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Launch Trailer -- [YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER - Join the Battle 360° Trailer (embed)
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Cow-tapult edition
>FAQs & General Info
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>Total War Warhammer
Launch Trailer -- [YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER - Join the Battle 360° Trailer (embed)
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Convince me to play Vampire counts
Fetchez le vache
Remember to vote.
are the mounts for manny worth it?
Oy wut's dis den?
What's the greatest day Karl Franz ever had, /twg/?
Anyone tried Beginning of the End Times mod for Medieval 2? Any improvement over Rage of the Bugs?
Post battles.
bes boi
>Tfw late stage of the game
>Tfw retiring units that I've been with since the start of the game
>Tfw disbanding Gold rank veterans of Swordsmen to replace them with Greatswords
>Tfw they made it
The Third Battle of the Black Pass of course!
i cri evry time
the day he died and got cucked by chaos when khorne started fucking his wife and he enjoyed it because he's a cuck and also secretly gay
The day Deathclaw let him ride him through Altdorf for the first time.
Any advice for playing Chaos?
I really don't like the ranged cavalry.
Galrauch WHEN?
I mean the Knights of the Blazing Sun have been modded in so why not him?
Karl a qt! A QT!
>every man in the unit died at some point but not all at once so the regiment was never disbanded
The day Deathclaw rode him
Gotta say, that had to have blown his fucking mind, How to Train Your Dragon-style
If the rise of Islam time period interests you
might be worth checking out, seeing as how Attila is unlikely to get any more AoC/Last Roman style expansions.
They wouldn't be veterans if that were the case, now would they?
Ok so I'm a amature, shitty Drawfag. I was thinking of doing a propaganda style poster for the Empire or maybe the orcs.
>Cant have the lord of change be in your army
shit game
Glad I didnt play Chaos.
Help, start an Ork campaign is too hard. How do I win?
Just dont expand and just send armies out to loot shit while building a massive stronghold?
>literally nothing but cannon fodder
>cannons sub 300 kills between two
Nigga what?
>can't have a Lord of Change on a boat
1/10 it's okay -IGN
>Gold Rank just means suicidal enough to join a regiment with near 100% death rates
It's still the same regiment.
Legio Invicta!
There's a mod.
Third online game and third win.
Seems like an average player has troubles dealing with ork melee rushes.
>Knights of the Blazing Sun have been modded in so why not him?
How the hell did I miss it?
>>literally nothing but cannon fodder
>>cannons sub 300 kills between two
>Nigga what?
Cannons suck vs hordes, especially on ultra. Look how many kills the Flame Cannon got in comparison.
>ork melee rush
What a nice name for blobbing
>have to mod a game to fix is biggest issues
still shit.
Sup Vlad
Reposting for dorf fluff because I feel like it and didn't see it's already next thread. We're burning through them so fast.
Next year.
>literally turns its head to face you
Because they're in with Dismounted Reiksguard Halberdiers
>Those 3-4 guys that have actually been there from the beginning of the campaign and passing on the battle knowledge to the new recruits
Dudes must have been grizzled as fuck veterans.
"This is nothing, did I ever tell you the time when our regiment was beset by two Terrorgeists and Mannfred Von Carstein himself?"
I most sincerely want to slap the shit out of the fucker that started the
>Dismounted X
>Remember lads, never trust a marienburger
How the fuck do the Dwarfs stop Grimgor?
At point blank range
how the hell do skeletons pass on knowledge?
Probably Radious considering some of the things his mods offer.
>Tetsubo Ninja Cavalry
Dismounted Reiksguard is actually accurate lore wise, giving them greatswords and halberds not so much
In combat? Either with miners or sick your LL on him and shoot at him with thunderers.,
Why are flying mounts like dragons so shit?
>That time when we stood there in a field and Orcs threw axes at us while Franz fucked about with Deathclaw
good times
Armor Piercing.
Miners do an ok job early on if you don't have anything better.
this shit just happened
>first run, playing empire
>by turn 90 around 2/3th of the provinces have been reclaimed
>some small chaos invasions in the North so I send Franz there with my best army
>out of fucking nowhere 3 full stacked Moussilon armies invade Reikland
>meanwhile a chaos army also manages to sneak into the heart of my realm
>I can't defeat both and lose 4 cities within 10 turns
Didn't save so I'll just have to start over again. Does Moussilon always get so strong on normal difficulty because I really didn't notice them before they invaded.
It's just the name that really triggers my autism. No self-respecting military unit would ever call itself Dismounted. You're either cavalry, infantry or dragoons. Fuck the bullshit hybrids. Would it really be impossible to just call them Reiksguard halberdiers?
>Does Moussilon always get so strong
out of my 4 playthroughs as empire mousillon
only got strong once every other time they got melted pretty fast.
>Flying Slayer Outrider (Fanatics)
Bigger model size for enemies to crowd round, stuck for ages once surrounded and slow/janky attack animations.
>Everybody's asking me for a defensive alliance
Being #1 in strength is sometimes annoying.
This unit has been with since the beginning. Sniped a lot of monsters and they are far from done.
Why is the AI always so hungry for player cock, in my dorf campaign I litteraly got orcs chill next to human armies to get to me, or wade through vampire corruption just to intercept my army.
Next campaign I play VC and both orcs and dwarfes just migrate up north to get upset at me.
>doesnt even stand up to kill a dragon
What a lazy cunt holy shit
>renaming units
I actually give custom name to every single unit, like for example 4th Spear Regiment
>tfw orc
>tfw people pay me to leave them alone
>tfw I can lose half my raiding warband and the faggot Bretons would still give me 6000 gold to fuck off
Always keep 2 to 4 poison warhounds, give them the banner of swiftness, should you ever come across it, and marauders are useless for anything but being meatshields
And no matter what you want to do with your lord, invest the 4 first points in Growth (blue line)
Factions with the shield of civilisation trait will try to ally with others that have the same trait.
It seems like the AI does it sometimes too. Seen a renamed Orc unit.
kholek got fucked by night goblin archers, went down so quickly.
I wanted to do that with the Orcs, but I didnt know where to start with names or how to keep them creative.
I may do it with the Dwarves tho, but dont know how the orcs go about naming there units.
>That first unit of Handgunners that marched with Franz into the depths of the Norsica
>That unit of Spearmen that held the gates against the undead hordes
I do it to every unit that makes it to silver grade.
Silver gets names like "first Handgunners", Gold gets names like "Prince Franz own Greatswords"
>Those flame cannons and irondrakes pulling ironman numbers
Whats the best artillery unit in the game and why is it the doom diver catapult?
>>doesnt even stand up to kill a dragon
>What a lazy cunt holy shit
Or is it:
>doesn't even NEED to stand up to kill a dragon
Technically the steam tank is, so its the best
Fuck marauders the only good ones are the great weapon variant. The only redeemable things about them is that they are cheap and that they can get a good flank in because they're fast.
Above marauder tier chaos gets some of the best infantry in the game imo, abuse dat shit.
he is standing up... not that it matters
>Steam Tank
Just name 'em by the size of their 'gits yu stupid humie
I think I can finally call this campaign finished.
Every Dorf conquered, all Dorf achievements done, Chaos eliminated, Norse eliminated and every non-dead faction loves my dick (except kislev)
Dorfs are pretty fun, but feel broken vs the AI
Thunderers and LL
Alternatively, Hammerers if you have them
>This mod
>Those units
Wut. Looks pretty professional though
I'd rather CA kept the "Dismount" button instead of removing it
Anyone pissed off by how retarded its "melee" attack animation
A fucking tank
Has a melee attack
This game is retarded
Runs people the fuck over
Jesus christ, fantasy Spain DLC when
Probably never.
Well a Tank is roughly 50-100 Tons of metal. basically a massive self propelled ram.
holy shit, teach me your ways grobi-san
Those are some big ass cod pieces.