/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2 general

What the fuck is Wrel doing edition

>What is this game?
pastebin.com/baxwRMDg (embed) (embed)
>How do I play?
pastebin.com/CWn3VQJD (embed) (embed)
>How do I play? (advanced)
pastebin.com/p0ZwzqSu (embed) (embed)
>Tweaks and optimizations
pastebin.com/MEqFBUut (embed) (embed)
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
pastebin.com/341Dv7Y6 (embed) (embed)
>Weapons chart some user made
i.imgur.com/HOdhWox.png (embed) (embed)
>How does the construction system work?


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Vanu master race

I wish I could permanently blow up all biolabs.

The Crown should be roughly the same as J908 by now.

Things I wish more people would do:

Q-spot enemies
Push toward the objectives
Avoid getting in front of a MANA turret


>mfw i realize there are foot peasants in this thread.

you are all disgusting plebs and i greatly enjoy farming you with my marauder.

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I really don't get the fetish either my fellow jew

Why is the phoenix ae so much fun to use?

TR: "We should control who lives and who dies."
NC: "No, we should control who lives and who dies."
VS: "Sorry, I was browsing /d/. What's up?"
TR: "Fuck off, cuckboys."
VS: "Wait, what?"
NC: "Your waifu a shit."
VS: "Allahu ackbar."

And so we went to war.

why is this less active than infinite chan's general

Same reason DaPP has so many members.

because we're bittervets, and wwew are farmed easily

we've been playing since release

wwew and atechan have been playing since construction; they'll eventually #bernout


Errr I just started up and I'm back to the tutorial and don't have my normal weapons unlocked etc but my BR is the same.

What the fuck is going on.


you probably got refunded on something

Since VS assault rifles are meh, let's design some new ones

>T1+ Overunity: simply a Terminus with heat mechanic
>GRB (named after en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-ray_burst): 652/167 with 2 and 3 burst. 0 first shot recoil and same moving COF as standing COF

I have an idea for a new TR rifle

>184 damage, 3 round 800 RPM burst that instakills on headshot
>same accuracy as low range bolts with less bullet drop

these are some good ideas
what about NC though?
maybe a railgun that fires explosive shots that kill everything withing 10m?

aren't NC weapons are already like that?

sorta, but they kinda just hit NC instead of TR and VS

Finally getting back into this game after 2 years away, gonna make an NC character. What should my name be?

Just came back to this game, NC or VS?


Depends, do you want freedom or cuck?

Apparently I have an NS-11AB now.

Were they given away at some point and I didn't notice?

Are you a retard and enjoy being constantly teamkilled by other retards, but still have a bit of fun? NC

Want to be underwhelming as fuck with boring weapons and nothing interesting while listening to shitTR's cry endlessly about you? VS

Are you a retard? > NC.
Are you a faggot? > VS.

>underwhelming as fuck with boring weapons and nothing interesting

Are you a whiny retarded faggot? > TR the best of both worlds

Trying VS made me so sad. You have energy weapons. Literally free license to try whatever interesting wacky shit you want. And what do the weapons consist of? Pewpew instead of dakka with no fun allowed.

Fuck off shitTR.

I'm really looking forward to triggering some oppressed vanu with my Banshee again.

VS could be having black hole time grenades and alien bee grenades and needlers and shit. I mean, fuck.

Because VS isn't allowed to have TR or NC like weapons while they both have multiple VS like weapons.


that's ok, i'll just jump in my racer ext ab scythe and ram you.

The biggest whinies in this thread are NC.

t. shiTR

You misspelled TR.

I'd be pretty salty if I got my shit kicked in by both AOD and DaPP.

Every weapon in this game is the same weapon repeated over and over with minor statistical differences.

Well, except some VS guns

doesn't stop you faggots from crying about them anyway.


I hate these fucks so goddamn much you don't even know. I hate these fucks more than I hated Goku.

holy shit i never noticed this, razyda is a fucking god
>the VS is eating hot cum

I think you're seeing shit that isn't there.

What's wrong with GOKU?

>luzyfer still not banned

Obnoxious as fuck at times. Like super fucking obnoxious but at least they could get shit done when we needed. DaPP on the other hand are fucking retards. They fight at the dumbest fucking bases and pull our already limited numbers along with them because "m-muh zerg". Their fucking sunderer spam is complete garbage, shitload of enemy tanks inc? Better pull a bunch of sundies and get fucking farmed while doing jack shit to help. Ok all dead? Pull more sundies and get farmed some more. Meanwhile had a single one of the retards bothered to deploy one of the sunderers we could have spawned on it and came up behind the attackers.

Goddamn I wish I had the power to forcibly disband that entire fucking outfit.

the vapour from the coffee
it's yellowish

They don't really ban people for cheating m8

Too much work and the few times they nail an habitual cheater they've had to deal with bad publicity from reddit cucks defending them.

>Someone is throwing C4 through spawn shields
>"Waaaaah pls ban exploiters" t. Lalunia
>Actual cheater is oneshotting TR vehicles with Archer and Gauss SAW
>"Doing god's work, don't report" t. Lalunia again

actually its me, visigodo

Yeah. Also, whenever anyone in my outfit gets killed by DaPP, we call it getting DaPPed, because it seems like it's all they're good for.


Across every online game you can instantly identify the dregs by their obnoxious aesthetic choices.

fucking rekt lmao

I think i actually said that second one, but i don't really whine about exploiters, i shit on them later because they are all fucking bad :3

I had some wannabe Totalenigma sticky copycat from VIB rage quit after throwing a tantrum how "tbagging and V6ing him 10 times in a row" is a childish behavior lel.

>See a lone vanguard in the middle of the desert surrounded by mosquito
>Try to get in to get the kill
>Vanguard hits his shield
>Kills me
>Both mosquito's crash into the ground


the lag on Miller is real

TR are the most annoying memeshit faction in the game. Can't wait for them to get a Pepe helmet so they can truly be le ebic dank memesters.

good grief i swear everytime I get tk'd there's like a 8 out of 10 chance it's someone in DaPP. Literally Vanu's NC.

sounds like you got outskilled

t. cyka

the guy on a flash ain't even a cyka. Whole indar had like 150 ms latency with spikes to 300.

I'm having a hard time understanding TR tactics.

>NC plays almost exclusively heavy, not a single sunderer or tank stays alive for more than a few moments
>TR plays almost exclusively medic and shoots at sunderers with small arms fire

Why is my team so dumb?

>TR tactics
more like your TR outfit's tactics
the one i'm in in some EU server has some rather good leader, we manage to make some good move

I'm not in an outfit, I'm joining random battles. Get your head out of your ass.

Why are you so rude?
Try finding better squads then faggot

>draws random conclusions
>lel why r u so rude I'm just gud bro

mad cuz bad

No, shit I just described the situation, pond scum. You seem to be as fucking retarded as the common TR player. I bet you shoot at tanks with small arms fire and then complain when it turns around and knocks you out with its main cannon for being so fucking dumb.

It's k, user. He's trying to get a rise out of you. A lot of frustrating things happen, and it sucks.


>just pass scarred mesa when cloud of scythes appear
>bail and hide in the one random garage a vanu-shit decided to put down

Surprised we didn't get PPA'd immediately after.

Really, I'm surprised one of the most effective tactics in history isn't used more when it comes to the Crown. You just get 20 sunderers full of engineers and push in. Mines everywhere. Then during the breach you push in and crush the now hollowed defensive line. You gradually barricade and build your position inside, crushing the opposition and sweeping them off the hill as you capture. And then by the time they finally organize a counter-offensive, you have spawn points everywhere and you're in control. Attain the high ground, eliminate air presence, and barricade the center so you cant have the same thing done to you.

Proof that everyone on Auraxis is under the authority of the Glorious Republic.

You sound like a vanu faggot.


That's because 8 out of 10 Vanu are in DaPP. There are twice as many DaPP players online right now then the next biggest outfit has total players.

And this is why you will never, ever take The Crown.

You can keep the Crown. I'll just steal your girlfriend and infuse her with alien DNA.

>You can keep the Crown

Holly fuck user did you do this? Because it's fucking awesome.

No. I only hue-shifted an image I came across on DA. If I was able to make things like that I'd have money.


Oh I though so because of the file names
the original is objectively better than the hue shifted you nigger

I know. :(

>tfw you will never look this good

How do i find a non-meme outfit? Vanu Cobalt, ive been invited to TRID so many times i think ill block em all

Vanu Emerald here. You don't.