Why in western societies is it taboo and usually considered evil to consider oneself a Fascist or Nationalist but...

Why in western societies is it taboo and usually considered evil to consider oneself a Fascist or Nationalist but people everywhere call themselves a Marxist-Socialist, "Democratic" Socialist, or Communist and nobody bats an eye? If going by pure numbers marxist socialism has killed hundreds of millions more than right wing dictatorships ever have. Back in our grandparents' generation it WAS considered evil to be a socialist or communist and the ones of hollywood were constantly called out and attacked for it.

>but people everywhere call themselves a Marxist-Socialist, "Democratic" Socialist, or Communist and nobody bats an eye?

Depends a lot on where you are

State socialism is not the only form of socialism. Marxism-Leninism is not the only form of communism.

Stick to one thread, bitch

I'm assuming you're not an American or European between the age of 16-30 then

Fascists/Nationalists were painted in a worse light then Marxist-Socialist, Socialist, Communist, and whatever other left winged ideologies. It also doesn't help that a certain German leader and his military killed around 6 million people in death camps. It'll change eventually though, because look at what's happening in Europe right now. Nationalism is on the rise, and the multiple terror attacks by Islamic extremists is just fueling it.


You are aware that "Europe" extends east of the Oder and south of the Danube these days?

Because fascism caused a war that resulted in 50-60 million people dying.

Because Communists didn't start WWII, fascists.

If it had been the other way around, you'd see a totally different viewpoint among younger westerners.

its because marxism has the interests of everyone at its heart, whereas fascism or nationalism seeks to oppress everyone but the ingroup. one doctrine is significantly more inclusive than the other, in theory anyway. even if you agree that marxism has failed many times, you cannot deny that marxism does not have good intentions for the vast majority of individuals. i imagine that's a large part of why the difference you point out exists.

Because communism is good and fascism is shit

I am an American with relatives all over the continent. It depends a lot on where you are.

>Communism is good

That is how it is portrayed by academics and the media.

Fascism preaches that you shoukd not be concerned with people out of your in group, as you say it, but not that you should be hateful to all the outsiders.

Are you implying that Mussolini started WWII?

But socialism is directly responsible for 100,000,000+ deaths

>Because communism is good and fascism is shit

National Bolshevism is fascism.

>marxist socialism

Stalinism is fascism in the name of communism. Even Mussolini praised it.

Because most people are ignorant of history and only know the meme parts of it. Every time I tell someone that the commies killed far, far more than Hitler, I have to pull up sources.

That's because nobody gives a shit when you kill millions of your own population.

American College students do it because they never had to live under communist rule.

They think it would be all prosperity for everyone instead of beet rations and Commieblocks.

I bet a college kid from Ukraine would have a different opinion from one from California.

socialism has good intentions, fascism does not.

Do good intentions matter when the ideology is inherently false and damaging in practice?

>I bet a college kid from Ukraine would have a different opinion from one from California.
That's hilarious because I'm Californian and I have a friend who lived in Ukraine during Soviet rule, he likes to joke a lot about Stalin and communism with me and he doesn't care much on how I'm leftist.

Because it comes from nazi propaganda?

I honestly can't tell if these posts are sarcasm or not anymore.

That's too simplicitic and stupid.

If you're an autist.

They're both wild utopian fantasies, their intentions only differ in that communism is for the whole world while fascism is just for a specific nation of people. Fascism has the dictator because he guides the people as a sort of national representative and makes sure people remain true to the "spirit of the nation", while communism has a vanguard party (i.e., dictatorship) that guides the people to "true communism". Both, in practice, are totalitarian terror states that are constantly seeking out enemies who might undermine that utopia, which ends up being anyone with a semblance of free will.