damage, and I also aimed for headshots. Overall, I think we can say that PM is worse against heavies.
Sortie Mesa Test:
Pubbed sortie 3 (Grineer Intercept, physical enhancement). Only 2 CP. PM easily 1-shot (2 bullets) the non-Heavy units; Simulacrum testing with only 1 CP showed the same result.
PM was significantly easier to use than secondaries (much better range, no need to aim), and against non-heavy units, had significantly better TTK than secondaries (since PM essentially instant-kills them). Ended up with 46% of total damage dealt in a team of 4. It's safe to say that despite lower DPS in Simulacrum testing against HGs, PM significantly outperforms secondaries in-mission.
0 survivability mods. Got downed several times; twice to Eviscerator blades which I guess go through SS; once to a kavat one-shotting me; once or twice to others I can't remember.
>tl;dr - Mesa is viable for endgame. Good DPS with Peacemaker, which significantly outperform secondaries in-mission. Has troubles with survivability.
Does hydroid passive slam tentacle get affected by any damage or is it simply like ult tentacle
If so, what can be the best melee to slam around
I know what needs nerfing
enemy armor scaling
now go back to the forums and keep shilling there. just remember to get paid in USD instead of plat.
What's a fun frame if you just want to kill shit, not be a cc machine?
Jat Kitty
Eventually even this is going to get nerfed with all the CC potential it has.
But is it the fastest at slamming, or just does the most damage?
fucking hell can you remove steve money shot from your face for a moment?
the only okay thing is that you were downed only by memelee enemies. everything else about your post is rose tinted glasses that it's OK to cripple mobility for a nonexistent bonus.
does PM counts punch through? rof mods?
that's great to know, user, thanks
survivability shouldn't really be a problem in a party since mesa should be taken to a mission with either a buffer or someone who can protect her, but it's good to know that she still gets downed easily
any word on how multishot, crit and status affect the outcome?
how did they manage to make her worse...
That actually looks neat.
Why don't you guys just accept the fact that you're not supposed, no ALLOWED to have any fun and should just buy plat everyday?
>Mesa is viable for endgame
Neither really matter since you build it for blast and slap on the Kela augment. It's meant to make everything go flying.
started recently does the end game absolutely requires autistic theorycrafting?
fun to kill? don't know
fun to troll? limbo. banish teammates for the lulz
>be immune to ranged weapons
>only ranged weapon that can surpass immunity is a explosive rocket or a sharp dishware
>be dumb enough to not recognize this
>use a skill that prevents mobility completely
>"she's OK guys I'm just universally hated!"
But if I were purely trying to shit out as many squids as I could, what would I use them
Atlas, excal, valkyr, saryn, wukong or chroma. Some are far worse than others, but they're all fun.
>mfw people still don't know about rolling
But now
Through all the hurt and pain
It's time for me to respect
The ones who love me more than anything
I'm not too sure, actually. Daggers tend to be the fastest melee in the game, so it stands to reason they'd have the fastest slam, too.
Redeemer may also work. Mine is pretty fast, but I rarely use it for slam since the damage is shit.
bonus is not non-existent. PM pretty much instant kills non-heavy units, which makes it significantly more useful than Aksomatis/stilletos for general mission play. In fact this was true before the Mesa change in starchart. If PM deals equivalent damage as your guns, it's always going to be easier and more efficient damage-wise because of its range and the fact you don't need to aim it.
The mobility issue is not nearly as significant as you make it seem. I only activated PM for a few seconds at a time to let it clear out enemies.
so how bad is it? Valykr is now Oberon tier sell fodder?
I never got to cheese higher level content with her either.
I want to cream all over that butt
no change
So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
Is end it all and leave forever
>sortie 2 rescue
>hostage rescued
>waiting at the extraction without a fucking mark or his HP for over 3 mins since rescue
If you don't have an efficiency build you're fucked. But you probably already had an efficiency build so the change isn't that bad
PM and Aksomatis/AkStilletos had identical builds:
Hornet Strike
Barrel Diffusion
Lethal Torrent
P. Target cracker
P. Pistol gambit
Pathogen rounds
P. Heated charge
For AkSomati/AkStilleto this is the maximum damage build (interestingly, 90% elementals did significantly better than dual-stats for AkStilletos also).
I'd wager this is also the max damage build for PM also. Only thing that might be different are fire rate mods, which I have not tested
What's done is done it feels so bad
What once was happy now is sad
So I picked up kogake and started just attacking, every pair of hits spawns a tentacle for some reason
Too bad No-fun-jews capped them at three tentacles, if I spawn more they just release the mob and get lost within 3 seconds
Yeah I love Grineer aesthetics.
The colors are:
Lotus Palette Row 4 Column 3
Orokin Palette Row 11 Column 5
Lotus Palette Row 5 Column 5
Fire Palette Row 9 Column 5
Fire Palette Row 8 Column 3
Best reproduction of Nightwatch colors I can get.
>catalyst required sac for third title
>lowlvl friend asked me to accompany him in t2 def
>'don't worry I can banish the cryopod'
>mfw I banish him the whole time
>mfw he couldn't do shit and didn't know why
>mfw gentleframe is a master in the tenno arts of trolling
>duration is affected reversely on ev and wol
>so 200% duration means 5 sec ev, 12% duration means ~18 sec ev
>ev target killed before it's time will only give a half the energy it currently does
>bless has a base DR of 30% affected by power str. maybe 35% if DE feels kind. the bonus lies on no self harm for bless
>likely it will still have the range shit wich is in modded because it's a retarded limitation in the game design
>btw her wol/ev trick died a long time ago
>link should get something. fuck me I don't know what.
how is this?
I'll never love again
My world is ending
Good shit user
Have you bought your new 10ogen skins yes, /wfg/? Better hurry, once there's too many people with them you'll no longer look unique.
nah. Valkyr is still top
just have an eye on your energy bar
why is pm better that any auto shotty
or hek
goddamit stop shilling for once. look at what you wrote, how can you defend this
Thanks... back to farming for continuity I guess.
Bought a skin for a frame no one uses in pubs.
It will never be overused.
what the fuck are you talking about?
I wish that I could turn back time
Cuz now the guilt is all mine
Can't live without the trust from those you love
>top 2 secondaries
According to google, Tipedo and Dual Zoren have the highest base attack speed in the game. The wiki says they both have the "highest", not even in class, just highest. But Zoren is listed as having 1.17 and Tipedo as 1.33, so I don't know what they're basing off of.
I know we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that it's killing me inside
that is a speed multiplier based on their animation. it's only useful to compare same animation weapons.
It doesn't say highest for Zoren, just "high base attack speed"
thats the new event, retard
Must have read it wrong.
Like I said it doesn't matter anymore, they are capped at three
It all returns to nothing
anyway to end Mag suffering?
Alright, figured you might want to min-max for fastest tentacle spawning anyway.
>Proxy Retribution
Nope, not falling for that shit again.
Yea but since kogake every 2 hits shits out a tentacle without a need to slam
>this ded thred
they really killed their game, those madmen. after i'm sure they're done with the damage control alerts i'm leaving too, just downloaded [PROTOTYPE] yesterday so i've already got a new game ready. might also play new vegas, i dunno. probably gonna avoid multiplayer stuff for a bit, whofarm has left a bad taste in my mouth.
what about you guys, what will you do when you finally leave?
no they didnt. forumites are gobbling it up. youtubers are praising the shit out of them and their playercount is still steady.
the normies won user.
I reinstalled Darkest Dungeon, and it's pretty fun. I haven't played it for over a year, so it's neat going through all the changes and stuff.
>making a silly video on void sabotage
>lost all hope for it
>what is this on wmm
>bless video scratches
>note, get orkpower permission to show his build
>and a pic of his trinities
defending a target with literally no shields against 20 waves of hyenas? again? no thanks
>forumshits and jewtubers are asslickers
tell me something i don't know. the steady playercount is concerning but why would they damage control like this if they don't feel like they fucked up?
now buy more plat.
3 youtubers already called it shit. they say even volt was a net nerf
go back to pleddit and don't forget your mom's phone to up vote yourself. also get paid in USD, dumbass
retards that play this game feel good when the devs nerf some shit to the ground. They make threads saying "I'm not mad at all! Thanks DE" and feel good, because they think that if they continue playing after fun is destroyed they're skilled and good at the game.
So 99% of the player base is rejoicing at the nerfs.
when isnt DE in full damage control?
they always are like this.
its probably why the retards praise them in the first place.
It just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down