What is your goal?
What is you're bullshit story?
What is your goal?
What is you're bullshit story?
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That shit pisses me off so much. Nothing but a bunch of douchey dude bros actually believe this and then they turn out to not actually be worth shit in the end
thats ur bullshit story... but whats your goal?
Regardless it's true. Yeah motivational quotes are cliche but it's not like they're false.
People often lie to themselves to skirt over or their inadequacies, that's what can be considered the "bullshit story".
t. Jerry Mcguire movie
My excuse: Cops are good at catching bank robbers these days...
Fuck off fedora. Perception and attitude is more important than you autistic fucks will ever realize.
my goal is to become a foreign service officer for the state department
my bullshit story is that I'd need to go back to school to finish my degree but I don't have the money to do it and I really don't want to take on student debt
Be wealthy and respected.
Born the wrong gender.
To achieve comfortable upper middle class homeownership before I'm 30(23 right now), while having, at least, a fulfilling job.
>bullshit story
Don't really have one, since I see this as a realistic goal. The only issue is that I'm conflicted about what to do with my life. I'de like to pursue my teenage dreams, but I would also like to become a well respected professional.
In other words you don't want it enough. I'm not being a douche, it's literally you've made a cost benefit analysis and you've decided that Student Debt isn't worth being a Foreign Service Officer.
But what DO you want?
I too have this goal
Please be my trophy wife
Spotted the untermensch
>people want a job
I just want to retire and be left alone.
My bullshit story is that I don't have enough money to do so
I want to fuck bitches
>bullshit story
I'm ugly as hell
no its not bullshit. u really are fuckin ugly.
I want to be in a comfy office 9-5 with a comfy income (25-30k GBP+) so I can just live a simple life but also earn enough not to be scared about dosh
What's stopping me: did worthless degree and have no work xp
What degree
Languages (ger+ita)
my goal is to retire at 50
actually I am on track to make this happen
Be a film director
I'm a recluse and don't know anyone
Being financially independent by age 35.
Then continue to travel the world and do philantrophy projects in Africa.
Successful indie game developer.
Total inability to focus, most likely ADHD. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow and hopefully I can get a prescription for Adderall or Vyvanse in the near future.
Most directors are like that though.
>People actually buy into the Dudebro version of "The Secret"
Create music for a living.
Can't find other musicians to collaborate with, and dont have the knowledge to record/mix my own works.
Want to start a cleaning or other service company
Don't want to make an initial $ investment :^(
No reward without risk m8
my goal is to corner the kneepads market, one client at a time
cleaning contractor here.
if you're cleaning houses the initial investment is really low. Like a vacuum cleaner and a mop bucket and a couple cleaning products. Stuff you probably already have.
if you're doing commercial work the initial cost is higher, but you have the advantage of being able to get the job before you have to buy stuff. So you wander into the bank with your assignable contract for $30,000 to clean Smallpox Offices for a year, and the bank hands you a loan for $5000 worth of equipment, insurance, supplies and related crap which is secured against your contract.
which means you can literally get millions of dollars worth of work without having a cent to your name, and assuming the paperwork is in order get the money you need to start working from your friendly local banker.
it's way easier than going to the bank with no work and no income and asking for a loan, I can tell you that.
8+ year experience producer here. specialize in all sorts of genres. go to nxt marketplace and click music. for 1,000 nxt I will produce/mix/master an original track. this includes up to 20 hours of collaborative brainstorming and constructive listening.
not a bad deal considering I usually charge 20x that...
This isn't actually a quote from the Wolf of Wall Street.
Goal: I want to divorce my wife and live out my days as an independently wealthy (read: not busting my balls for a living) bachelor.
Bullshit story: I've been in graduate school for 13 years while my wife makes bank as an SVP at a Fortune 500 company...basically the fact that she pays for my very existence is the reason why I've spent the last decade pretending it's possible to live as an independently wealthy bachelor.
probably the only reason she hasn't left you is because she knows she'll wind up paying you some fat alimony for the next 13 years if she does.
Believe me, I've thought about how I can benefit financially from this divorce. She supports me completely...so at least I could suck on the alimony teat for a while after we're through. Still not enough for the "independently wealthy" dreams to come true.
thx brehs. talking with a co worker about getting off the ground.
You're welcome, and good luck.
Look into government janitorial contracts. Most community colleges offer free workshops on getting set up for government contracting.
I've made about a million dollars over the last decade just off straight commercial janitorial contracts in the $25k/year range. Stuff one person can easily do alone for a nice $100k/year gross with very little overhead.
don't be afraid to get liability insurance, it's cheap and it opens a lot of doors for you. Your car insurance company can likely help you out.
also keep in mind that in the US the going rate for an insured commercial janitorial contractor works out to something between $75 and $125 per hour if you work quickly. Don't be afraid to get paid.
find out what people are paying for cleaning services in your area. I have industrial jobs that pay well over $250/hour on average, and I've had large jobs that paid thousands per hour though that was split up over a crew of several workers.
anyways, learn your local pricing. Don't go into business to make less money than an employee does.
I want to be like Trump, basically make money of real estate and eventually go into politics - or simply retire early.
My bullshit story is that I am too lazy and don't have the drive to do it. I'm also making my masters in architecture since my dad owns a successfull architecture firm, but I don't think I have the same passion about it that he does, so I want to have enough passive income from real estate that I don't have to worry about tanking the office.
I feel like I'm betraying my father's heritage by doing this tho.
Also I'd like to get the hell out of socialist hell hole known as germany, but I have a gf and a dog and the family business that keeps me here.
Also too afraid to actually do it
Summed up, my bullshit story is that I have low energy and dunno how to overcome it.
You're not betraying your father bro, he'll probably be more proud of you if you venture out and not seek the comfy way of the family run business.
I've got a similar story minus the dad and the dog part.
Already finished my master's tho, a month ago. Been kinda in denial since.
Goal: become an independent entrepreneur by doing massive international events like competitions to start and then branching out to other domains like real estate.
My bs excuse: Got lots of ideas but no fucking clue how to achieve them, except if I had some capital to invest, but I'm from a shit-tier country and if I start working in architecture here, it's like signing up to be a financially frustrated fuck for the next 5 years. Prefer to look for simple lame ways to get some money, preferably fast. I should probably grow up and look for a job over the borders.
I need a car to get a job and a job to get a car.
I need money to become an entrepreneur and I need a job to get money, but I need a car to get money... and I need money to get a car...
Congrats for graduating m8.
What did you study?
I think there is some quick money in 3d visualisation if you got skills in that field. In fact that a how I earn some money on the side, but still in the family business. Basically we used to outsource our 3d visualisation which was pretty expensive (up to 3k for a rendering) and now I took over and do similar quality work for less money. So I earn some, company saves some, win win.
Probably not that easy to get into the market without a good portfolio and credentials tho.
My dad said he'd fund me if I would study abroad, even in the US where it's expensive. But gf and dog really got in the way of that...
I know that feel about not knowing how to achieve ideas. I guess you could look for capital by saving up, or networking and getting to know investors. Going abroad seems like a good plan, especially because you can reinvent yourself and become a new person without all the bagage holding you down at home.
Where do you live?
Can't you just buy a real shitbox for starters? Any skills to work from home?
I want to make so much money that I don't have to worry about bills or anything and I want to be able to afford the nicest things as I am very materialistic. I have no idea how to acheieve this goal. I'm pretty smart and learn quickly but I also have BPD and I seemingly shoot myself in the foot every opportunity I get.
I want to invent faster than light space travel and become world's first trillionaire.
General architecture. The institution where I studied became a university because it puffed itself up with a lot of different specializations like interior design, urban planning or landscape design but they have really low standards. T'was the long run (6y total) but the only real option there.
I'm good with outdoor renderings (worked with rhino and then 3ds) and my gf is top tier with interior design stuff. Got good portfolios too.
It would be a sweet deal to step my game up and do some outsource work together with her, but internationally, cause where i'm from the market price for a render is way too low (like 3k would be the price for all the renderings of a specific project, even with jaw-dropping visualizations). Can't think of any way of starting tho, except finding arch firms online and sending spam like a turd.
What would you like to do in the us? another master's? Btw bro you gotta realize how lucky you are, keep your chin up and be optimistic; your energy will go back up. Try meditating
If you got decent portfolios maybe set up a website and then I guess you gotta spam people. Idk much about getting out there because like you said I'm in a pretty lucky position.
As for the US, my plan was to study 2 semesters here in germany, then finish my master in the US and maybe get a job there... and maybe a greencard.
And yeah renderings here are expensive but I think that's mainly because of limited supply.
sounds like you went to ryerson university in Toronto. Am I right?!
Also I think the key to success and the good thing about architecture is finding your niche. For example, my dad's firm mostly does large furniture stores, which is really bland architecture wise but pays really well. But obviously the market for that is very small.
Lots of architects don't even work in their field at all and rather branch out into 3D design and visualisation and that kind of stuff. Could also look into architecture photography. We recently paid like 800-1000€ for a few high quality pics for our website. So if you got a decent camera and Photoshop and are willing to travel and wait for the right light there is some decent money in there too. Tho the market is pretty saturated here in germany.
Want to run my own wrestling promotion
No millions of dollars
Good luck dudeand thanks for the advice, solid stuff. Until I setup my website, if you got too much work and wanna try outsourcing cheaper hit me up. sample of some older and newer work of mine. imgur.com
nah bro not even close to canada; eastern eurofag here
Theres a cartoon in my head I've been working on since freshman year of highschool and its become my obsession to one day create it.
Since every avenue available to me is either not enough money or I'll get pigeon holed into being an animation slave, and just the cartoon would never be allowed into any media outlet because jews I decided to do something drastic.
I'm training to become a professional boxer. I need at least 330 million dollars to make my dream come true and every dime will be invested in gold and silver mining stock along the way.
My father was a professional and I was trained since I was 7 by my father so I think I have a good chance. In just 3 months of training I've gone from inept to being able to go 8 rounds with my father who is both an excellent fighter and has 70 pounds of weight on me.
I'm a 19year old NEET. I have £26,000 savings I earned working a full time job till I quit. Don't know where I should go next
What do?
invest in Trumpcoin
I have no goals. I don't want to do anything in my life and I am content with that predicament.
please don't come to england
get a job as a translator for a call centre, It wont bring in the money you're looking for but its a start!
failed musician here, go and hang out at any local bars/clubs that have live music at the weekends, make friends with people who are in bands and integrate into your local music scene. eventually someones buddys band will be looking for someone to play whatever instrument you happen to play, and BOOM you're in.
be prepared to play cover songs if you have to, theres more money in covers (in my town anyway).
also get a driving licence if you don't already have one. youre gonna be covering a lot of miles.
Looks good for a start but needs a bit more detail to look really professional.
Check out programs like twinmotion or similar ones. I use twinmotion and it's making rendering very easy, since it's mostly drag and drop and sliders to adjust settings. Very easy to use but quite expensive. Only bad thing about it is that cars look a bit shitty but you can import any model and use that.
You can get the trial version and set your computer date back in time to use it as long as you want...
With renderings, the more detail there is the more real it looks. For example small spaces where the pillars go through the floor, or more detailed windowframes go a long way. Obviously depends on what style you want to achieve.
Unfortunately I can not decide about outsourcing, since we always hire the same firm if we don't do the visualisation ourselves. Also since we are pretty big we need very high quality stuff.
But you are definitely good enough to offer your service. I would hit up smaller firms that don't have the budget to hire expensive professionals, but that could use their own time better if someone else was doing their renderings. Guess you can look up comparable services and offer a lower price, say that you are available 24/7 or that you do the 3D modeling for them.
You could also try and hit up real estate firms and agents, especially when you know some interior design. I've seen some very ugly interior renderings while looking for a new apartment, so I'm guessing if someone would offer actual good looking ones they might buy.
Good luck!
Want to start a combo e-commerce/brick-and-mortar niche retail store which makes enough money for me to buy a few dozen farmable acres away from civilization but close to above-ground water and build a Monolithic dome on said land to live in before the world goes to complete shit.
My story is I haven't paid taxes in 3 years because I've been working odd and grey-legal-area jobs under the table so I can't get a retail license so I can't open accounts with wholesalers. Biggest problem is I don't know how to pay my taxes without getting v&
Damn, how much bank are we talking?
Goal: turn my one man paint business into a 20-30 man remodeling crew and be a household name in my area.
Excuse: I've only been open for 3 months and have no idea how to business (2-3k per month) too early to get commercial contracts
The Secret
It works guys
>the dream
To live on Sedna
Bullshit story
>don't have a rocket powerful enough to leave orbit
>don't have the means to navigate to Sedna
>can't see Sedna
>don't have a prefabricated base
>don't have essentials to survive (source of or technology to recycle oxygen, water, nutrients)
Shouldn't you be on tumblr then?
>CEO 10k/day
>I need to graduate and be a wageslave to pay off my student debt before I so much as consider starting my own business
Goal: trick someone to believe this bullshit.
Bullshit story: actually believing this bullshit.
I want to become immortal and the most powerful being in the universe.
Hitler lost WW2
>Gain money. Nothing more, nothing less, just spend my days trying to come up with new ways to gain even more money.
>Born poorfag in a third world shithole and severely depressed for most of my childhood. Getting better now though
>What is your goal?
having a goal
>What is you're bullshit story?
have everything already
To get a job to where I earn at least a $1000 a month
>Bs story
Didn't put in any effort through school and have no Idea what to do now. Applied to a few places but never heard back.
I feel like the only truthful part of this post is that you want to create a cartoon about preteen girls.
I wanna make a Skynet/Prime Intellect kinda AI and save the universe and live forever in an artificial heaven
Sign up for disability.
Because you're obviously retarded if you can't find a job making $1,000 dollars a month, diploma or not.
To be a pediatrician.
I am autist and i do not want anything else.
>More or less to be pic related. I have a few other heroes I look up to, but if I needed the idiot simplified version it's basically: "go around the world making art house docus"
>Live in a country with a tiny and shitty film industry. Very insular
>Not only that: Audiences here aren't interested in Herzog-esque films, or if they are, there's no distribution network that caters to them
>I don't have enough capital to move overseas to a hub like London, New York, or Paris and set up shop
>Even if I did go there I'd be at a disadvantage as a foreigner against all the other wide-eyed aspirant filmmakers
But the biggest problem is:
>Too egotistical and quite frankly too smart to make populist crap that could make bank anywhere in the world, but not self-aware and life-experienced enough to know who my audience is and what I'd excel at if I went with the "do what you're passionate about" meme
Dude it's like $1000 tops. You can't come up with a grand?
Fuck it. I'm gonna counterpoint myself like an insane person:
>I don't have enough capital to move overseas to a hub like London, New York, or Paris and set up shop
Get a job you lazy fuck. Save up the money. Move to your preferred city. Once there, film everything you see through the eyes of a foreigner.
>Too egotistical and quite frankly too smart to make populist crap that could make bank anywhere in the world,
Sounds more like someone is just afraid of being a success.
You afraid of being rich?
>but not self-aware and life-experienced enough to know who my audience is and what I'd excel at if I went with the "do what you're passionate about" meme
1. Go overseas.
2. Fall flat on your face and fail. Or succeed beyond your wildest dreams
3. Have life experience now.
4. Profit?
Seriously anons. Anyone work in the content business or a creative industry: how do you find your audience, the demographic that is a natural fit for your brand personality when you have no exposure?
In your situation. Just experiment.
Start with something completely random and just exceute. Don't get paralyzed.
Just like send out feelers, short videos. See what get's a response?
>Goldman IBD
>GPA of 5.5/7
I really just can't motivate myself. I always end up falling about a week or two behind.
I can't even think of one.
I've been told I'm very nice and a people person and easy to open up to. I'm valet for a hotel and greeting people and just being that smile for whoever needs it.
I've taken aptitude tests and my answers change all the time.
I have no talent aside from being friendly which I consider just trying not to be a dick.
I just want money so I'm independent
>get job in management. or client liaison. or become a "fixer" or location scout for television shows. or work as a P.A.
But seriously, what is your passion?
If you don't have one what are your hobbies?
What are the topics, subjects, disciplines that interest you or you know a lot about?
>you're bullshit story
off yourself
Just start producing things doesn't matter what it is. You'll find what you're best at eventually.
>freelance online
>buy a car
>realize you dont like to drive
yep m8 this shit aint rainbow and sunshine, but you can get a car without a job
Goal: To be financially independent and eventually have something generate me an income
Bullshit Story: Family causes me a bunch of problems yet I'm too scared to just ditch them and jump in the deep end; help
Hmmm, not always the case. I have a few failed business under my belt. To many variables led me here.
Good luck user, you will be much more effective because of the drug. Just don't get hooked, take breaks, and always take small doses.