muscle wizard edition
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first for justified nerfs
nth for becca
CP Mag Build is best build
xth for drinking on a hot summer day.
Storming the place. Meet at the alley on Sun St. Don't bring any of your own heaters. I got plenty of them. Pineapples too. We'll show them what happens when you nerf Trinity.
I hope you're enjoying that Warframe. You'll join me and my buddy Trinity soon.
dead game dead thread
Help my colour my granny. I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas Nah but srs I have no idea how to make her skin look good. Tried it all
default colors
Anyone ever see a ghost girl/lady that is only viewable with a scanner?
We need you to stop asking such dangerous questions.
You 'avin a stroke m8?
>he lacks the knowledge
fuck off to reddit
Were you going for winnie the pooh?
nth for "you may now leave your seats, the ride has come to an end."
red and black
Alright, I'm going to tell you all an exploit for defense and ain't no one going to stop me.
>4x CP
>2 extra frames for damage buff, additional cc or EV
>Bringing legitimately good weapons like Tonkor
People still do this.
Pistol only sorties are a lot more fun now.
>desire to know more intensifies
Speaking of which, what's the best secondary to use with mesa?
White and Black for her base colors, take your pick of black or white stockings, then a single bright color or more muted tone for her accents.
Reminder to not post you findings here.
Let the mesafags wipe of their tables with Old English wood shiner.
Ignore anyone asking for mag builds.
What Mag build?
Peacemaker just uses the mods.
Just poured myself a mug of 5 euro vodka.
It's gonna be a long day flipping vauban sets.
Crit based secondary's.
I use Spira P
Yeah, but I would want the PM mods to actually make sense when using the weapon standalone.
Thanks. Would LexP be good too?
>when mag exists.
It's time.
Postan the F R A M E S G U I D E:
Contains all my thoughts regarding the recent changes.
Summary of changes (read pastebin for full thoughts):
>Excalibur from A to A-
>Mag from B- to C
>Mesa from D to B-
>Mirage from A to B+
>Trinity from A+ to B
>Valkyr grade unchanged
>Volt grade unchanged
>Equinox grade from B to B+
>Vauban from A- to A
(Although Equinox and Vauban were untouched, strength is relative. With Blind Mirage gutted, Vauban is now the top-tier CC frame. Similarly, with Mag's Corpus-slaying ability gutted, Equinox rises to fill the role.)
I'm fairly confident about the changes made, given or minus half a grade. The only frame I'm unsure of is Mag. I've tested her pretty extensively (Polarize and Magnetize) and the C grade reflects my thoughts on her. But people say she's OP now, so who the fuck knows.
One guy posted a pic of his Mag+Banshee going 2 hours in T4 survival, but I don't place too much value in builds that require Banshee, and in any case the guide doesn't grade based on 2h voids.
>Would LexP be good too?
Its just for the mods really - but PM is very crit based so any crit secondary is good (if you want your secondary to be viable at least - you can literally use any secondary aslong as it has the right mods for PM to be effective)
>you can't jump over the massive hole in the wall instead of hacking the console to get to the corpus tileset
>those ratings
It seems someone >doesn't know.
>He hasn't aquired the information
i copied this user for mine and you should too
>Mag from B- to C
mag is better than ever, shitter, you dont know what you are talking about.
The only frame I'm unsure about is Mag. I've tried the so-called "CP build" and it's garbage.
The only Mag build I'm curious about is the 2h-survival one by that one guy, but even then I highly doubt it'll work without Banshee. Given all of my testing, I've been unable to make Mag work.
I have seen zero evidence of Mag doing well and have no reason to believe a good mag build/playstyle exists outside of the 2h one.
>Top tier CC
Oh jesus christ is this real life?
Literally begging to be spoonfed.
Stay ignorant.
>he doesn't know
The only evidence of Mag being good I've seen is the 2h survival run, and I'm fairly sure that's more Banshee than Mag
All you have to do to prove me wrong is post evidence of Mag being good now (something besides the 2h survival) - not build or anything , just a "MISSION SUMMARY" screen of Mag getting 2k kills or something. Doing so will prove me wrong without teaching me anything about how to play Mag.
But of course you won't, because you have no idea what you're talking about.
Don't even start with your memes.
Whats wrong with this game? Just wasted 40 minutes doing a t2s and I didnt get the rewards
>Hidden Stalker Trademark
My Negroid
>Yet you can loop around the exhaust system to bypass the very same control panels
That's DE for you.
You are a quantic cloud of electrical impulses shut inside a coffin of organic flesh playing as a loli, playing as a warframe. The later being in a simuladed reality. And the first? Well, i guess you need to git good to know more.
He is top-tier CC. Why do you think he's not?
Just a reminder:
Conclave Cheese Discord Server
for people that can't stand conclave but want to grab the daily rep for whatever reason
Every time.
Ded thread
DE finally did it
lol k
What does the new 'reinforce' icon mean?
Hey guys I changed my excal build after the nerf.
How is this?
What changes should I do?
reminder to post everything so we can kill this piece of shit game.
post your sleeks user, we need more nerfs.
molecular prime + polarize
holy jesus.
Daily dose colors.
Gotta know what it is. Show off that absolute territory.
I remember someone saying Multishot for SSimulor.
TWO balls for one ! wew !
Pairs of balls come out pre-combined, so the damage will ramp up faster but be worse in the short term.
I see.
Guess I should build it for pure damage then.
I heard modding Synoid Simulor for Viral is better than modding it for Corrosive, why is that the case?
That guy here again.
CC is an important part of the set up. The sonar is also vital. Gas weapons (as we used Torid and Ignis) always hit the weak spot. My Torid was corrosive and blast. His Ignis was fire and viral. Status builds (80+%).
Find yourself a good one way in no way out hidey hole with a corner at the choke point.
He spams the Ignis and sonar constantly to cause virals and burning, this makes fast moving units get "stunned" and sucked into the magnetize. I spam my Torid which knocks them down.
While they're being sucked into the center, the gas from our weapons is bouncing around in the magnetize, low units die on touch, heavies die at the center in
Anybody got an artemis bow / prowl build for ivara? I just finished building her and I heard this was fun but not sure how to build
>that image
Why do you have such a massive ego jesus christ
Asking again since I never really got an answer in the other thread. I'm attempting to play Warframe with this horrendous setup (Do not blame me, blame my dumbass sister who bought this piece of shite) as my old PC died from an aneurysm. What do I need to do in order to play, at the very least on solo mode?
Just like last time, any and all insults toward my sister will be taken and used against her.
full power+efficiency with negative duration
dashwire, prowl, artemis
stay there the rest of the mission unless you somehow run out of energy
You really shouldn't have any issues playing 800x600 low settings and all the special effects turned off. Recommend full screen to not waste VRAM on Windows elements. Just make sure you kill every other non vital task running.
Did you use your sister as your meat toilet yet?
Oh, not you with your >$800 PC again. Tell your sister that she needs to commit suicide.
pics of sister?
What options are special effects though? I thought I had everything low until the PC redscreen'd.
Dear god no, she's a slob and borderline SJW.
I found out later it was actually 400 bucks instead of 800, but I am still ashamed.
None, and if you saw her you would see why.
Theres not all that much difference. Viral cuts HP value in half, meaning each proc essentially deals 50% HP damage. Synoid Simulor isnt really a status weapon though.. so yeah. Not much difference
>slob and borderline SJW
>not perfect meat toilet material
Fuck off.
Is this a decent solo-prowl build? Duration for fast steal / slow drain, efficiency for a bit less energy loss on using sleep arrow, and NT to use sleep arrow faster?
Feedback is welcome
Her hips wouldn't even move on their own, user. She is not worth it.
>Not picking Zenurik
at least it's the right polarity
So nothing like this right?
>picking zenurik
>still thinking I need efficiency
What do I replace efficiency with?
>doing alert defense on saturn
>objective is full hp
>mission fails out of blue with 3 waves remaining
Happened twice now. Enemy levels were ~22, so no one-shotting bombards.
Am I unaware?
Everything that has a tick box should be unticked.
If you're encountering machine errors then you need to troubleshoot those first.
Thanks, good to know.
The thing is, even knowing that Mag can be good with the right setup doesn't change her grade. The frame guide grades on general play and doesn't take into account highly specific scenarios requiring exact frames. As further examples, there's videos of 85 wave T4 defense with Zephyr giving the entire team exploding Tonkors, and super-long camping Survival runs with Volt to boost EB damage, yet Zephyr and Volt are both given low grades. It's impossible to take into account every single good combination of frames and weapons, so the guide just grades based on general guidelines. For the vast majority of content (and I believe for most players), that's good enough.
I see nothing wrong here. That's just how the game works.
keep going. The only way DE can fix that is by redoing the whole melee system which they don't do because they are too busy with luuuuunarooooo and archwing racing.
you don't
>Excavation mission
>MR4 Loki Prime joins
>Team mates are running two drills at once, so I go to the one being protected by only one person
>Loki follows me to other drill
>I go back to the previous drill
>He follows me back
>le ebin sekrit club
ebic post XD
Alright so I am a newbie trying to do this Twin vipers pluto survival alert as Frost.
Got to around 10 min left and game randomly failed for no real reason (?).
Also for pub survival as frost should I be dropping my bubbles and keeping them up on choke points like around the life support? I notice most of the pubs were meleeing and not sure if it was because bubble was fucking with their LoS or what. Every split up and kept getting downed from Hyenas and a shit ton of waves too.
Why did this survival fail and why am I a shitter playing frost?