Fighting Games General /fgg/

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>SF5 is already dead
I'm loving it.

What is the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?

>akuma will be in before makoto

do we really need any more shotos?

Reposting from old thred:
How do I clear Hard survival as geeeef?
CPU jumps out of my spd's on reaction after the tenth fight.
I really want the last colour because it looks like he's naked

will I have to read nonsense like this for the next five years


Why doesn't SFV have a cute black girl?

it's not



I seriously doubt that many people who enjoy fighting games bought a boner.

I like how Killer Instinct has only gotten more popular since it came out, and not the opposite.

star wars: masters of teräs käsi

kappa posters are awful

>mfw I dodged the revelator meme

Anyone have some high lvl zangief vs rashid videos? He's one of my more hated match ups (other than dhalsim of course) and want to learn how to better deal with him.

Imagine being such a big nolfie that you have nothing better to do on a busy tourney saturday than to sit in a thread and wait for the post limit to spam your sniff op.


Tekken 7 will be good, right?

21st for donchan

Because Elena isn't in yet. Make due with Laura since she's mixed.

Is pink daimond a man or not

They obviously don't or else the graphic style would be this horrendous.
Doubt your baby dick instead.

it looks really good....



poverty + neet + autism is an ugly combo

fated retribution is great so far. it can only get better.

Makoto is a shoto tho

>implying that T7 will ever come out

It's already good. I can see it every morning on greentekken and on weekends at shudys stream.


on a scale from 1 to ibuki, how cool is ibuki?

If you call less entrants at Combo Breaker than Skullgirls "popular" I guess

What does /fgg/ think about KI?
I want to move past MKXL

which smash game is the best to learn fundamentals with?

on the sceeneee

no, doesn't have man shoulders and hands


Can someone explain to an old man what the deal is with todays childrens obsession with gender? I swear it wasn't even 20% this bad just a few years ago.

who knows anymore
are woman even real

best Western fighting game

Which isn't really saying much


ibukis a slut!

Fundamentals for fighting games? None. If you had to pick it would be Smash 4. The average Melee low level player is obsessed with "tech skill" above all else. No neutral, spacing or punishes

Smash 4 no doubt
Best balance and inputs possible by humans but with enough deeper high level tech.

fuck you bitch!!!!!

Is it though? Just got it the other day, seems like all I have to do to be good is know one or two openers, know a damage or corner escape ender, and press a whole heap of random buttons in between to not get broken.

mental illness + internet hugboxes

Is Pink Diamond a tranny?

Explain famalam

but user, that's why I like her

Can you PLEASE stop talking about my girlfriend like that?

KI literally has less views than the MKX and Skullgirl meme tournaments.

which is why I said it really isn't saying much that's it's the best Western game

also that pressing random button thing won't work when people actually know what most moves look like from what I've seen

>terrible particle effects
>literally patched the day before a huge tournament
Why is this kusoge played?

>58 Entrants at CEO


Filia/Double/Eliza or Filia/Double/Cerebella?

Is Sajam Ultradavid's gay son?

>m-muh views
Capcom baby? Streamboar? Both?

Wait...Revelator isn't even getting an English dub for the NA/EU release?


when I was 19 I thought that by 25 I'd be thin, living in a trendy NYC neighborhood, wearing hip clothes, dating hip girls and going out with hip friends.

reality: I am unemployed, turn 26 in 3 months, am fatter, almost friendless and the only thing I have to show for the past 6 years is moderate skill in a dying video game genre.

I am the embodiment of JUST


what fighting game is this from?

>english dub

SFV will have 60 characters by the end of its lifespan and it will be financially successful for Capcom whether you like it or not.

How are you defining popularity then? Entrants for tournaments? That's shit too.

Even fucking Nintendo doesn't push out updates on weekends and they don't give hardly give a shit about competitive smash. KI staff are present at CB and Hadou still got fucked over

XRD's dub was absolute shit.


The particle effects are very well done technically but they can be against peoples taste and they for sure rape most tourneys bitrates.
Both very strong but I think bella is way stronger as anchor than eliza.

>Dubbed anything
Fuck off normie

How about sales numbers, profit numbers by proxy and most important for us player numbers? By player numbers I mean online as least important, major numbers as second and weeklies/casuals as ost important.

>Makoto is a shoto tho

No she's not.

> I think Japanese voice actors are better
> Doesn't even know a lick of Japanese

All of them combined my friend

All those hours I wasted playing every kusoge under the sun

Like tears in the rain my dude

Do you atleast live in NYC?

I live on Long Island and it's unbearable. I need city life.

Bomber and cerecopter kinda provides the same thing as far as assists go, with Eliza you can take one of the servants. I think Bella is better as an anchor though.

post my waifu...

Ok, show me those numbers then.

I want to have a sweaty and exhausting training session with rico suave.

Please enlighten me to the superiority of the Japanese voice actors.

I live in jersey

I was made for big city life but it's hard to afford it

That's the beauty of it. The illusion of quality, instead of the assurance or trash.

Major numbers are awful and do KI weeklies even exist? Maybe at Ultra Arcade

I bet you thought the May update was Ibuki but it was me, Dio

Don't forget to stop by at Big E's tournaments.

idk everyone but venom and ino were great
im going to miss english elphelt

Anyone wanna play something on Fightcade?

I'll play whatever you want.

Even Sol's voice actor said his performance was bad.

Fuck you English Bedman is amazing

Can Arc System Works sue Iron Galaxy for ripping off A.B.A with Mira?

everyone knows the rules of languages involving media, dont play stupid

imagine putting a microwave oven on a weapon and using it to heat in a direction and kill them with it

is cammy the most overnerfed character from the beta?

Jojo ASB stream at bgcallisto

I think capcom is better off suing for Mira being Demitri featuring Spiral Arrow