>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Other urls found in this thread:
Azura a shit
Custom crit lines:
>"Away with you!"
>"I'll crush you!"
>"Don't come any closer!"
>"Prepare to die!"
Fuck off waifufag cancer
>More tripfags
Just what we needed. Do you actually contribute shit or are you another spic parasite like TharjaAnon
>Waifu birthday
>Waifufags sperg out, attempt to block threads via thread wars autism, shitpost all day long about said waifu
>Husbando birthday
>Husbandofags are chill whether a character gets a thread or not, thread remains relatively comfy
Funny how that always seems to work.
Custom crit lines
>i eat bugs
>Secondly, I am not a ‘Ciceronianistic’ purist. Cicero used Greek words (in Greek letters) all the time in his letters, and, transliterated, in his philosophical dialogues. So in fact did most Romans, in both poetry (usually transliterated, but in some later poetry, actually in Greek letters) and prose. More so in some genres than others — Cicero used less Greek in his speeches, for insta
when's etika
>Husbando birthday
>Husbandofags spam threads extremely early the whole day
If the thread creation was a problem, they would have been deleted.
>its okay when my fellow midori compatriots do it
I like Hana
I like Hana more
Proper on time thread
Still stuck on chapter 12. What units are the most reliable when fighting the Ninjas in the middle? Their poison and Saizo's damage are tearing through my tanks.
What's your Fates homo OTP?
Does anybody even like this ugly faggot? I think the only people who give a fuck about him are Xanderfags who just do it out of obligation since they have to put up with their shit kid.
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Are people really this bothered by Siegbert? I dont understand?
Siegbert is so ugly.
Who said that? I certainly didn't. Posting early threads is the same no matter who does it.
>it's ok when Berties do it
Just use the Flame Shuriken and Guard Naginata my boy.
He's the shittiest kid.
Give me a detailed explanation on why you dislike Siegbert without any use of slurs or name-calling.
What is it about this kid that you dislike so much, friendo?
We conducted a poll back last summer and most Xanderfags then agreed to literally disown Siegbert.
They got tons of heat for it but the majority firmly stood by their decision.
xanderfags wanted a daughter instead desu
>Shit personality.
>Shitty voice.
Should've been aborted desu.
How would Oboro react to being the sister-in-law to Ryouma, Takumi, Sakura, and Hinoka?
I dunno, if I gave birth to Shitbert I'd still give him my unconditional love, it IS my child after all.
Worse than Shitgure? Let's not get hasty now my bois.....
Not in any significant way, she's already close to them as Takumi's retainer.
She'd just use it as an excuse to make them all clothes to wear.
Saizo has the flame shuriken. Getting it isn't so much of an issue, its more getting through the ninjas in one piece.
Yes, he's uglier than Shigure.
I think he looks cute
because yoshihiko is used in comedy wrestling matches and they're hilarious.
well he's not your real kid so people probably don't care, granted if your kid does come out ugly you should love them
Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
He looks like a terrible Xander cosplayer and it makes me mad for some reason.
Why do you always have to remark on it? This is pretty much shitposting in itself, you're trying to incite a shitstorm.
Whatever vitriol there could possibly be for Shigure is solely because of his attachment to Azura, or Shitzura as you probably prefer.
Forgot to say its chapter 12 for Conquest.
Siegbert x Forrest.
Shiro has the better design but Siegbert is much more endearing as a character to me. Maybe I just don't like aggressive knuckleheads.
There is none. The only reason I've ever seen anyone dislike him is "he's ugly".
>not liking Chad Thundercock
>aggressive knuckleheads
We call 'em "dumb stinky hunks who cares" around here.
They're both shit, kys
Don't speak for me I like Siegbert.
desu Bert has a good armor design, one of the best in the game actually
Post those NA castles.
I need BP, VP, and accessories that aren't Bath Towels. Don't forget to leave feedback. Come buy a skill or something. Maybe you'll get a nice Bond Unit.
I don't like the "Chad Thundercock" meme either, it makes Shiro come off as an ass when he's a pretty genuine character.
I'm fully convinced that the guy who spams this shit is a bitter waifufag. No one is that stupid.
His whole personality and complex about "muh throne" gets very annoying, very fast and the way he acts is like he wants people to feel bad for him and suck his dick so he can feel better. He just comes off as begging for pity and he projects his weaknesses and insecurities onto others. His voice is really cringy as well.
I'm not even going to get into his appearance.
>falseflagging this hard
I don't think it's a waifufag or a husbandofag. Husbandofags aren't too common and waifufags probably don't want to mention it.
doesn't she mean grown up?
Siegbert is just annoying to me, with his throne whining and the way how he just keeps sucking his dad's dick 24/7 and is so stiff around him is definitely not something I'm into.
Siegbert has no character. He's dull as fuck.
it's just cutesy bad grammar, like a little kid
I'm a Xanderfag and I think Siegbert is cute in a "reliable nerdy" kind of way.
Would bully as his mom.
She's cute-speaking.
The opposite for me.
Agreed. Husbandofags don't shitpost, especially not with such obvious bait.
...Isn't Shiro's description literally "easy to get along with"? Wouldn't that make him more endearing?
how come the dancer girl's weapons can't break in this game??????????
Guess you just don't like insecure characters. I happen to like them a lot so yeah.
It depends on how one defines endearing.
Who do I throw Lonk-lonk at, Severa or Brady?
that depends, is stahl free for severa? because lonk does make a good brady.
Lonk does more for Brady.
Sev is unscrewable, so give Cordelia any dad you want to.
Stahl is free, yeah, I was thinking of maybe giving him away to Gerome, or Owain, maybe Yarne
I don't have any set in stone pairings yet besides me/Sumia and Crumb/Villager-Chan
siegbert's eng voice annoys the fuck outta me. he sounds 10 years old
why villager chan? she makes a really bad lucina. i usually marry chrum to sumia. chrumia
Who's better at being a Shining Bow!Adventurer, Anna or Nyx!Nina?
Nyx is the best mom for Nina right? Or is it Felicia?
Siegbert was a mistake.
Thanks for putting on a trip so that I can filter you.
Not a fan of most of his supports, and the ones I do like, I've already done before, and prefer with other dudes, so Lucina's just gonna have to deal with being shit this go around
Cutest wife
>he sounds 10 years old
Doesn't sound like that to me. Just really quiet.
Why did she feel the need to say Ryouma is better than you? Even Flora, her Nohrian counterpart of a girl with an unrequited first love, doesn't do that....
well, it sounds lighter than mine and that says something. why cant he always yell like his dad
he sounds like the biggest nerd
>I did it daddy!
Why did she have to die :(
We need an edit of this for Siegbert.
I'm paranoid about fucking up pairing but don't know enough about stat modifiers and inheritance.
How do you guys choose who does who? So far my only A ranks are SilasxMozu and KazexAzura
Anything else would of been better tbqh,
Dunno, I don't mind it though.
I need to fug him one of these runs.
She's just speaking the truth
Because IS is too lazy to commit to the waifu mechanic enough to address oversights like this
Shiro is a better leader than xander and ryouma together
Because it's true.
Those two are 10/10 solid picks already, you're already on a good path. Just don't fuck the rest up.
Don't worry about stat modifiers, there is nothing in Fates worth fretting about maxed stats. Just worry about growths, particularly Str/Mag growths.
The mother you pick for the kid has a big influence on it this time around, so don't have a Mag kid mothered by a mom with no magic or a physical kid mothered by a magic mom.
I love Pieri and so do you!
Which dub Corn is your favorite Corn? Cam Clarke is the best one
Of course he'd be endearing to you, being a Xanderfag makes you heavily biased.
Shiro is a much better character than Siegbert. Shiro is sociable and comes off as very likable. Total bro. Meanwhile Siegbert comes off as dull and boring. Totally lame. Despite his apperence Shiro is actually pretty insightful and capable of intelligent commentary. He thinks about the throne too, but he uses that to push himself and get stronger. Meanwhile Siegbert would rather mope about his insecurities 24/7.
Shiro is the cool and carefree warrior prince who you could easily hang out with.
Siegbert is the boring and stiff prince who'd rather read through some lame tax codes.
>implying Truck Fridgeknuckle wouldn't go running off by himself and getting himself killed in a fit of Chadism
I unironically enjoy my fuccboi cam mamui, yes.