/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #273
Tanlines Edition
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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #273
Tanlines Edition
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Will I be first?? That's for you my Milky!
>this fucking picture again
Fuck off
New bread where?
someone post that webm of milky being cummed on
Someone send that webm of Milky being cummed on to Bigball.
Just how loose is she?
It's like the artist drew her legs and torso and then just lost interest and halfassed the rest.
Reposting since I got no reply earlier:
So, Griffithfags out there, is she any good with Earth's Cry?
Thinking of potentially going WW/Thunder, but have limited ST mats so would prefer not to use them on her if she isn't particularly special.
>Tanlines Edition
Loose as a galaxy, if you know what I mean.
galaxies are pretty tight desu senpai
>the fall of man
How many folks here use cutest striker?
Post stats for me.
Milky Way can fit entire planets inside her.
Case closed.
Does the most charming count?
A Cute!
we need more loli skins by this guy
Do not kid Ravian.
>tfw this could have been someone cute
Still can be if you ST a qt.
He's stealth OP, invest now and climb to Galaxy.
sadly I have no one to ST right now
>not a qt
no thanks
might as well use Skorn
His paralyze is bugged and lasts until the unit is killed.
Is it gay to sound his voice soothing to the ears?
I did, but I recalled when I had the chance because I wanted a change of pace.
I kind of regret it.
I mean, I love Beatrice. I even like her new art better than her old, which was a bit overbearing Look! Look at her vagina! LOOK AT IT!. And she's almost certainly a better striker.
But Ravian was there for me when the rest of my team was shit. She carried me into leagues I had no business being in and got me to levels of Colo I still struggle with now, with a much better team.
I'm sorry Ravian. I'll find you again one day.
>he was cancer
>he's a bandwagonner
How much of a piece of shit, scum can you be?
What now? Are you a refunder too?
>7 unused skill points on anael because she dies against bell if it procs
Switch her with Crocell :)
Or go V-i-c-t-o-r-i-a
>Find Bombypupe in arena
This is by far the most disgusting team I have come across in this game.
Even mono-thunders are better
Fuck you for ending my streak ;_;.
Fucking bug abusers.
Uh. She's like, the uh... fifth best striker? Sixth?
Wait... Vonchi, Leventor, William, Vitos, Sharr... Yup, sixth best striker. Until one of the non-legendary S2 strikers gets an EE, at least.
What a tierwhore.
The one where bell starts attacking her own team?
Reminder that Sharr, Griffith and Shanti are reddit-tier units.
>someone finally lost to me
Who are the /ssg/ approved units?
>11k barely
>reached diamond
>want to climb higher, until it is impossible for me to advance
>14k team, silla/luka/willy/baltheon front
>i use jin
G-Guess it's time to farm arena then...
I will fight you
Victoria is just too weak against Battalion Metatrons
No, she dies if she attacks an enemy bell ballholder two times in a row sometimes
fuck off
>EC over SHoT
both builds can work, just depends on your line buffs and passer
is anael worth getting in a scout for a low level team (A rank) or should I try for something else
Line would be EBM Linmay and SC Luka. Probably Nikita ace.
I'm 4 minutes in and I'm watching your Vic destroy everything. She is starting to rival Milky in the waifu scale... I don't know what to do
Yo, I run her alongside Yuri for their attack totem and she's able to break the line frequently-ish if super play procs. I'm only AAA though. People in higher leagues don't use her much anymore since no HP totem or whatever
make victoria your waifu, it's worth it, trust me
not very good late game because of the lack of an hp totem
she is very strong but hp totems are more important for the backline and for the mid you'd want different players
I use Anael on my backline and I've gotten to champs. She's good but there are always other players to use instead that are more helpful.
Not Griffith you cunt
I already have her and she's awesome! But I don't have the resources to make units strong :(
But my red dribble(?) evolved into a TB so there's that at least
Sharrfags btfo'd
Fuck, this pic! Almost as outrageous as Milky's. why do they do this shit. Their mascot is so bad
>healing cancer team
Reddit loves sluts
>when you got to run Skorn for a 35% HP ace
I am thankful monolight is rarely seen specially with Latios
>People still play this shit game
I'll quit if Qteon skin is a 50$ or whatever purchase event
I'll quit when I want to.
>switch from monodark
>can suddenly defeat SSS whales
Event rewards need to be repeatable to get the whales reaching deep into their wallets.
Unless you get a copy of Baltheon for every $50 you spend, I don't see that really happening.
There's gonna be some bullshit when it comes to giving it out, but not THAT bullshit.
I'll probably quit when they do give people a season 2 legend and Magnus EE
>IC reworked to now provide anywhere from 0-60% starting ab instead of a flat 60
Now it's balanced.
It is already balanced though.
thats retarded, theres not much reason to use it cause of the chance of getting 0%
30%-60% is better
it doesn't really need nerfing, Luka/Virgil/Choi do
>unique stone
>only does it's thing once per match
>might do literally nothing
Yeah, great idea, if the idea was to make every single person unequip their now worthless IC and probably rage refund.
You mean RNG? That makes the stone useless unless you increase pass effect or something
>IC virgil
That's retarded
>light and dark pass stones
>red and dark GK stones
>new utility stones
Derived from what? How do you get them?
Combining existing unique stones? Store bought only? Scout only?
Stones with little "Season 3" tacked onto the bottom of the info screen of it?
>New light unique
>15% attack power and recovery teamwide
>recovery rework soon
Combination stone only
new regular stones, obviously
Let there be 6 regular, 6 rares and 6 uniques per attribute.
Maybe some that you can only get from combines/evolution regardless of the rare stone.
>Glabanon is about to get even more Glabs
>against a jin with 50% DR without silla ace
>nerua is there too
>I use beatrice
>he has virgil
>only reason didn't win was because beth/meta/duke is fucking disgusting, and virgil
I fucking hate these whale bitches.
Already GIS'd, who or what's it from friend.
>Earth's cry now activates on attack and being attacked
Now it's balanced
You unfaithful piece of shit.
i hope you never reach galaxy
fuck off wwfag
>Glab now gives 50% pen and 50% crit damage
Now it's balanced
>TB doesn't stack anymore
Now it's balanced
>WoM doesn't stack anymore
Now it's balanced
>constant 75% AP
>constant 125% crit
best idea, do it BB
>Glab now gives 50% pen and 50% ATB heal
Now it's a better version of the stone it evolved from in the first place.
>People still play this crap
>people still spend money on this trash
Kill yourselves for continuing to support this shit game
>not even a new IP
>2 beezles and a litre today
>btw i'm bronze
>btw i'm shit
>btw can't even get to gold
What's the strategy for colo 36? i'm sick of dying and not getting the 100 crystals.
This is the absolute worst feeling.
>spend money
I hope nobody actually does this until they return the game to its previous, no censorship bullshit glory.
if you can only barely beat 36, you wont get into the top 5%, you need like almost 2mil with colo 36 or at least 37 for the top 5% and 37 is much harder cause of Latios + mostly thunder team
>What's the strategy for colo 36?
Win before the ball gets to your back row.
not really, if you have a healing GK use magnus and then you just need someone who can break out easily like Bell
the hardest part about 36 in my opinion is Lucian's heals + Avnore's heals, you just have to kill Lucian as fast as you can and not let Avnore heal
Then better to beat it now so I can focus my attention on 37 and so on.