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dark elves when
bretonnia when
>tfw you'll never be as based as Sigvald
looks more like a rat than an elf
Why are the Warriors of Chaos so fucking homosexual
Is it because they're based on Sweden
its weird seeing some deformed monstrosities and giant norskan warriors actually paying attention to fancy talk like that, they probably dont know 90% of the words he is using
>people want edgy manlets 2.0
Well, alright.
I hope Slaanesh receives some love when Chaos Daemons are put into the game. Games Workshop seems intent on forgetting he/she/whatever exists. Maybe there's hope, though, with Sigvald being in the game.
>Not wanting to worship Slaanesh with your oiled-up bodybuilding nordic bros
it is you who are the homosexual
found in the game files
They probably still don't know what he's saying, they just know that he's favored by a Chaos God and can kick all of their asses.
I can't really see where a third game would go though
> Be Vampire Counts
> Can't invade the Dwarves and Greenskins
> Attrition is bullshit
> Raiding stance sucks
> I can't go south
I do believe I've worked out how CA planned it to work and my campaign has just gotten much more interesting now.
> Place Necromancers and Banshees (?) in enemy province
> Wait for corruption to hit 40%+
> ????
> Profit
Can anyone else confirm or explain how they took over the world in their Vampire Counts campaign?
Darkness was one thing, but this is ridiculous.
"How to Siege" - brought to you by the nation of Brettonia
my guess is there will be one expansion for each side, perhaps Lizardmen/elves on left, ogres, KANGZ and stuff on the right, skaven, woodelves and beastmen or whatever is already in the original map
Seconding this
why are dire wolves so cute!
March ruins this game. Absolutely the worst fucking thing.
>Enemy runs in sonic fast past any attempt to intercept
>attacks your settlement
>razes it
>still can move (because reasons? Even though every other action to a settlement makes you stop for the turn)
>runs exactly far enough that you can't catch them
>next turn they sanic fast away to the next settlement
>you can only catch them by marching, which means you can't actually attack them
Absolutely fucking retarded
Did you get the 10% movement ability on your general?
Did you use agents to slow armies in your territory?
It's shit I know but there are options.
So how can woodelves be implemented?
I don't think it would make much sense for them to conquer human or dwarven cities.
Maybe a horde like faction? Or something different?
Should I get a Sorceror Lord or a regular Chaos Lord for Horde number 2?
Or just wait for Sigvald?
I have Karl Franz with 2 campaign speed followers and Route Marcher, and even he can't catch these Chaos fucks.
It's like a giant Benny Hill chase around Talabecland right now.
Adding to that
>gigantic fucking province with all of 2 settlements
>chaos shits enter the very top corner far as hell away from anything at all
>start raiding for 800+ a turn
>turn and force march away whenever anything comes near them
Absolutely bullshit
>Grimgor Ironhide the baddest ork in the world, consistently uses half armies to pansy march his ass past anything that could fight him to raid settlements, gets wounded. Repeat 5 times then Orks are destroyed.
Woah, epic
perhaps like vamps? they have to spread forest like corruption otherwise attrition sets in. victory goal is probably about killing beastmen and subjugating brettonia
They literally have the area reserved on the map though...
No they would lust for Karl's elected cock.
You best not be tricking me user
I just aint feelin vampire counts t'bh. Ever since playing Greenskins other factions seem boring.
69 get
Thunderers or Quarellers?
how can this be edgy
> Tomb Kings still not announced
>open image
>wonder why there's a patchy banner over laid on the warhammer map
>realize it's the old world with all the provinces colored in, including the oceans
>open in paint
>try to use the fill tool so the oceans have the same color
>jpg artifacts get in the way
Welp, I'm too lazy for this, just wanted to make it easier for me to look at the actual land mass of the old world as it compares with what they have.
I feel like a retard for not noticing this but now I can safely fuck the Orcs and Dwarves.
Mostly Quarellers a few thundereres to take on heavily armored opponents.
yeah, forced march needs to go
Are Chaos Knights with lances a straight upgrade to the regular ones?
this game needs ships ASAP, I am ok with only being able to autoresolve, I just want something fast to deal with these boatniggers
>Spend countless turns in massive costly war with chaos
>Everything north of Sylvania a chaos wasteland
>Empire dead
>Finally kill the last stack
>Civilization saved
>Go to recolonize Altdorf and claim my prize
>See this shit
Why can't thing be easy for once?
Also found in game files
They should just patch the use of it out for the AI besides maybe when they're trying to get away from attrition.
the entire campaign map needs to be overhauled
annoying fuckin' RNG spies, boring-ass civlization gameplay, teleporting dwarves
>Because in a world of orks that show up out of nowhere to raze your home, dwarfs who will declare a Grudge because you bumped into them by accident and spoiled their nice suit (though at least in that case you can just compensate for cleaning the suit/wasted food), a Monty Python esque society built around chivalric virtues like 'Noble Disdain' that'd rather outfit another Knight for a futile quest for some grail held by a watery tart throwing swords everywhere in the name of honor and said Lady rather than help their peasantry stop living in mud huts and eating dirt, undead who will corrupt the rulership of the realm and turn your own buddies against you as well as fling things like uber vampire wolves and ethereal knights that can't be killed by normal weapons, and you have to leave said undead corpses ripe to plunder because you had to inter the dead properly lest their souls end up food for Chaos, which comes from frozen wastes and you can only contain them... the best hope for an Empire disunited by petty differences, dealing with heresy and Chaos/Undead corruption, and being at ground zero for all the above... is a normal man of the Reikland, armed with a hammer and actually giving a shit about his men unlike so many of his peers. That man is Karl Franz, and when he's done dragging your Empire Province to glory whether you like it or not he's going to make sure it then prospers.
How can one man be so based?
Check and see if you still take attrition while besieging
Also, Vamps get encampment right?
It's not showing it in my picture but Estalia controls Altdorf.
>You have 100 turns before the big fuckass Chaos blob comes for your ass
>You will spend 50 of them chasing halfstacks around your territory with Benny Hill's theme playing
I hate it
Make The Empire Great Again.
Here's the map from ingame, it's only the south and east outside the borders that's shown but it matches that file exactly.
I rush occupy Averland/Stirland/Wissenland
Grab the passive Corruption research for adjacent provinces.
Level Banshee for corruption, wait until corruption evens out.
Then I conquer Border Princes/ Talia/Estalians and from there you are just an unstoppable force that nobody else will be able to mess with.
They get; march, ambush, raiding and channelling. Channelling does replenishment and raiding gives attrition immunity. I'm pretty sure I sieged an Orc province right next to mine without suffering attrition while building siege equipment.
You don't take attrition while besieging
>tfw Karl is dead
>Not knowing how to trick an AI
>Being dumber than an AI
>Not running with a seemingly weaker force to trick the AI into attacking you so you can fuck it in the ass
>Getting outplayed by an AI
>western area gets added
>naval combat once again
I swear somebody better be working or planning to work on a standard bearer and musician mod for the Empire
Even Sigmar himself made sure he would retain Karl's peronality
Karl > Sigmar
Reminder that floppy hats are top tier
>having spare lords to be bait when trying to cover ridiculous amounts of land
That's stupid, though. I'm busy fighting 5 different Chaos stacks and the maintenance costs are way too high to have a bunch of little shitstacks laying around to be bait.
The only really reasonable answer is trying to get them in ambush, but the AI will sometimes cheat their way out of it and walk the outline of the ambush
CA knows that shit is money so I'm willing to bet that regiments of renown will have them
Best advice honestly is either to witch hunter block him, pincer move him, or start building level two defenses to your most vulnerable settlements (builds walls)
Amen to that
The problem is that they'll go past the border, because there is nothing to stop them. Nothing forces them to attack the border cities. And it's not like you can catch them, so unless you see them coming and just know that the motherfuckers are about to beeline for the minor settlement off in the back corner of whogivesafuckistan so you can set an ambush, the benny hill chase is gonna happen
Almost done my Empire campaign, so anyone but them
The maintenance costs are too high for you to just get rid of like 2 units so your army is slightly weaker but still capable of winning the fight?
Are you retarded? This is why you people are such failures.
You roam around with grouped up full stacks so you can brute force every battle with autoresolve rather than taking what you need and fighting it out.
You deserve to get your shit razed.
I bet you have a lot of friends
Empire Free Company when?
roll, no vc pls
No I know that, I don't mean the border cities I mean the vulnerable ones beyond
Main cities have walls already and if they attack those they're dead, so they'll go for undefended cities
If you have literally ONE army in reserve, you can hop from city to city while your main army catches up. The AI is then forced to either attack him (which will be bolstered by your garrison), or move to another city in a different direction. When he changes directions is when you can gain ground.
I honestly just started building the defense chains for cities in the interior, that is, away from the frontlines so that my armies could guard the undefended cities on the front
If you're facing chaos you should be getting a lot of alliances with other nations, in the diplomacy tab ask them to attack the armies roaming around your country. It takes them forever so don't rely on it but honestly just the fact that they're roaming around in your country makes it easier to catch the enemy.
I've had Bretonnia and Estalia take out about 4 skaeling stacks in and around Middenheim over the course of my game
I'm firm but fair, no user of mine is going to grow up to be a little pussy faggot who only fights in TW when the odds are 90/10 in his favor but simultaneously complains about everyone running away from fighting him.
For the first time I'm getting far enough in a campaign for Chaos to spawn. Most of my cities have 1% of chaos right now, but I have a Boss tent that is supposed to lower that corruption.
If I have the tent will it just drop from 1% to 0% or do I need to do something else?
Do you even play this game? Every lord is multiplies your total unit upkeep. When you're running 3-4 stacks "just" getting another Lord and a half stack is enough money to put a crimp on anybody's wallet.
And yeah, the 10 stacks running around using forced march are definitely a fun and entertaining gameplay element that deserves to be defended and detract from the actual battles that have a chance at actually being fun.
Fuck yourself with a rake, CA shill
Am I the only Dwarf player that wanted to keep all of my Dwarven allies as allied states instead of having to become a confederacy with all of them?
But didn't want them to all fight each other at the end?
what is a brayherd?
the game should automatically intercept armies with garrisons desu, I think empire had that, it would make reinforcing border cities with +garrison buildings more meaningful
It'll affect the rate but you're going to get chaos corruption regardless
Oh I agree, but I'm just saying that's what has been working for me.
What's the best way to avoid the corruption and is there a way to stop it altogether besides just killing all the Chaos units?
When is radious going to add outrider vargeists?
A braryherd is basically just a herd of beastmen.
Kind of like a Waggh I suppose a powerful enough Beastlord of Bray-Shaman has united enough beastmen under their control to really fuck shit up. But since they are stupid as a sack of hammers they usually don't go very far. Usually Beastmen are just in the forest raiding randomly not as an organized force.
>tfw dwarven quests are five million miles away from where your main army is needed
There's like, very little lore reason for that isn't it? It's just to force you to split your army up, isn't it?
Just magically teleport there.
a literal rape train :)
You're so fucking dumb, are you so scared of running with less than a full stack that you think you have to recruit another army? Path Eric, absolutely pathetic. You're actually scared of actually playing the game without a massive advantage over an AI. Think about that for a second then kill yourself.
I feel bad for the thousand and thousands of players that still dont know this
No way to avoid it, the word you're looking for here is 'mitigate'.
Buildings help but the best way to reduce it is through agents in two ways - the first is certain skills that passively reduce corruption in your province. The second is assassination, you'll want to kill chaos agents in your territory because their purpose is to spread corruption.
Corruption will start to go once you kill all the chaos stacks outside of Norsca (norse tribes ie varg not included)