Future gamemap Edition
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Future gamemap Edition
>FAQs & General Info
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>Total War Warhammer
Launch Trailer -- [YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER - Join the Battle 360° Trailer
Mods -- twcenter.net
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Ahhh /twg/… the eternal general
hey guys i got the game
nth for World War
So does he work for Chaos or does he serve a purpose even beyond that?
war is hell
>people already complaining about how difficult the campaign is
>Bretonnia, Wood Elves, and Tomb Kings haven't even been added in
>smallest map Total Warhammer will have after trilogy is complete
>Only 5 out of 16 planned major factions playable
>Only 11 distinct factions in out of 33+
>shortest campaign Total Warhammer will have
>Current late-game will become future early mid-game
>when the game is finally one huge map
>Dwarfs have to face greenskins west, tomb kings south and chaos dwarfs/ogres east
>Tomb Kings have to fight araby west, greenskins north, and dwarf/lizardmen strongholds south
>Kurgans and hun steppe hordes can now be incorporated into chaos armies along with chaos daemons
>Lizardmen will pull off sunset invasions
>Rats will burst from Skavenblight and overrun southern kingdoms early on
>The Empire, VC and Bretonnia will now have to deal with beastmen, civil war, skaven, and wood elves
>Greenskins fight dwarfs and tomb kings
>Chaos Undivided army arrives hundreds of turns after initial probe attack from Warriors of Chaos
Did you have to do any cool micro or anything for that to happen?
What the fuck was that in the last thread
Do doom catapults suck or am I using them wrong? Rock lobbers seem to be better while being cheaper.
How did you get those black bars?
Doomdivers are very accurate and can track flying units, they perform similarly in terms of damage
console commands
I set them up in a battle line and fast forwarded, no micro needed at all
Alt + K
He has to
It's the only way a human could ever advise the dwarfs or orcs
is it confirmed for all DLCs / expansions / whatever to expand the map ? will it eventually be a huge map with all the races ( 16 ? ) playable at once ?
I like the game a lot, though endgame can get boring like Civ, and I dont like that attila / chaos horde mechanic.
I doubt adding races will really make the campaign more difficult. Obviously it'll extend it but the ai/campaign settings won't change. The starting difficulties might get altered and we don't know if the next titles will add specific challenges but it'll likely stay the same.
How does 444=12, now you are just making shit up.
Okay so no Radious mod, how about Proper combat mod?
Holy shit the math skills
Every time I open the game I have to fight the urge to start a new campaign
It gets harder because of more enemies and more doomstacks to deal with. Once you finally do conquer your immediate area, you now have to deal with huge enemy blobs headed your way on multiple fronts. Giving a longer campaign and more to do late-game means more challenge.
/twg/ - Gradeschool Math General
You fuckers are seriously making my brain hurt with your wacky and zany math. How hard can it be to take 3 times 4, or 4 times 3.
They're actually correct, it's because 4's an obtuse number
Based autistic bad at math bro
Did he meant something lewd with this?
Yeah, he's tired of belly slapping.
what mod you running to make army sizes that big?
Kholek is such a goddamn hunk.
stop talking about math and start giving opinions on Proper combat mod
God fucking damn it, I hate it when it seems like you're just about to trigger a nice chain rout against a numerical larger enemy, but then only half of them rout and then you're stuck in a gigantic cluster fuck with enemies that keep coming back from their routs all over the map.
Made me restart my last my last battle just cause it's fucking irritating and it takes forever.
But then why would he advise against the destruction of the Chaos Warbands?
What's the lore reason that the Imperium can't just make endless tanks again?
Now I learn that was all placebo and vanilla. Nothing was changed despite me changing the values and loading the mod. GG no RE.
For whatever reason I fixed it even though I didn't do anything but redo it. I'll give it another try
no mods, just ultra sized units
Why do offensive spells seem to do jack shit for damage?
unless they somehow increase the size of the provinces in game already it will be crap, things like the beastmen will either get wiped on turn 3 or wipe empire on turn 10 and things like that
too crowded
There have been numerous undisputable masterpieces in total war modding, such as the strikingly realistic classic Europa Barbarorum or its medieval counterpart Stainless Steel. Radious mod will not join their ranks; its surface is too generic, its presentation too provocative and its messages too obscure. Its take on the abysmal is an illumination in one person’s despair, but a paroxysm of another’s perversion. It will remain underground – treasured by the most avant-garde among intellectuals for its edifying if horrifying insight into the fundaments of human morality. Philistines and self-proclaimed critics alike will shun Radious mod, but you can’t fault them for that. It takes wisdom to appreciate its subtleties, and courage to side with the unpopular opinion. Sed domi maneas paresque nobis novem continuas fututiones.
Superficially, Radious mod appears to be a mod which caters to the most proletarian among men; aloof critics dismiss it as such often without a second thought. As complacent as these self-proclaimed "understanders of strategy" are, they fail to realize that Radious mod is a cult classic, a chef d'oeuvrea buried under false preconceptions and unfounded criticism. This gem is hidden because it does not shine; it is buried because its tone is that of abyssal black. Radious mod pries into to the darkest corners of our subconscious, the most visceral of our cognition, the most carnal of our urges, and the most primal of our instincts.
As brilliantly put by Cattalus, "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo"; to describe the artistic qualia of Radious mod would be to describe music to the deaf, color to the blind or beauty to the philistine. The painting speaks for itself, and it is up to the player to fully absorb its depth. Its sublimity will ever be debated yet always remain objectively irrefutable; the fundamental insight it provides into human and perhaps animalistic nature may shape the basis of Total War modding for centuries to come.
>proper combat mod
Rework the entire ork army. They have only 1 unit of armor piercing and litearlly 0 anti large.
Rework half of VC army, either give them all regeneration if zombie/flesh, or make them actually fucking walk in formation and fight correctly.
Make Chaos Great Again!
More weapon damage, more armor.
Nerf Empire
Make Greatswords worse than Swordsman in certain aspects. Make them cost more. Make outriders not shit. Make handgunners not shit. Make half their artillery not shit. Make Reiksgard not shit. Nerf demigyphs.
Dorfs are boring.
Make all like 6 variants of fucking copters good. Make like all 3 worthless artillery past grudgthrowers good. Make quarrelers take some research or tech to make, they should be harder to get than thunderers. Give slayers some kind of dmg reduction like every other 0 armor unit in the game.
But in your picture Heinrich has like 8 units and the troops he put out is 1022
Unless you've changed something that's not possible.
>cannons are still malfunctioning all the time, lore-wise
>gunpowder is still spoopy as some dumbotron can just blow himself up with a keg
>expect the engineers that explain a malfunction with 'a witch did it', and half the time them being right, would be able to reverse-engineer steam tanks
They literally have no idea how Leonardo put them together
Just leaving this here...
Enjoy Blood Knights before their official release :)
Because Chaos Gods fuck with each other constantly.
This. This is why I have some serious doubts about us ever seeing races that "share" lands with the ones already present. Skaven and Beastmen come to mind.
Make Greatswords worse than Swordsman in certain aspects.
They are literally the elites of the empire's infantry. There is no reason for them to be inferior except for lack of shield and even then dorf plate they wear should more than make up for not having some wood and shitty iron shield.
How the FUCK do you survive in high difficulties as dwarves for the first turns?
>Capture entire province.
>Alright, I'll go do the first quest battle.
>Somehow take a million years to get there even though it's right next to me.
>Halfway through an orc stack steps into my lands.
>Welp, time to go back, I can always do it later.
>Scare orcs away.
>Alright now-
>Orc stack comes the other way.
>Fuck's sake.
>Spend a good 8 turns going from one side to the other scaring a different stack each time.
>Finally catch one of them in an underground battle and kill them.
>Decide to rush for walls on all settlements so I can at least fucking leave them for one turn.
>Get a message that an orc WAAAGH! is coming.
>3 full stacks at my door before I even manage to build those defenses.
There goes the campaign. Didn't even get to do the first quest.
But every single Chaos God is interested in seeing the end of the world.
Leonardo totally not Da Vinci disappeared and took blueprints with him. Empire engineers can't figure out how to reproduce them.
Tbh there's too few building chains
Every settlement ends up looking the same
>Meanwhile Sylvania stirs and out of the swamplands and corrupted plains a loud aristocratic voice shatters the very sky, its echo penetrating deep into the lands of man and dwarf:
And so, the march of the dead began...
After having his throngs of Dwarf miners routed by the Orc garrison of Mount Squighorn, only Yadri Oathkeeper remained. With nearly half the enemy forces remaining, surrounded and under fire, he stands alone, unyielding against the Orcish mob. His will resolute, he refuses to break.
>The best way to expand as the Empire is into Brettonia
Take that you stupid french morons.
But they're still better than swordsmen even WITH the lack of shielded. 70 extra armor is more damage mitigation than fucking 30% block chance you fucking cuck.
We've already seen almost all the beastmen unit's animations in the code. They are going to be featured it's just a question of how, but I doubt they will not be a faction in some sense. It could be emergent rebels - instead of chaos unrest spawning norsca chaos stacks it'd spawn beastmen. Or when Arch the everchosen arrives a beastman stack or three spawn.
crack when
He's actually an agent of Malal possessing an old man because they're a gigantic roided out demi-god is probably going to be looked at suspiciously.
What do you guys think of the ork boar chariots and ork boy big uns? Are either worth using?
Slaanesh wasn't 100% on it. He actually sent his stupidest champion to the final battle in the hopes he'd fuck up and let the Incarnates win.
I know. It feels kind of odd though.
Yeah, that might be one way of solving the problem of overcrowding - how does one make them playable outside of MP battles though?
Not really. Khorne just wants blood, skulls and endless slaughter. Slaanesh wants lewd shit. Nurgle is love, Nurgle is life. And Tzeentch is the master ruseman. They don't care whether the world ends or not. For them, it's just entertainment. If it wasn't for Sigmar ruining everything, they would start the game anew in different place and reality.
simple, you don't do the quest until you dealt with Grimgor's bullshit
>But they're still better than swordsmen even WITH the lack of shielded.
So you're saying with the lack of shield they are still better than swordsmen.
Which is exactly the way they are in the fluff you stupid cocksucker. They are a flat upgrade, a pure elite. You don't have fucking Palatina Legionaries being shittier than Legio Comitatenses in some value, they just cost more and are only available later on.
What your dumb ass is suggesting is akin to "Well let's make Templar knights have less attack or less mass or less speed or less charge or less armor than a regular ol feudal knight".
Would you have a chaos marauder have some kind of advantage over a chaos chosen beyond numbers or price? Of course not. So why the fuck are you having the elite greatswords shittier than swordsmen in some regard?
Go download Radious if you just want epix armor-porn everything is OP.
>march through forest
>beastman ambush
>castle near forest
>forest howls in the night warning
>time to prepare
>armies start emerging
Come on do it CA.
Why Bretonnia?
>literally can't add
Are you that fucker from the last thread? This is ultra unit sizes. No mods.
But I didn't do the quest.
Pretty sure Tzeentch is most interested in keeping the eternal game going. Atleast he is in 40k. Since End Times isn't canon anyway, I'll just go with that interpretation.
>It'll be another Rome 2 they said
>It'll be buggy as fuck they said
>It'll be months before its even playable they said
>It'll sell less than Attila in the same period of time they said.
>Load times will be awful they said
>There won't be much post content development support they said.
>Without elves the game will be DoA they said.
Has anyone been as wrong as these shills before?
>That graphic detail
Sorry you are running this game on a toaster user.
The dukes don't ally, and rarely wage war with anyone except the French vampires.
They also only have two city provinces so can't field any armies worth a shit, but have really good resources that they squander by not trading with anywhere.
You can basically take them out one by one, and funnel all those resources into the massive number of trade links you're likely to have.
Now, having felled his foes by the dozen, he pursues the remaining forces. Exhausted, wounded, his rage overflowing, nothing will take this victory from his grasp.
for the empire
Thanks senpai, I feel sorry for myself too.
I get tired of 2 minute long loading screens for battles that I can't auto resolve on turn 150 because my army has too many monsters in it.
Have you ever considered making TWO (2) armies?
I used a lord with like 3 dwarf warriors to scare off the orcs early on and conquered all of rib peaks with Ungrim, just stay within reinforcement range of Karaz-a-Karak.
Ahh cheers, just gave it a test battle and it seems good.
>Theirs not to reason why
you must be shit
>Have you ever considered making TWO (2) armies?
Well that probably could have worked.
Is it just me, or does the chaos invasion actually make the game easier for the Empire? I never owned Wissenland, Stirland and Averland directly and got the Wasteland and Nordland by confederating with Marienburg for free. And the keklords are hardly a challenge after beating Chaos either. A long victory after only 140 turns seems short.
So apparently one of my objectives as vampire counts is to destroy the dwarves. Is there any reason to go to war with then early though? Considering I can't even occupy their lands.
load times are awful
stop acting like a retard, there was a good chance this would be just like rome 2
Is this the warhammer Med2 mod people keep talking about?
I'm pretty sure at this point most players of Warhammer Fantasy are just playing Total War and pretending the End Times were stopped and everything went back to status quo with slightly more dread of destruction going on.
Not that anyone plays Warhammer Fantasy anymore because you're better off buying an army from eBay and using a ruleset like Kings of War because GW has insane prices on their shit and the Warhammer rules are too complicated for their own good.
Joey is a Gobbo.
What do lads?
I am currently conducting a survey on dead games in several generals including Total War Warhammer
I would like to ask you a couple of questions
1. When did you realize for the first time that your game was dead?
2. How long did it take you to get over the fact that the game is dead or are you still in denial? (if you are still in denial a simple "b-but the game isn't dead" will suffice)
3. Do you ever feel insecure about playing a dead game?
4. Do any of your friends support your life choice of playing a dead game?
5. Do girls laugh at you in conversations when you tell them you are in fact playing a dead game?
6. Are your parents disappointed in you or did you not tell them yet?
7. If you could change one decision in your life would not playing a dead game be part of it?
can anyone give me some tips for VC? I'm not really having trouble but I want to increase my efficiency and keep getting better. I'm not sure how to use bats or wolves well. Wolves seem very weak, and kinda like a waste of a slot. Also, is "anti-large" also "anti-cavalry"?
antishills are just as annoying as actual shills
nobody wants to listen or argue with someone who is just there to suck CA off or who only ever played medieval 2 and will never play any other total war game acting like CA killed their family
wtf i thought the 108 founders edition would be 700 jewbucks, im seeing preorders on amazon for 1k.
>load times are awful
>He doesn't have a SSD
Another thing, there's no roads leading north so using underground travel is usually faster even if there's no obstacle.
Also always get the ability that gives +10% travel speed on every lord.
>that army compostion on the chaos warband
Every time. Fucking cav and dog spam. It's not even good, it just grinds down your cav. Pisses me off to no end.
Alright I`ll admit I'm shit first
What do you do to beat chaos as empire?
When they show up they utterly stomp me.
Also, what's with the agents, I can't seem to kill them off very well.
Just pay gold to teleport to the quest if you absolutely have to do it.
can I have a quick tip how to summon elector counts ?
early vamp battles are the worst
It comes entirely down to working out where all the lords are gonna end up and making sure you can kill them with spells
>implying you need an SSD to not have shit load times
This is easily the TW with the shortest load times in a long time. Only Shogun had shorter ones for me. And I don't have this on SSD.