GOYIM inauguration edition
>where do I look up tank info:
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GOYIM inauguration edition
>where do I look up tank info:
>How do I get platoons:
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
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>new clan name isn't NOPAN
>but it also isn't cugs
>help train tier Vs
/wotg/ tournament teams:
Tomorrow is the tier 5 / tier 9 tournament
Try to be here around 5:30-6:00 PM EST to train with the other teams
>implying it won't help
Quick, should i buy the jagdpanther while it's on discount?
>i didnt go quietly
Im the bravest man here and i do it for free
Post tits, and we'll tell ya.
you should instead download this
>tfw grinding a Pershing because of the GuP movie
I've made a mistake.
i am not that girl you dingus
Post tits
>implying I want girl tits
inb4 pics of dolan
How can people even stand this game after watching GuP?
Instead of cute girls doing cute and awesome things in tanks you get a game made by Russians that's about turning everything that's not a soviet tank into shit.
>Unlocking all british tanks
>Only have CGC, Achillies, fv3805 and Conq gun left to unlock
I pray my suffering ends soon.
>Unlocking all british tanks
You'll be needing this.
We make do with what we can get. Until somebody makes GuP Simulator, WoT is the next (albeit distant) best thing.
>Unlocking all british tanks
Do you hate yourself?
>(albeit disgusting)
That looks like one hell of a comfy bed.
I can top that.
Christ, the T32's top gun is unforgivably bad at Tier VIII.
Almost all the Tier VIII American tanks are awful to be fair.
> – when rebalancing arty, we will regard the problems of camping TD’s, we’ll watch closely and react to the situation;
again proof wg doesn't have a clue what they are talking about
Is there any tank that's worse than the T28 at tier 8?
To be fair, if I sit back in a bush in a TD I have less problems with arty than when I'm in a medium or heavy tank fighting at the front.
Sure, it doesn't blow its competition out of the water like the T-54 does, but it is by no means awful
>still playing World of SPGs
Most Tier VIII Mediums are better than it though.
>To be fair, if I sit back in a bush in a TD I have less problems with arty than when I'm in a medium or heavy tank fighting at the front.
That's what I was implying, arti doesn't punish "camping TDs" it punishes heavy players and aggressive mediums.
TDs are a thing of the past anyway, pretty much all td maps have been reworked or removed from the game. If there is a most useless class in WoT right now it is the td.
m8, i have played almost every single non premium t8 medium tanks, and i have to say, the pershing is one of the comfiest out there.
Senpai, t8 mediums are either mediocre or shit.
In what way though? What's actually good about it?
>If there is a most useless class in WoT right now it is the td
Light tanks are just as useless, and TDs at higher tiers have the advantage of becoming heavy tanks without turrets but more pen and alpha. Lights on the other hand, always remain shitty medium tanks and are strongest around tier 5-6ish, although even that got a lot worse since the OI came around.
One spot open. Tier V Standard Battle on Abbey. Caller wanted otherwise perfect chance for a new person to enter the supposed inner circle :^)
pw: MAGA
>bottom tier heavy
>highest damage dealt on team
Na, light tanks are very strong if there are few top tiers. They're meds on steroids.
>>highest damage dealt on team
Their all pretty crummy compared to medium tanks with the same MM, with the exception of the Chaffe, T37, and M41.
>inner circle
Im a clique of my own
son, tier for tier why do you think you don't see any mediums in t6 and t8 competitive gameplay? Because the lights that are on the same tier just completely outshine the meds.
T37 shits on literally everything in t6 short of retards in OIs on mountain pass
LTTB/131 are better than all t7 meds
all t8 lights are better than all t8 meds
Greg's Rage Cage
Yeah dad, that's why I said compared to mediums with the same MM.
Population 2
Greg and his Rage
Old lurker here, what happened to NTR?
People stopped playing.
>plat with random pubbie for bonus xp
>literal demon noises start coming from his ingame mic
Welp, no more pubbie plats
user, are you discriminating against demons in current year?
I'm the last one who would discriminate against anyone, believe me :^)
But demons ain't human so I will discriminate at will
Still better than the panther II
Most people who like the Pershing spam APCR on it, which removes its main failing. It's a fairly mediocre tank with straight AP.
>If there is a most useless class in WoT right now it is the td.
ok friend
TDs can at least sit in a corridor and donk people for insane HP, lights are literally useless in the world of corridors
Plenty of great light tanks that can be played like mediums.
yuros pls
Don't worry America, Israel will carry you :^)
Got lucky with those kills, chai sniping with 38 hp :^)
ded af
are you kidding me I only started this game to get a fucking maus because of gup, 23k games later i finally got a maus and 30 other tens, where did it all go wrong
Those numbers don't seem to add up...
i only wanted a maus, but halfway through the grind I realized it was shit along with the entire line, vkb wasnt buffed yet
woops posted too soon, so i put the line down and came back to it a few years later
Few years later? If you started when GuP was airing? And "30 tier 10s" in 23k games? Come on...
>Do you hate yourself?
helps if you no life really hard
Guess that's impressive... in a sad way. Or something.
also cw2 gives like 3k gold a week and theres tourneys, strongholds with 50 cred bonus and all the personal reserves make the grinds last like a week now
>Plenty of great light tanks that can be played like mediums.
Why on earth would you play a light that can play like a medium instead of just play a russian hovermed
Any room for one more for the /wotg/ teams before the tournaments tomorrow and Monday?
>these are your threadmates
NA is definitely playing on easymode then...
>-The object 268 Variant 5 won’t be a standard vehicle (won’t belong in a tech tree), the devs are unsure of what it will be (Premium or Reward).
Inb4 they move it to tier VIII and give it BL-10 gun stats
turreted ISU-152 but with tier IX heavy tanks hull, yeah that sounds balanced
>these are your team mates
at least i got the statpadder, I fucking hate gold t67
>be FCM 50t
>match starts
>arty hits you for 900dmg
>half your crew is dead, detracked, engine dead
>FV304 hits you for full 450
>start to burn
>the end
>Playing VK leopard
>first time in a year that I play WoT
>Tier VI game
>Forgot map name but drive up a hill with a boulder on it alongside a T-25
>Get spotted by a Panzer IV H rushing our heavies
>while he gets blasted I reflexively reverse
>bad idea
>Allies spot a bunch of enemy tanks on the hill across
>get tracked, repair kit, tracked again
>half health, somehow bounce a shot from a heavy
>Manage to repair and get behind the rock
How did I survive that.
>When you are doing quadruple your health in dmg and your teams still keeps losing.
That happens in every tank game I play.
>War thunder
>Dominating in the Tiger H1
>look at map (jungle btw)
>half our team is out
>Say fuck it and charge for glory
>die, respawn in JPIV/70 then Panther D
I top scored at least
>cruising in the Panzer IV H
>watch my team get destroyed
>Fag in chat complains about noob team
>I end up as the last one standing
Only me and a KV-1 player got any kills
>you lose and get ~400exp
>imbecile on the winning team with 2 shots worth of damage gets ~560exp because reasons
Weekends on any F2p are rage inducing
this thing has 1k health and does 320+- dmg per shot
>When you finally get a X3 win and you did nothing the entire match and the previous match you lost you put in work.
Too bad that game is so fucking dead that its impossible to get into games.
On NA maybe, EU usually takes
NA servers are always dead in every game
>mfw i got the pack
too bad i rarely play the game though
Should i start the czech line? If yes, what am i in for?
>Start getting good
>WN8 starts improving
>WR% starts dropping
Something's wrong? I'll never reach 50%WR.
>Start getting good
>WR% starts dropping
doesn't compute
I decided to buy the jagdpanther but i had to get a new crew, which skills should i go for assuming i will keep the crew going down the line? Also what equipment should i get on that tank?
somebody translate?
Camo is still useful for the Jagdpanther so go with that first then grab Sixth Sense and Repairs. Once you get to the Jagdtiger and have around 2.5 skills you can probably drop Camo for BiA. Equip is Rammer, Vents, Optics or Binos depending on how active you are.
I'd probably go for repairs until you've hit 100% and retrain to either sixth sense or BIA
Gun rammer, gun laying drive, and maybe either a repair kit or camo net depending on your style.
You going for the ferdinand or jpanther II?
Best t5 for stand to?
What map?
Why are you still playing this game?
I personally would go with Chaffees if the team is skilled enough. If not then heavies like the KV-1s and T1 Heavy would give you a chance to flex but you still need a Chaffee to scout since you do not want to be blind. I didn't suggest the O-I Exp since I do not know how hard it got nerfed.