best waifu and best freljord edition
All other freljords and Elise a shit
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
first for lux
The rest
Again, Graves is a jungler. And no, these doesn't mean they are good for soloq either. While Lucian is a massive cunt overall, Ezreal's utility and damage applied in the good hands is much better than his. Ezreal is also, the only ADC in the entire game that can withstand Zed's burst.
xth for breast waifu
just let this shit 404 already
>reroll some skins
>get reindeer kogmaw
holy shit, this skin is hideous, literally the worst kogmaw skin
Which are the top tiers of everysingle lane?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA
password is vidya
all levels and ranks welcome to indulge their masochism
eight slots currently remain
i love how the NA server comes off very special needys. god help you america.
How does it feel to lose half your player base to Overwatch in 1 week?
This is really it isnt it guys?
This is the thread...
The thread that will 404 before auto sage is reached.
Man it was fun, guess ill be uninstalling. Had fun memeposting with you guys since 2012.
See you spacecowboys
>Singed that high
>Singed that low
Absolute madman over here.
Play overwatch it's a fun game
Nah. He can be really annoying but he's bad at killing tanks and is less good the longer the game goes on.
i want ferny to come back
>making up shit like S+ and A+ when you could just widen the range from S to E
>playing overwatch on league twitch page
Swap Ezreal and Lucian. Lucian is literally pick or ban across every Elo. Other than that solid list.
eight slots still remain for a custom game on Summoner's Rift on NA server under the lobby name of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
with the regular password, vidya
tic private game boxes if you're unused to customs
I love how Euros think they're the majority of any thread outside of /int/
how does it feel to know you have nothing to back up those claims
>Kill Darius at lvl 3
>Have double his farm
>He hits 6
>Suddenly 100-0s you in 5 seconds
What an interesting champion
Maybe if my jungler would have bothered we could've dealt with it
opinions on trigger nigger in the jungle?
seven slots now remain
>queuing up knowing you'll get your secondary
>yfw league dies and all these league "personalities" are forced to find a real job
stand close to him when hebpulls you in so he cant q you and build a frozen heart and or thornmail
me too
tf2g is still going, and we're nowhere near as dead as them
Ezreal is a much better ADC than Lucian. Lucian is more popular because he is easy to use and easier to snowball with, but Ezreal hits harder and it's basically unkillable later in the game thanks to the blue build.
>A juggernaut
>not being vigilant of his power spikes
That is your fault, and your fault alone.
Why do you keep fighting Darius with 5 stacks of his passive?
Are you retarded?
Including and especially theoddone.
>queuing up knowing you'll get primary because nobody knows how to jungle in lower elo
I keep getting secondary jungle.
Actually adc this match though.
>Just le kite him XDDD
Unless you're playing an equally strong lane bully there's no point of fighting him after 6 if he knows his shit
>play on euw with snaketits
>pings constantly 24/7
should have stayed on na tbqh
>main lucian
>korean build becomes popular
>lucian banned every game
>lose every game
oh alright guess i'll stop playing
He might just kill himself honestly or switch to dota
>AS is kill
>AD is kill
>Jumps are barely a formality: get the tiniest slow applied to you, or not, you won't be dancing around the enemy like before, nor will you dodge anything with them.
Why did they have to nerf Kalista SO FUCKING HARD?
>not being able to at least play catilyn when lucian is banned
six slots remain when one person join
five will remain after another joins after that, so on so forth
nah you don't it feels like im playing with actual dogs rn
I started maining mid specifically because I can't support secondary anymore.
It's an endless cycle, with the decreasing numbers of supports causing you to be even more likely to get support if you make that available, causing more people to drop support, which feeds into itself until you only have dedicated support mains left. And even then, support mains that are used to beating up on the people who were forced to last pick it last season are also being driven out of the role as they get styled on by people who are actually good supports.
>Being a one trick
But why limit yourself paisen
>just switch to whatever the most popular game is after lol dies
>ban lucian
>have to play against jihn
Boyo bananza I hate playing against this guy so much
Fuck this shit why does it have to be based on RNG
>wanted to try lucian jungle
>team memebans it
>have to do caitlyn jungle instead
yare yare...
Because she's an awful character design
Sorry that's just not true. Lucian has the highest winrate, pick rate, ban rate. Ezreal is great but Lucian is strictly better and is more valued by high Elo ADC. You can't judge champions by how they play out the late game dream. Lucian is inherently more reliable, with a much better build path, an stronger laning phase, and better teamfighting(for most of the game). Ezreal has compositions where he is superior but against most lane matchups Lucian just brings way more to the table, and the early game frankly matters a lot more than any late game teamfight situation.
I cant find the pic, someone post it please
people play it while in queue you autist
xth for Cute Vi
Dead General Edition
seven empty slots for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
it's summer for at least some American schools, so I imagine most of the kids would be out and about right now instead of sitting at home playing video games
so probably most definitely safe time to play in a custom game on NA
Because her passive is broken by design
>the only people playing supports are actually good at it
Now ADCs have no excuse for shitting the bed
as a side note, is lamill legitimately hot?
Especially when it's 90% Lucian/Ezreal and then Cait if Lucian gets banned.
She's actually designed very well, but instead of nerfing her numbers like they did, they should have nerfed her range and she would have been more than balanced.
Literally just nerf her range to 500--shit, even 525 would do the trick.
There's a bunch of cons on the east coast this weekend, I've heard. And a lot of the 12 year olds are probably visiting family for the long weekend.
i can but even if i bully my lane opponent and get maybe 1 kill in lane i just get fucked after lane phase cause i literally do zero damage
Its not because of that, its because of rito policy
why is he so underrated guys
Who are those?
remove ezreal from the list entirely
he scales directly with player skill is is basically a god in good hands
draven should be in A, he's strong as fuck in the right hands but not so much as ezreal
kog should be in B
kalista should be in A or B
make a D rank and place urgot in it
>mfw both Lucian and Ezreal are banned out
It's like people forgot how to play other ADC's.
>everyone already forgot about the cancer that is jhin
seriously why does nobody pick him anymore he's still crazy good
still seven empty slots
six slots would look a lot more attractive to potential players, wouldn't you say?
>no weeaboos
even better!
Exactly. Ezreal is S+ because he is a god and the most powerful ADC in the game if used correctly. If people learned him correctly, the Lucian bans would be easily gone, and we could finally ban more Zeds.
six slots now remain!
I want Vlad to chain me up in his Noxian sex dungeon and do things to me I'm not into but he is.
How is cho right now?
five slots now remain for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
I thought you were a homo until I saw your youtube vid and found out you're a gril
now I can't imagine you as anything but a 3/10 landwhale
>Play like shit
>Play like shit
>queue up into normies for a bit of fun and comfy gaming
>mid lane is already hovering over yasuo
>pray to the high heavens someone bans him
>get lucky and the enemy team picks it first
>mid decides to pick katarina into a fucking yasuo
>gets shat on the entire game
>me and top constantly come to his lane to relieve pressure
>does nothing but ks and spams emblem
>what was supposed to be a fun comfy game ended with us barely winning with me and top having to carry
>post game chat is nuclear warfare between our katarina who wanted yasuo and their yasuo
>The user *mid* wants to add you to their list and see your presence online
Do yasuo players have no self awareness?
nah man, unlike lucian
a BAD ezreal is completely worthless to the team and does nearly no damage
a bad ez has an even worse early game, absolutley no mid game and is just as mediocre as any other AD carry late game
where a bad lucian can still SHIT damage even if he plays poorly even if behind, do to his kit
its the reason lucian gets banned and EZ doesn't
Link to her YouTube channel?
five slots remain with one spectator
Everyone is bad at killing tanks.
too lazy to dig it up, just search r/leagueoflegends for vlad play or someshit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
four slots now remain, with the same spectator
Ahri is kinda cute.
How the fuck do I even get into ADC
I kinda like jinx but I'm just not sure how to farm when I'm also supposed to take objectives and deal damage
I also like Quinn because I can be everywhere and she can kinda cheese but I mean come on does that even count as an adc
>team game
>tfw MF main climbing with Jinx
Wew lad
Feels nice to be underrated and then shit out 3000 damage AoE nukes every 70 seconds (or 5 seconds respectively) late game
one or two slots remain I can't tell with this new spectator
2016 NA LCS Korean Bootcamp Ranks
Impact (Top) - Master 32LP
Meteos (Jungle) - Diamond 1 0LP
Jensen (Mid) - Master 365LP
Sneaky (ADC) - Master 346LP
Bunnyfufuu (Support) - Master 0LP
Hauntzer - Master 165LP
Svenskeren - Challenger 603LP
Bjergsen - Challenger 721LP
Doublelift - Master 88LP
Biofrost - Master 187LP
Lourlo?? - Master 403LP??
Dardoch - Master 330LP
Fenix - Diamond 1 58LP
Piglet - Master 173LP
Matt?? - Challenger 670LP??
>Echo Fox
KFO - Challenger 601LP
Hard - Diamond 2 42LP
Froggen - Master 467LP
Keith - Challenger 1002LP
Big - Master 466LP
>Apex Gaming
Ray - Challenger 677LP
Diamond - Challenger 588LP
Keane - Master 275LP and Master 336LP
Apollo - Diamond 1 98LP
Xpecial - Master 338LP
Is C9 done this split?
>creaming about vlad while playing morgana
Some people just have sharper canines.
I'll be a whale if I continue this lifestyle yes.
dood keith so good wtf