Neat edition
Neat edition
first for op is a faggot
Draven best guy
Post memes.
idk how i manage to feed so hard and still win but i do!! gn lolg!!
>NINE (9) hour threads
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
Overwatch delivered the final blow, it's over
>season 6
Now, as is the custom in dead games, we must post kpop waifus.
Korean women are garbage
Welcome to die
There was a request of Irelia begging not to get nerfed again. Did that drawbro ever finish it?
>kpop waifus
>lyte releases his toxic gas aka dynamic queue
>people get bored of queue times
>balance changes are questionable
>game keeps changing like a whore her customers
>lyte jumps the ship while his creation takes over
>as league crumbles under the pressure of other AAA+ titles
>you hear a silent whisper from a dark corner
>"cognitive neuroscience son"
>that pic
reminds me of an article I read earlier. 90's/millenial kids are literally the basement generation
are you a neet, /lolg/?
So I play a lot of darius and typically push my lane to their turret every time which in return makes them hide under their turrets like pussies. How do I go about slaughtering them before they can do this shit? I can kill them right in the beginning then they get scared.
>I unironically believe lol is dying because some other Veeky Forums retards ditched for for overmeme
don't push your lane, only go for the last hit
something is wrong with that girl's vagina
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
How to deal with this shit?
How much is my account worth?
my rarest skins are hextech annie and victorious elise.
Gold 5 and i own all the champs
I don't play this game, so if lolg dies lol dies. Prove me wrong.
Executioners calling, retard
ask him to suck his cock so you can win lane
you ____________ban him
I played against a swain in dominion, what the fuck was riot thinking? they nerf soraka but let this shit slide
Ill give you 30 euros for it
You should go take a closer look.
Is Ez a decent pick when Lucian is b&?
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
Lucian > Cait > Twitch > MF > Ez
Am I the only one who didn't for fall for overmeme?
>Gold 5
I'll give you 5$
>10 minutes in between posts
I could blog post my epic normal games if that would make you feel better
On one hand I really like that Riot has been taking the time to add more quotes for each champion since it was cool in Dota 2, but sometimes I feel like they're taking it too far. Some champion quotes are dripping with exposition and it's extremely grating to listen to over and over. I'M LOOKING AT YOU TARIC AND AURELION SOL! SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT TARGON (THE MOUNTAIN)
>Not even speedy Jhin
You dissapoint me
Bitch you gonna have the entirety of mountain Targon up your canon lore ass and you gonna like it
Yes. And for that, I'll crown you the Ubermench of superior tastes in video games&anime. May God always be on your side, you sexy bastard.
people still hear the champions lines?
i only hear the SFX from abilities and summoners
try reinstalling
/lolg/ is dead?
I want to skin and eat lulu like a plum!
>/lolg/ dead after some meme blizzard game got released
>league games increased in quality too
if i had to trade this shit general for even a slightly better game experience i would do it, every time, every day
What champions do fat retarded fucking manchildren Italian half-breed sociopaths play?
The fight is over, son
Doto finally won
Why did they get rid of boot trinkets? Annie feels really underwhelming to play with the lack of flash cd, especially if you're ever forced to blow flash defensively.
Because they were almost never bought until full build, and even then people forgot. Those that did build it only built like two of the enchantments.
to force people into buying CDR boots and going into the resolve tree if they want reduced CDs on summoners
the actual statement was "people didnt acknowledge them" or some bullshit
Thresh is my favourite Champion!
Who's your favourite Champion /lolg/?
>teammate declares he will play mid taliyah
>ban her
>"you will regret this", locks Soraka smite
>he dodges at the last second
bloodlord lewds when
lee sin, vayne, zed, yasuo, riven, janna, soraka, nami
What anime is this? because the author is a retard. People who give up on life aren't more fearful than anyone else.
/lolg/, how do i get out of my slump? every game i play ends up leaving me exhausted or i stop having fun about halfway through.
also im a faggot and posted in the old thread before realizing it was old
Maybe they should have made the others worth building.
who do you think mains these champs and roleplay as girls in the meantime? because it's either cakeboys, actual girls or neckbeards.
>My team bans Tali "35% winrate" yah and lets the enemy team first pick Lucian when I'm ADC
There needs to be a way to surrender in champ select
how do I fix this 'I don't care' mode, It's like I don't give a shit about feeding -most of the time on purpose- and just queue up again for the next game after finishing.
It's like I'm more focused on punishing shit teammates rather than winning, am I burnt out
Singed is the worst champion in the game, right? I can't imagine this champ being used past Silver even. He does no damage, brings no CC, and his "fling" gimmick is also attached to Volibear, a much much better champion.
>playing lol with a controller
mf and blitzcrank
/lolg/, I have a cool idea that I think would really make the game interesting. I was wondering if you guys would give me feedback on it. The idea is an event: League of Legends: End Times.
Runeterra is changing, and not for the better. The world is overcome with a darkness that none have ever witnessed before.
"The skies grow dark and the air grows cold, and the populace is subjected to unbelievable torment and the hands of unseen forces. Their minds are plagued with horrid nightmares that break their minds. People are driven to madness and many go on bloody rampages, putting dozens of innocent lives to death.
Elsewhere, in the darker recesses of the world, the long dead armies of empires past rise up once more. They are nothing but the bones of what was once great and powerful warriors, but they take up arms once more to do away with the current inhabitants of the world. These are the armies of the undead.
In the populated areas, the people are also forced to fight off the many plagues, dark Voidspawn and all other forms of corrupt entities that wish to do away with them. And in the middle of this chaos stands the Champions of the Fields of Justice, fighting as they always have."
Basically, Runeterra's gone to shit. All sorts of plagues, incursions by dark forces and general batshit insane stuff takes place. Most see it as the end of the world as they know it.
>Game changes
Summoner's Rift is changed to reflect the signs of the times, with it looking destroyed by the dark forces that want to take over the world. Think of the general Dark Souls aesthetic. Champs also get skins to reflect this change and dialogue that talks about how shit everything is.
Basically, it's League of Legends gone grimdark.
>Could have posted a picture of either
>Opt for inferior fleshling
im currently spamming mf so i considered posting a picture of mf appropriate
heres my blitzcrank drawing though
>He does no damage, brings no CC
Ironically the only unpleasant teammate I've had was in a promo game.
>picks udyr
>sucks dick for first 10min
>"lol i hate udyr"
>"i'm hungry let me go to eat"
>continues to dive 1v5 constantly
>"lol now I afk"
>doesn't afk, continues to feed and whine in chat
Oh well, at least now I have 1 free win on the next set.
>league of legends gone grimdark
like it hasn't already
rip old GP
we never found out why your roger was so jolly ;(
bitches know they cant supp
>took a break for a month
>come back
>waifu has Super Galaxy hotsuit
>End Times
>tfw chaos wins in warhammer fantasy
Back when Singed still had his numbers he was an absolute terror
>legitimately feeders every game for 10 games in a row
>still do the best every game
>still lose
>at 0 lp gold V
>4.8k hp
>full annie combo barely removes 1/4 of health
>most damage done
>most healing
>second most damage taken
Chaos wins all the time.
as in, drag the team down, or drag their asses to victory?
UMM, LOLBABS? What the fuck happened to Pantheon's base splash? What is this?
no I mean they ended the fantasy story line with "Chaos win lol"
what champ used to be cool but no one talks about him anymore?
Except in 40k, enjoy your shit codex, lol.
theyre standardizing according to the chinese market
It's hideous though.
Wuju...pass me dat potion??