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>Total War Warhammer
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How fast should I expand as the Empire?
My first game as them, I got memed by expanding too fast and overextending
Difficulty ranking from easiest to hardest
Dwarf > Vampire > Empire > Chaos > Orcs
Its true, you know it.
4th for why did they rename all the races in AoS
Secure empire borders first
Fuck expansion
From last thread:
I honestly dont know. I do what I'm supposed to. Kept my range dudes safe and constantly firing. Kept hit and running with my calvalry. Sent Karl after their lord to whip his ass. Then the reinforcements come and its all over.
To get the copywrite them
Mods will fix it. :^)
Well, atleast most of it, if we can get a fucking mdoel importer.
Grab Marienburg immediately after you're done securing Reikland. Then sit on your ass and tech up, and if you get into a war sack instead of occupy to get mad dosh.
Well actually orcs is easier than chaos
Is anyone else sad about there being no victory cinematic, cutscene or just a word from the advisor?
> Tomb Kings still not announced
Not that guy but if I sack does the province just lie dead for the rest of the game?
Orcs are the easiest, vampires are the hardest
You should be playing heartstone or something
>harder than chaos
>more difficult than VC
Because you haven't won yet, friend.
>being this bad with Vamps
You have LITERALLY infinite cheap armies. Get. Good.
Relevent to previous thread.
mfw the whole "attila has 48 siege layouts warhammer total war only has 3" "meme" turned out to be true
>difficult at all
lmao literally spam skelly stacks+dire wolves until you can field graveguard and varghulfs
Was playing coop, the final 15 or so settlements were just a chore, the game was already won. Slowly we get them, then the final one, and then instant win screen.
>"Uhh, good work."
Extremely disappointing. I also didn't know that Chaos was such a bitch in combat. Beat their armies back and that was just about it. No End Times, no Storm of Chaos. Their invasion was more of a wimper than a bang.
There's a mod that doubles their numbers which seems intersting, using it alongside a flat 25% more taxes mod should make the AI better at defending as well.
I'm really hoping they at least add in some village maps or something for walless cities like there was in the m2 mod
I only realized about that trick after getting the Steam Tank. I'll have to try it with my next dwarves campaign
Never stop my friend.
dealing with norskan scum is a nightmare, it take ages to move around in the raiding stance
I have vampires on one side that I cant attack because 2 stacks are busy fighting norskans and KF is busy watching over Badlands and killing whatever orc stack he can get with hit and run tactics, I've been doing nothing but pressing end turn button while watching my armies crawl like a wounded turtle over the north, not fun desu
I got long campaign victory conditions twice. Theres no end cinematic.
>my orcs took 25% unit damage when dworfs came out of their settlement to meet them in battle
what is this and why does it exist?
The AI aims towards your artillery, especially with cavalry.
9001: CHAOS
The AI will spread out and try to encircle your arty with its own cavalry occassionally try to out flank you, you can't hammer and anvil them to death anymore.
Jesus I want to play MP but I'm terrified of it.
It could even have just one, it's not like we ever see them.
With my empire campaign of 150 turns i must've actually fought 2 sieges.
Hence the little greet boxes to defend them.
I didn't think anyone could fail to understand a diagram that simple but I stand corrected.
Slowly, very slowly. Use diplomacy with humans, your first focus should be immediately wiping out the successionists, then getting Stirland into confederation and moving through their land to wipe out the Vampires, the northern stuff gets raped by chaos/norse and is just a chore to deal with early game. When Archaeon shows up you get a massive boost to diplo and can start confederating with everyone. Fucking up the vampires also gets you big diplo boosts, same if you send a boat full of spear/crossbows to pillage the Norse coastal provinces, that'll help you get Marienburg into confederation. I just finished an Empire campaign that took about 140 turns and I never declared war on a human faction. End of the game literally every human/dwarf faction was allied with me and I had confederated all of the Empire but Nordland and Ostmark.
Empire has to play defensively with early units. Make a line with spears (shielded ones if possible) or halberds and puts crossbows/gunners/artillery behind it. Map corner tactics make every defensive battle trivial. The Reiksgards you start with are incredibly important to keep alive for the whole successionist revolt since they rape human swords/spearsmen in flank attacks.
>mfw nobody gives a shit about sieges anyway
Vamps aren't hard but Empire is so much easier than anyone else
So, who is the most useful Lord this far? Grimgor fucking slaughters everything, but is he better than Karl Franz on Deathclaw or Manfred on his thing? How do he fare again Archaon?
Probably one of the vampire lords
They get flying mounts and bullshit magic that can obliterate other lords
Hot damn did I underestimate Knights of the Realm
These motherfuckers rolling charges all battle long on my squishy skellingtons almost wiped me out completely, it came down to the based Vampire Lord taking on 2 KotR, 1 spearmen and 2 archer by himself.
muh OC donut steel
but look at the positive side, you can quickly identify the few Skubmar autists when they spout those autistic names
Probably Mannfred.
you are better of using another unit of demigryphs or reiksguard, artillery is ass
Stay in the old thread, nobody wants you here.
>he thinks its just one person
The desperation is showing.
Attrition due to low fightiness possibly
Europe was broken.
Led astray by false prophets and torn apart by the petty whims of its myriad kings.
The people were trapped under the yoke of war, injustice and ignorance.
But you deposed these tyrants with the might of your arms.
You tore down their thrones and elevated true religion, justice and peace in their place.
Now, with one voice, people hail you...
As the first of Europe's true Caliphs!
Fucking bravo CA, like actually no shit bravo I want to throw more money at you now.
ive been testing LL's in 1v1 duels in custom battles for a while now, turns out grimgor pretty much smashes everyone with no effort with the exception of archaon, who he went down to the wire with
>Fielding nothing but infantry
>Mainly sword infantry
>Surprised when he takes massive casualties against shock cav
Is this your first Total War game?
What does vassalizing a faction do exactly?
Why are these pictures never a good resolution
>Ulthuan that close
>no tomb kings
>no lizard men
>no skaven
>no chaos dwarves
>no dark elves
>no playable kislev that isn't just another imperial faction with slightly different flavor text
>no playable norsican faction
shit game
They LITERALLY were all at 100% before dwarf turn
Meloncat are you and Dresden working on anything Warhammer related?
What about FOTE?
It's a throwaway army because Bordeleaux opened up a second front while I was fighting Leoncoeur with my main armies in the north, I knew I'd take a beating but damn, they did a lot more work than I expected.
Got any like that one lads? I only have the one with pikemen and Warhammer one
thats an agent assaulting your units user
Enfiliating fire from a couple of cannon does a shit load more damage than even demigryphs can in the same amount of time.
With the added benefit of being able to snipe war machines or monsters at long range as well.
Just because you can't micro for shit and just Ctr+A and click on the enemy army doesn't mean anything that requires care to use is automatically worthless.
>he has headmates
My condolences.
They can't diplo. Basically it's confederation except they keep their units and shit under AI control instead of yours. It can be a good decision if you can't pay upkeep on the armies of a faction you want to confederate.
Bu they can only damage one unit?
>having infantry in your army
I seriously hope you peasants don't do this
Mannfred's the best just because he can kill any lord with magic
Grimgor and Archaeon are the best fighters IIRC
Dorf agent fucked your units up.
>pure cav army
>not Empire
>that many yeomen
No honor
>this unit when in ideal positioning and with ideal movement from the enemy AI does more damage guys!!!
Great, but 9/10 you won't have a good way of setting it up so your argument is kinda pointless.
>having anything but arty in your army
>not going full artillery
This is actually viable on goblins
Empire Captains can damage a whole bunch of units in one go, I guess whatever that Dwarf is can do that too.
Really? I just tried it and Karl Franz on a deathclaw fucked him up.
So, I've won two campaigns on Normal difficulty, one Empire, one Dorf.
I'd like to play VC now, and I'm considering trying the hard difficulty.
What's different compared to normal ?
>1 unit of cav on each flank
>get slaughtered
If all you're going to be fighting is slow melee units on foot then sure I guess.
Guys is the Warhammer Total War meme true, is it a good game? I've been memed before
Very solid OSL on that model, damn.
Model example for the technique to be honest, it's just enough to give the effect without making the model look overdone.
Friendly fire is turned on and npc factions get buffs.
>tfw Dresden will never make a DeI for Attila
Why does everyone keep saying they want word from the advisor when you win? He literally summons the fucking bird to kill you. He literally dies for it. The advisor cannot congratulate you on winning.
If you're a rome/medi 2 autist you might not like it
If you dislike fantasy you might not like it
If you don't like the idea of only having 5 factions (albeit very different ones) you might not like it
Otherwise you'll probably like it
It's either gonna be the Dwarves or the Orcs dominating your entire flank. Make sure you get in good with the right side.
Except from the image it appears that the tiny green boxes are the cannons themselves because of the letter C next to them.
Thank god.
>9/10 you won't have a good way of setting it up
You're either trolling or so inept it isn't even funny.
For campaign:
AI gets more money, you get more public order penalties, more diplomatic penalties, more aggressive AI who will try to attack you when you are weak
In battles (you can turn this off in options, so play on hard but set the combat) difficulty to normal;
Increased moral for enemy armies and decreased for your armies
As an Orc, should I try and vassal other tribes, confederate other tribes, ally them or wipe em out?
What units are literally trash? Is there any you should avoid at all costs?
I have to say I'm a little dissapointed with the Dwarf artillery given how great it's supposed to be in lore.
I expected to wipe out entire units in one volley. 4 Organ guns and I can't even do that.
Not to mention that the Empire gets shit like the Volley over the Organ gun and Mortars and the Gyrocopters aren't that great...
>Have army in a settlement with garrison
>Enemy besieges
>Sally out
>Lord's army starts on opposite side of battlefield to garrison
How. How does that fucking work. They're both in the settlement, why don't they arrive on the same side of the battlefield.
>If you're a rome/medi 2 autist you might not like it
I'll give it a pass then (or more likely pirate it later in the year)
There's no FF on normal ?
I spent two campaigns playing ranged-heavy armies and having my ranged units stop firing to units engaged with my first line...
It is turned down significantly.
>replaying poopan for the 25th time because 2poor for warhams
I haven't even come here since launch because I don't want to spoil myself
>made a webm for Dwarfs like
>it was so boring it wasn't even worth posting
Those flame cannons are the biggest disappointment. They do jackshit.
Organ cannons were pretty good though.
every marauder that doesn't hae a great weapon.
So is karl franz on a deathclaw the way to go if I want to do a full melee hero that is as powerful a unit as possible?
Luminark, slayers, pistollers, spearmen without shields, hammerers
Confederate them, you'll constantly get rebellions and you can fight the rebels to get free Waaghs! all the time. Conquer all dwarves and savage orcs then confederate all tribes. All your cities will be pissed, just go around with 5 lords with decent 20/20 armies and defeat all rebels all game, use Waagh! armies to defeat the rest of the world.