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I can't carry this shit edition

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>People pick Hanzo/Widow
>Enemy bastion sitting in plain line of sight
>they don't kill him

Fuck these players

>open second loot box
>legendary mcRee skin
Welp, guess it's time to high noon

Zenyatta is a waste of space at the moment.

Post your favorite D.Va. White Rabbit is the best skin FYI

two snipers was a mistake

I wish I could stop myself from rage charging people and dying when I get salty.

Post yfw when D.va's cute ass


>blizzard wants this to be a competitive esport
>20 tick server bullshit

how the hell can blizzard be so delusional?

i guess this is why HOTS is an abortion of a moba that they're forcing

if the enemy widow/sniper/roadhog can be kept at bay he's quite good but only if you're good


> Enemy Bastion in plain sight
> You don't pick Zeny and three shot him with disruption orb

junebug and b.va

>playing D.va on Defense
>all 3 of my ults are quadra kills
>potg goes to a Torbjörn who ults just to repair his turret and not die and gets 2 kills

the fuck?

>50% kill participation

A-Am I a good boy /owg/? Did I do a good job?


>It's a 3 x Sniper on attack episode
>It's a 3x Sniper on attack episode, who don't switch even after getting pounded their anuses by Winston and Tracer

>I am not the turd

What did he mean by this?

Those are some pretty solid stats, especially for a zen main.

>8:03 minutes on fire
holy dicks

shitter detected. Along with Lucio he's a top tier support for attackers for his obscene damage and tank-busting ability via discord orbs. His only weakness is snipers. Everything else can be handled via Zarya shields.

there was a poll earlier, B.Va seemed to be the most popular


POTG is kinda bullshit. I ulted to rez three teammates and we kept the payload 0.15m from the objective, and POTG went to Reinhardt knocking two people down so he could bash them. Even he said I should've gotten it.

>widowmakes one shots you while you're still in the spawn
why is this allowed? seriously, can someone telll me?

Tangerine, White Rabbit, and Scavenger

Reaper is somewhat bearable to play with his Oranges skin equipped.


What's your favorite voice line?

"Young punks get off my lawn" is really up there, but so is "I'm your Huckleberry" because it's so spammable.

FMK, left to right

This game is so poorly balanced. What in the actual fuck?

As I guy who loves doing this, stop fucking standing still in front of the doors before they open with the round start.

Have you not played TF2? That's rule one: standing near the door is death.

what's your favorite voicelines?

Fuck Tracer, marry Mercy, kill Reaper.

Not even a question. A hard one would be Mercy/Symmetra/Pharah.

Zen's easy as hell to get on-fire time with. He's literally the tank killer. He also has the best voice line for it.

>I'm on fire! But an extinguisher is not required.


>friend invites me to group
>know it's a bunch of shitters
>guaranteed loss
>play some off main, take loss and leave
I think I dealt with it well

>female Reaper

>entire enemy team goes Roadhog
>our team goes full Bastion to counter them
>their entire team goes Genji
>we go Mei
Will this horror ever end

>zarya lewds where she actually looks female

Widowmakers "Let them eat cake"

"Is this easy mode?"
"Hard work pays off"

Don't even play D.Va and White Rabbit is the best. Doesn't fuck her up style like the Mad Max skins, doesn't fuck up her mech like the insect skins.

Too bad her mech feels like it shoots air soft pellets instead of hot lead.

Which hero should I pick if I want to Try hard winning? Cant play offense because of shitty ping.

I'm tired of teammates ignoring objectives.

what is wrong with tracers face? is it melting off her skull?

"We're all animals" is good.
this your first blizzard game, lad?
when they nerf bastion too :^)

>Winky face

Rate and be mad at my hero choices.

Any odds of Lucio getting nerfed? Having a blast playing with him, but he seems so good.

lol u just gotta git gud ;-)

How much longer till they add comp play? I'm done playing till they add it.


winkyface, ameizing, aw rubbish, reach for the sky, mada mada

Aww rubbish


before I got a new pc I played Reinhardt since the only thing you need to aim is your flame throw attack. he's pretty simple and can unify the team without saying a word. it's magical.

crusader online

One of these days I'll get the entire team.

>bastion reinhardt mercy just standing on payload
>by some miracle manage to break through reinhardts shield, while surviving bastions boosted damage, while they're both being constantly healed


if nobody's pushing objectives, reinhardt usually works for me

Of Roadhog's "Violence is usually the answer" is the one that always cracks me up.

>in a game that's based on switching your character to counter enemy strategies

When will this LoL Main meme bullshit stop.

pls respond
have been sitting at the skins menu for half an hour debating with myself.

SORRY! SORRY! ... im sorry.. sorry
Anything widowmaker says in that sexy french accent


Just because you switch a lot doesn't mean you can't have a main. I main Mercy predominately, but I switch to something more aggressive or defensive depending on the situation.


Neither because Lucio is shit and gay.

zenyatta is my boy what you talking shit on him for

Post 3 heroes you now main that you didnt expect

I was all about Reaper, Junkrat and Tor

Now I play Roadhog, Mccree and Zarya

how much of a shitter am i guys?
also like I said in the last thread, does anyone that plays on ps4 want to group up?

The gold one looks nice. I white one kind of looks like a walking Ipad.

Had the same problem yesterday with McMeme and just used heads or tails.


get this prancing lala homo man out of here

>that desert map
>defending on payload
>hold them off at the entrance for the entire time
>2 Torbjörns, a Bastion, etc
>get them down to overtime
>they manage to wipe us and hop on the payload
>Mercy, Lucio, Reinhardt, Bastion, Widowmaker, Junkrat
>never left the top of the payload
>rode all the way to the end without ever stopping.


I main D.Va, but if someone else picks her I'm comfortable picking someone else at the start.

I also switch it up to counter enemy teams, as well as also switching for pushes if we need something else.

>cheery personality
>professional murderer

So Tracer is a legit psychopath?

Anyone got a source for these two?

We can't all play by your rules, user.

Having a preferred character is perfectly fine, as long as you're not retarded and don't decide to keep playing Widowmaker even though you spent half the match getting penetrated by a Tracer.

>tfw getting 12000 damage as 76 but no commendations or potg
why live?

except nothing is wrong with bastion
everything is wrong with widow

are you new :^)

How bad is it doc?

>tfw this happened to me earlier and it was the potg

Seriously wanted to kill myself desu

Junkrat, 76, Lucio

Every other hero is extremely boring to me.

Stop posting this monstrosity, you sullied Hitomi with this shitty photoshop

"""main"""" just means hero you play the most

control your autism, fucking fag



I'm a little disappointed tracer ended being my best character.
At least she is never a terrible pick.

are you winning?

How do you want Soldier 76's story to play out?

Hard Mode: No gay shit

Tracer, Pharah, Zarya

I started off disliking all 3 but now I love them.

>Playing McCree
>Toss flashbang, kill Tracer
>Get run down by 76
>Can't do anything without a flashbang

When are they going to decrease the cooldown on his ability? He literally cannot do a thing unless it's off cooldown and he's a free kill if it is.

>team is trickling into a choke point
>hear Widowmaker's ult go off
>tell them to wait because I'm not healing through that
>they go out and get picked off one by one with head shots the moment they poke their heads out
>tell them to enjoy walking back
We didn't have a widow on our team. Hopefully next time they will learn their lesson and not enter a choke point with the wallhack up.

Allow Widowmaker to stay on her grappling hook and adjust the height level, but increase the charge time on her sniper


>having a main

tracer would be useful if she had 2x capture rate like the scout in tf2


I can't actually take this post seriously. This has to be some kind of satire.

>less than an hour as Widowmaker
>playing Zarya at all

It's all good son

>Enemy team has a Winston+Mei premade