ice waifu/best waifu edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Best Jungle.
Best wife.
Best baby-factory.
>Playing Ryze for the first time
I'm glad nobody picks this cancer champion in gold, Plat here I come!.
>play 22 dominion games
>go 3-19
nice game lolbabs
eve a slut confirmed
Will this ever end?
xth for breast waifu
because everyone is retarded and thinks that capturing the mid altar buff every time it's up will win you the game while simultaneously ignoring top
"fuck I keep losing this game vs other people"
"but I'm soo good!"
"must be game's fault xd"
>League is all I have to play
>no one to play with
If you're on NA post name
Bonus if you want to play ranked
>His waifu isn't blue
>riot want people to play the LCS BIG PLAY champ
>but they don't want to nerf him in any meaningful way
>which means he'll stay permabanned
azir is not that strong stop being bad
>implying Zed is picked for "playmaking" any more and not his safe as shit 1-50 minute gameplay
t. azir
Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.
redditor vikotr
pathetic kus
Pantheon' model looks like it's straight from Conker's bad Fur Day
when is VR going to let me do this to my blue shortstack waifu?
Wow. I never thought people would actually save my rubbish.
>using singed and rammus on the new game mode
>tilts enemy team to the high hell
its worth learning rammus on SR?
tfw only purpose in life is to commission Irelia lewds
Pay me.
that's the point. riot don't realise that everybody is banning him because he's incredibly hard to punish in lane, they think that his slipperiness is the most frustrating aspect. honestly all they need to do is make his passive and shadow abilities work on champions only.
xth for no ganks
Is that a bad thing?
His feet are retarded big though
liam plz.
This is my last ad carry. Jinx is my number 1 played champion with 42k mastery points on her and I thought this person picked her up yesterday. Would not poke with rockets and would not trap with e (I played alistar). Rushed IE first. How can you play a champion this much and be that garbage on them?
It's hard watching someone just totally shit the bed on your main.
how are you feeling about the triforce changes?
How long ago did velvet open commissions?
nope, not like you spend all day staring at pantheon's model anyway
I still remember being stuck in that club for hours at four am, the xbox remake really pissed me off.
beat gbm/ohq/adrian trio this game
won with them this game, although the enemy ryze disconnected randomly, we were ahead at the time he disconnected but not by a ton
>cute dj sona at the con I'm at
I honestly feel bad for the new LCS teams and the lower rung teams.
I just don't think they'll stack up in a bo3 against experienced teams.
i don't know, i haven't tried it yet because it's not on live and the changes are tentative, ask me again a week or two after 6.11 hits :D
>literal cosplay whore
you should rape her, its what she wants.
I remember playing the shit out of the multiplayer, it was way ahead of it's time. tfw conker is a dead series, and so is Rare.
Reminder that the entire LCS is the way it is to keep Doubleshit relelvant.
Iv been gone for a couple months and i am having trouble wrapping my mind around the azir hate. When i stopped playing it seemed like azir was considered very hard to play and had an appropriate amount of impact on a game based on his difficulty. And he also had zed as a bad matchup, who was in every game. What has changed? Or is it just the normal league complaining?
She's got a nice set up, the lights and everything change colors. Overall, for a budget cosplay, I'd say 7/10
Is there anything worse than having a Yasuo main on your team?
too bad it will get broke when you rape her.
Do you rush TF on Vi? I find myself taking forever to build it unless I get multiple early game kills.
Also, do you max q or e first?
Can you do this in League?
his runes must be fucked up he should have won that easily
having a vayne mayne on your team
Not really if you don't jungle, he's not too good but he's obviously not bad either.
What the fuck is with that Tracer face. That looks awful.
why doesn't tyler 1 play league anymore only spectates?
>Iv been gone for a couple months and i am having trouble wrapping my mind around the azir hate.
Fun sucker in fully realized form.
> When i stopped playing it seemed like azir was considered very hard to play and had an appropriate amount of impact on a game based on his difficulty.
To force Azir into games, Riot unloaded bug fixes (that he needed), "QoL" changes that were really buffs, and indirect buffs to items.
They did something similar with Draven ages ago, effectively removing all skill in playing the champ so they could get them into every game.
>And he also had zed as a bad matchup, who was in every game.
Zed is a bad matchup for 90+% of the roster and 85+% of the playerbase is tired of it. Zed and Azir deserved to be nuked from orbit.
yeah, but there's no point because the in game models look shitty close-up
>no zarya
ive waited half a year for this commission, senpai
Instant bans
In the way of static faces though, assuming Pantheon's face WAS shown, it would be static just like the xbox remake.
Tristana, poppy more in line with the original game in that they have more than one facial expression, constantly. N64 was better not only for lack of censorship in the main game but it can be turned off for multiplayer lmfao but because conker's face was alive. Pantheon's face is not alive, you can't even see it-- even if you could, it would be frozen. Thankfully yordles can show off that riot is competent with creating more interesting character personalities instead of flat, uninteresting garbage like conker's face in the vast majority of the Xbox remake. I didn't have any friends to play it with but I did like the multiplayer in the Xbox game lol, just a shame it literally only had WAR I woulda liked to have seen their take on Heist and the races and such
He just aggroed too much minions
What were the qol changes?
>not posting one of the SFMs of zarya taking out her big cock and fucking a girl's tight cunny.
you are the fag.
show bootyhole first
Riven or vayne on your team.
i rush youmuu's, i get trinity force as a second or third item in most of my games but not all of them
i have a guide on lolking, it's still a work in progress but it answers a lot of questions like this
not sure i can link it here since it might count as advertisement and some cuck obsessively reports my posts for being advertisement so you'll have to just look it up sorry
Making his QE combo (and therefore azirsec as well) way easier, as in pretty much effortless, was the biggest one
Sure, if you're any good. Show me a sketch/previous work?
>Draven given unnecessary buffs
citation needed, because the only thing that stands out to me is Wicked Blades>League of Draven
Less clunky interaction with soldiers basically.
ill give ya tree fiddy but i cant go any higher
>anooooon let me bite your diiiiiick
His axe catching minigame was literally changed so that you could almost catch the axes without touching any buttons
*teleports behind u*
never. Don't look at my drawing or my drawing's son ever again
you mean how he can lead axes?
he's always been able to do that lol I learned that shit day one of playing him
where did you get that rare sjokz?
if that was sjokz who would even care
I heard she got blacked
The lol camera software is pretty neat
>flipped camera still does not exist, 7 years after it was first promised
Thoughts on ashe support?
>consistent slows in teamfights
>long range stun ult
>E for extra vision
>free poke in lane from W
build zekes + runaans and u have 80% crit rate for the extra slows
i see no reason why it wouldn't work.
And official replays will be here right after sandbox! :^)
Which female LEGAL LEGENDS would be the most likely to be black-only?
Asking for a friend.
god that kindred skin is ugly
Bad SupportKindred
>ywn cuddle/do lewd things to Annie
I feel like dying
why are you guys QQing over Azir? Do you think he's too OP or useless or what?
Why arent you guys migrating to dota2?
what are you talking about?
and she did
(which is coming just after magma chamber)
Funsucking is independent of winrate.
sjokz is pure whitefu. she wouldn't mess up her genes with mudblood
Taliyah buffs when?
They probably gonna buff her Q more next patch.
Hope E is unchanged
She has clearly already mixed with the muslims, it is no wonder she sold her underage sister to krepo
xth for "i will change your experience of yasuo"
Taliyah support feels good