Best girl. edition
Best girl. edition
Best Girl Evelynn
Lulu and Darius rage quit
Le niggro strikes again
> chat restrictions
Why are you such a toxic faggot?
Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.
Can't wait for Irontumblr to do a boob reduction to Eve's skins now that he's done with Nidalee.
>good fucking job you retard you killed your autistic waifu
my sides
Can't wait for you to kill yourself.
But, the Nidalee skins look way sexier now.
>implying French Maid isn't superior to the old splash.
I always thought that Vladimir would be more like a "interview with the vampire" kinda guy. i love Vladimir puns i don't know why i feel like if he loose them he would just be a edgelord
Don't care, she's basically flat now.
Overwatch killin your q times lolbabs?
>League busy
So what're they doing now?
I wanna swim with ahri
How is Master Yi nowadays?
I want to procreate with Irelia.
That's entirely not true.
His story was that he was a kid who wanted to be fancy and of high rank but too much of a murderous nutcase to ever fit into society, but when he became a blood mage suddenly he was extremely valuable to Noxus so they gave him the right to murder without consequence (League or otherwise) and even paid him for it, so now he's enjoying a fancy life of nobility, Black Rose membership, lots of sex and reckless hemomancy practitioning.
At least if his new lore has anything to do with the old one.
You mean Lestat? I mean I guess.
I think the puns and the cheerful demeanor are basically a mask because he's a histrionic drama whore.
don't you mean in, user?
Irelia is a lich. LICH!
>get clan butt buddies on my team
>every one of them feeds
xth for #1 undead waifu
CUTE lich.
why does Irelia look so cute in this picture?
>get clan butt buddies on my team
>do so good they ask me to join
a-aw cmon guys.
because the splash artist knows how to draw waifus
is irelia still the champion with the best ass?
still fine as far as i can tell
Cause she's my waifu and she always looks cute.
>Support main
>Still popping 30 second queues
I just wish Riot would fix the infinite "a player has left queue returning to matchmaking thing" Seven times hearing the SHING is annoying.
is there any
cute gnar?
>Support main
So Vladimir whole motivation to do everything he does is being a noble, Vladimir has to be one of little few people in the league that do what he do for money
I've played maybe like 10-15 games on Xin Zhao and I feel like I'm the best Xin Zhao in the world already.
the alternatives are worse
if the system cancels the queue as soon as anybody declines, you'll get another prompt immediately, only all the people that afk'd the first one are still there
if the system stops checking for afks, we'll get into more lobbies but they'll end prematurely, sometimes going as far as fourth total pick before afks are discovered
As a cosplay, yes.
Did you press Q?
Support Main
Jungle as secondary, maining Vi
Rocket Science, I know.
I can't have a waifu in another role than what I main?
Yeah, I know that. I think the queue's just fucking up every now and then thinking people dodge when they actually don't. So you'll have the queue pop up, then nope back to wait, then queue pop up. It repeats that around 5-6 times depending.
In Champion Select:
>Support: hey adc, what support do you want?
>ADC: Janna or Braum would be really good
(Support's pick time is running out)
>Support: ...I can't play Braum very well, but I can try If you want to...
>ADC: Well, then pick Janna
(Support locks Janna)
>Support: I can't play Janna...
>ADC: What the hell man
Janna then proceeds to afk until 10 min in the game, when questioned she says:
Hello? Am I being pranked? How can you be a support player, and not know how to play janna?
I just don't know /lolg/. I kind of like this game I guess. I like the characters, or perhaps better yet the theme of the characters, the visual of the characters, I like the lore and the setting even though I know it has been butchered, I like the gameplay...
DotA is just so damn better. All the different game modes, custom maps, all the damn amazing technical aspects of the game, an engine that doesn't have to make every ability a minion, everything completly free to play, free cosmetics for every aspect of the game from hero cosmetics to cosmetics that change the entire fucking map or just parts of it when League can't even fucking bring back the winter mode because SMALL FUCKING INDIE COMPANY. Then we have some really damn unique hero kits although most are a boring garbage but what is really the best thing about the game is the items. There is an item for everything. And the items are so damn fun to use. There aren't as many cookie cutter builds on most heroes and you just build according to the game.
The lore and theme of the heroes and characters is just so fucking horrendous. Everything is some sort of retarded monstrosity, some characters have completly mismatching skills, for some reason there is the fucking greek god of thunder there and other stupid shit. This is the one thing that puts me off the most since I am a sucker for atmosphere and lore and shit. I just don't know what to do. If LoL at least had Rubick or a company that gives a fuck and knows what they are doing.
Even the battlechest thing. I know it is technically a ripoff but for 10$ you get SO much shit that it would be stupid not to buy it if you play the game a lot. What do you get for 10€ from Riot? Jack fucking shit. It's really pissing me off.
Support main here. I actually can't into Janna.
someone probably had an accident at his house lol
remember it's summer...
gnarsies is a faggot, aids filled neckbeard furry pedo
Its a girl on her period, just move on to the next game.
She's the easiest support in the entire game.
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to play Lulu without remembering this again. Thank you /lolg/!
Not Taric both old and new
>>ADC: Janna or Braum would be really good
You fucked up here. Supports are faggots that can't talk back, just tell them "play something you know how to play" or something like that.
shield your adc
peel by snapcasting q
you may think it's hard to peel with q, but you're wrong, because the hitbox is the size of Wyoming
I mean, it's Janna we're talking about. I'd afk too if I had to play her.
Thank god i earned a S- rank on her so I'm free from her until next season
New Taric has delays on things, you have to plan ahead a little.
Old Taric was easier but he's dead.
Taric needs to hit his stun consistently to be even close to being useful.
His ult is pretty easy though. Unless you let the assassin jump in first.
xth for breast waifu
secondary xth for being stuck at a car dealership for two hours just for them to tell you that your remote is busted. At least they didn't charge me
Yeap Sona is evenm more easyer, but i never loose when i use Taric for some reason he always feel simple for me even the new one
aww they're so cute! :3
cute foxes
Cute angels
Are Veigar and Alistar considered Braindead champions?
>virgins with waifus
This is why we're dead.
Can you do this in League?
Sona is much harder, you have to know her ranges, auto people at the right times, and then she falls off if you aren't ahead.
Much more difficult.
What cancer champs can I use in top and mid lane except Windy man and Ekko?
Wait until she gets buffed. She got gutted for being boring to watch compared to other supports like Thresh or Thresh. She's literally unplayable right now.
Your welcome
Now post more cute Lulu pics.
what's happening there?
Semi-lewd, but adorbs.
I primarily play Leona, Poppy, used to play Naut too before his first fotm (as support) flared up etc., I have less than 50 games on janna under my belt tops, and I can assure you I would go under 2 deaths if I queued as her right now and got 20 assists to show for it bare minimum. Two deaths is the sign of a really bad Janna, by the way.
What can you play then? I'm genuinely curious.
Yeah, the real problem was that she died 5 times in lane.
>You fucked up here. Supports are faggots that can't talk back
I was playing top, but I think you're right, I should've said something like that.
>high winrate high playrate
>literally unplayable
u w0t m8?
don't tell people what to pick. just say what the team needs and have them decide what they want to play. this is what happens when you try to tell people what to play and they don't actually play that champ.
Nothing of relevance.
Giving a blowjob to Varus and now you have aids
> top
Quinn, Swain, Vlad, Ryze, Fizz
> Mid
Veigar, Vlad, Ryze, Fizz, Azir
She's mainly being played by girl gamers getting boosted, hence the high winrate. Pretty much everyone who played her before she got nerfed at the end of S4 stopped playing her.
>don't tell people what to pick.
I wasn't the ADC
Veigar and Vlad are cancer mid since when?
how about this lolbabs?
she still has a very high playrate. there aren't that many girl gamers. most of them are ordinary support cucks like rest of us supports. i do detest janna though she's boring and reliant on your adc. i prefer zyra/brand/velkoz unless our team needs cc/tank, in which case i'll play braum.
Is that RCT3? It looks kind of like RCT3
Veigar needs dragons, but dat 2k AP
Vlad is cancer because we keep getting spammed with vladfag
Just spam speedy Ryze and get to masters that way
>Be told to buy Ekko
>Finally buy him
>Can't wait to absolutely destroy everyone
>Lose 3 games in a row
>Can't outtrade anyone in lane
>Farms slow as fuck
>Doesn't really do much late
What the hell am I doing wrong?
>inb4 u just suk git gud
Ok thanks for your valueable input, but I am looking for actual help on how to win with this guy.
>reliant on adc
Choose one.
Thank you
>didnt use q
can you do this in league?!
>wasting time for q animation with 0 ap
> pantheon ult onto vayne.gif
Why would I care to do this in league?
No problem!
No, but you can have a waifu with feminine penis.
>play wukong jungle
>all my lanes win
what is this black magic?
Can you do this in DOTA?
>doesnt know how to animation cancel
>doesnt know q proc more damage
DJ Sona > frostbutt
Help me lads.
I already go 2 mastery tokens but I still can't get a level 6 mastery badge.
It says I need the champion to get the badge but obviously I own the champ.
What to do?
wait until next week when you'll be able to buy the champ shard from the store