/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Mystic Edition

>Patch Notes:

>Upcoming Event - The Make it Rain Campaign (May 27 – June 10):

>Patch 3.3 Revenge of the Horde Information (Release date: June 7):

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previously on /xivg/:

Megu bp

xth for cant wait for patch

new thread new post

where are the sluts or eb's or qt's to spoil or any combination of those things on balmung


>when they bully your mouth with their cock
>In the middle of an FC meeting
>The FC cheers them on and begin groaping and rubbing their dicks on you
>This turns into a rape orgy
>It goes on for 3 hours without me typing anything because they say my throat is full of cock and they RP my movements and reactions
I just wanted to help the FC with issues, listen to the issues, and be a team player....

3.3 Housing SOON™
Ishgardian Housing NEVER

I want to marry an elezen~!

naka bp

>tfw your eb bullies your tiny little cock



mooncatboy jeph when

Is Coil Tyradin single or not

Yes and

>[gargoyle screeching in the distance]

stratos bp

xth for Miqo'te x Elezen

married to a gargoyle tranny man

I wish I could be Awena sometimes...


This is what I get for trying to PF Sephirot

brahms is the cutest mooncatboy

I was curious since i imagine everyone has bit different reasons but

why do you raid

hey wow words can hurt

They're all taken.

I don't because I'm awful at this game, I'm happy just watching people I care about succeed instead

delete this

is a nice server



cactus bp

>that empty chapel

I'm going to marry Alphinaud~!

what server should i make a character on if i want to start to rp (not counting balmung and gilgamesh since they are always closed)

because an opportunity presented itself

I did it reddit

Post your absolute favorite kitkatkit

Congratulations, legitimately.
That floor is a pain.

>Friends have been botting fates for weeks and now they're botting MGP
Talk to them or just report?


Snitches get stitches, bitch boy

THIS kitkat

Talk to them and see if either you can dissuade them or get a bit of the profit.

Excal seems nice though that one poster from the other night needs to lay off on the baiting.
Also I'd fuck albedo

Post char data pls

my favorite kitkat is my good friend moniushalashashka

i raid for my friends

>changed from brown face 3 cat to pale face 1 mooncat
did I do good, reddit?



post char data

F a v

Post pics. Moonies can be adorable

your kitc@is nice.

>implying we raid

I don't raid.
Not yet anyway.

[FC] P'roci Tia: it's something I glue to my butt
[FC] P'roci Tia: so I can look like a lil bunny boi :3

Excal infiltrator here. Post names. You know the drill.

i would if we could

CZ is best girl.
Fucksakes I'm falling asleep at the keyboard again. Some of this in game music just... zzzzz

Velvet Velour

toaster decided it doesnt like high quality pictures anymore

That's basically from a slow buildup from ugly cat to full fledged Abe clone tho

Moonc@ house wife is adorable.
I say good work

The fun of working together with 7 friends of mine to down semi-challenging shit

Shooting the shit for a few hours a night with my buds and killing stuff in the process, the attention you may get from gear, achievement etc. plus coming up with strategies and such for content is fun

Abe has a really good cat but I like certain features changed about it. Both are high tier.

I hope you enjoy watching me AFK and grind relics.

Does Mute have nice ticklish feet?

Tfw this cat and this cat's char data are ALL MINE

>I hope you enjoy watching me AFK



anybody else scared they're gonna die as lonely as they feel right now

Same but I have my own as well!



you're still toppest tierest cat even though ded alt

ok but only if you become my boyfriend

Every day of my life for the past few years, user.


>tfw you just wanna rape your cute, little moonc@ eb in the middle of idyllshire

why does proci hide his parses

I'm even more scared of dying with someone that makes me feel lonely.

he's got a tiny pee pee

that's lewd user


>tfw you can't fulfill this because they are lizard now

Raided up to 3.0 and got to A3S last phase, then static disbanded and i took a break since december till now.
Sort of want to raid again. To answer your question, clearing a hard raid floor with everyone from scratch is a feel you won't feel anywhere else in the game.

I wish my EB would pull me somewhere quiet and pin me up against the wall and rape me until I'm silently sobbing

Is Kiki cute irl?

Don't do it!


i really like this image

Damn, that screenshot actually got a laugh out of me.

Do you think Mute likes people licking and tickling her soft little soles?


potted plants when

If we make it out alive, I'll tell you.

Looking to die?

>tfw no cute luhren eb


Looking to tickle

Cant wait to have my own little garden in my room.

>elliot will never fertilize your eggs