League of Legends general - /lolg/




also Vlad is waifu

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nerf annie

Here's some tits to kick this general up.

>been toxic as fuck since 2012
>main draven since 2012
>people accuse me of being a tyler1 wanna be

what the fuck

when is this game going to get less awful

its really fun having people spam mastery emotes because they smashed some cardboard eatting account buyer while you wait for the game to end while two people refuse to surrender

remember if you say anything you will be banned do not be toxic they do not deserve it

i mean if you went to a local basketball game and threw the ball in the street constantly while running around yelling and crying im sure nobody would react to having their time wasted

>that resolution

Just carry harder

riot has systematically removed the individuals ability to carry games because its not fun for 5 people to lose because 1 person is better than all of you

>lobby a mess and I think I'm playing supp
>"sure lets try lulu" - naive innocent me
>get sent top last second with windspeakers into a zyra
>next 15 minutes are a herbarium fuelled nightmare world
>"just let the suffering end" - grizzled soul broken me
>tfw the entire time

I learn some lessons though, like lucidity boots are worthless on lulu with all the CDR in her items and to go abyssal first and not morrellos into mage like zyra

Heartseeker vayne's splash pisses me off so much

I hate the stupid hipster look on her face, not to mention the obnoxious tumblr glasses

You'd have to be a double faggot to actually consider buying that skin

That's why you get vindicator, her best skin

So when will jewiot cave and put victorious skins up for sale?

well considering they didn't release champion riven when the champion skins came back I think never until like 2020

Thicc champion when?

but they did

>you will never play pre cancerball ARAM ever again

bu they didn't


theyve put championship riven on sale at least twice


When though?
When they released champion Kalista they didn't, was part of a contest/event thing but not for sale. I remember this because I wanted to get it but it wasn't there so I got shyvana instead a considerably better choice

ded gaem

>Play ADC
>Farm and chill for 98% of the game
>Team raging, demanding we group up
>Continue being a chill nigga, pushing out side lanes and weaving between jungles to farm that too
>Show up every once in a while to snag a few easy kills
>Lose the game with an unremarkable KDA
>Get an S anyways due to how skewed GPM is factored into Champion Mastery ratings
>Team still raging and begs for 9x reports

xth fore breast waifu

secondary xth for jesus christ fuck my job for making me get up at the asscrack of dawn

>yfw that nigger lucian will most likely get the Victorious skin this year

Were elise and j4 the only non disappointing victorious skins?

The others are pretty shit.

>enemy zac gets a lucky double kill
>starts building AP
>shits damage while being super tanky
>can literally 1v5
>whole team builds mr but it doesn't do shit
>carries their team extremely hard

>next game, veigar support
>goes full tank, what the fuck
>still shits damage, has a spammable aoe stun
>carries their team whilst being unkillable

I thought Riot learned from tank Ekko? I guess this broken shit is always going to be in the game and the only winning move is to dodge every game you see these fucking things get picked. I've never been so pissed at this fucking game before.

You remind me of my epic Varus game in s3 that I will never forget where I didn't show up for 2 fights(was farming stuff instead) and on the 2nd of those fights team got aced, leaving just me. Then enemy proceed to push the 2 nexus turrets to end but I managed to ace them cuz I was farmed well and they didn't had a minion wave. We did 1 good fight after and beat them. I ended up with 450 farm for a 52 min long game and that game was 3rd for my p2 promo.

I love how the fact that you idiots will flood out of your cesspool home to piss people off just solidifies that you're the new bronies.

Neither of those are busted or hard to kill, and Veig wont shit damage

Shame the only j4 skin anyone uses is the dragon one

im pretty sure something like yasuo, xin zhao, yi, jax, irelia, olaf etc would take a huge steaming pile of poo on zac

as for veigar he's just straight up a mistake and should be removed from the game
infinite scaling is bullshit especially on a mage with hard cc

>pic related

>zac gets lucky
>zac ganked you and you died like a bitch

How would you kill a Zac that has full AP, Sunfire, and Abyssal then?

And bullshit he won't shit damage, his Ult is practically unaffected by the fact that he had Sunfire, Warmogs and Randuin's, with nothing but a void staff for damage.

Zac has been in 5/7 of my last games.
Bretty gud lost 4 of them.
When did he get good? Did I miss something?

Wasn't my lane, he just cleaned up bot when they were both low.

Good summoner :^)
Buy more skins summoner, don't forget if you don't do what we say you'll be banned goy- i mean summoner

he's good because you dont have 10 seconds to stair at him before he's on you.
his e is whats carrying him


Dark binding followed by an asskicking. Hard cc in general though to stop him launching himself all over the place.

> muh infinite scaling
Veigar is dogshit for the first 20 minutes of a game, decent for the next 20, and then if a game goes on forever he becomes a glass cannon hard carry. Hardly broken

He's decent once he gets to 500AP or so, which is around 20 minutes. Once he hits 700AP or gets void staff, he starts one shotting due to execute ult.

>Mastery 6 yasuo on my team
I don't know if thats better or worse than a regular yasuo

If you're going to blog you gotta use meme arrows my man


Its not a one shot, its a combo, and its very short range. And while his hard cc is pretty good to keep him safe, its also avoidable leading to many assassin instagibs on him as well. He has a negative w/l as support for a reason, and is only break even from mid due to his weak early game.

If he has mastery emote hes going to be worse than one without.

you know both Zac and Veigar are champions working on the same shit: they predict enemy's movement then use it against the enemy to gain advantage.
Its the same as chogath Q. You predict where the enemy will be, and it really shows who is bad and who's good at the game.
So basically its this: you deserve to lose if you can't make good movements.

learn to fucking kite, I could scratch my eyeballs out I'm so pissed, when players, especially the adc is just taking dmg and running around in circles. Its people like them who's brain is completely shuts down, and they have no fucking clue what to do in certain situations.
Also you have to protect carries, even if they play stupid as fuck. I can guarantee you, those who feel safe will play better, because they need to concentrate on less things, and they'll don't go full panic mode so they'll make less mistakes too. Carries can only carry and do damage if they are alive you know.

Dash out of his E, double tap and dash out of his ulti. Then you just cull and gg ez

How do you win a 4v5

I wanna get elo but my feeding top laners keep leaving

Enemy team has more afk's than your team.

I love League of leavers

I've taken a break today as I keep getting unlucky with DCs/AFKs this morning.

>zed or katarina jumping you and try to unload a full rotation
>right click them
>auto attack dps and life steal just offs them and heals all the damage they do

why can a ryze with literally 0 AP (not any from runes and didnt go d ring) 100-20 me with a passive ult combo as irelia through 75 mr including merc treads.
fucking bullshit

>Enemy TF flashes in with gold card every teamfight
>He gets shit on by katarina, poppy and aatrox
>Fiddle suddenly ults from a flank
>Ezreal whines the whole game how lucian is OP and he should've been banned
I love it


>things that never happen

Well hes still right

who needs ap when you scale off mana

What fuck.

How come this guy, and some of my other friends profiles dont load???

Did they get perma banned or some shit?

I even type their names manually but the client says their usernames dont exist

retarded base damages

>enemy team goes kat bot
>despite best efforts adc doesnt harass
>she gets nearly free farm
>stop her ult every fight but she has enough damage based on that to kill everyone
>noone buys MR or defense of any kind

what is silver lol

>implying people play league anymore

he didnt even have a fucking catalyst and i was already on 75 mr
such bullshit

6.11 patch when?????

Katarina's ultimate inflicts Grievous Wounds, you are full of shit.

but their accounts would still be there if they quit.

another guy on my list was online for sure 2-3 months ago, now he is kill on my list. Doesnt even show up on 3rd party sites.

And when I check to see if his summoner name is available for me to claim, it doesnt say its taken


2 weeks from 6.10

>3 second stun
veigar no

Don't buy boosts mate.


I've seen, and done it. It doesn't take a lot of hits to kill either of them, and Jinx shoots fast. Especially if they figure they'll jump you after you've just been shooting something else and the minigun passive is up. They'll be gone in about 3-5 hits. There's something particularly funny about watching Katarina spinning uslessly next to you while you gun her down.



either you abused a fotm cancer pick to get to plat and now it's shit you're falling back down to your true elo or you're not doing anything you used to do and are approaching your games lazily

Enemy team has more leaver than yours.

Also playing with your smurf duo partner is still boosting.

If you have trouble just buy a boost

kindred and ryze go through
enemy team gets both
we auto lose
i fucking LOVE this game

>you deserve to lose if you can't make good movements.
Movement has nothing to fucking to do with it when Zac is going to be over every wall and ready to E you at a second's notice.
Unless you mean sidestep your way through the entire game. Because the entire map isn't going to be warded.

Just dash out from it. Not that difficult unless you are blind or retarded

> Ryze
He's hot garbage in 99% of peoples hands, and has to abuse certain top lane matchups to even get going. I'll give you kindred being bullshit though

>not dodging ryze

Can someone explain this phenomenon please?

When i look them up on lolking, their names change to 23281265_DEL or some shit what the fuck

>Because the entire map isn't going to be warded.
not with that attitude

>Azir goes through
>your team isn't hypermobile and actually might struggle a bit against kite
>game is auto loss

I fucking love le epic hypercarry emperor of autowin
I legit don't even feel like playing the game if there is an Azir

>every champion has a dash
>even if they do have a dash, implying it matters if he ults

Just see the point #2 then

that feel when azir nerfs never

Sometimes the perfect storms just happen mate, people here will tell you they never do, but eventually they have to happen to someone because it's always possible.
Best thing you can do is stop worrying about how shit your team is, because theyre always going to be shit.

If I could cover the map in wards I absolutely would.
But nobody in solo queue is going to ward besides you.

>He's hot garbage in 99% of peoples hands
its not hard to go on some website and read 1001 Ways To Combo With Ryze And You
new game
>enemy team is mao gp azir janna jinx
i hope we force an ff20 or we lose
we do have zed lucian so hopefully we have more cancer

good thing every Azir is a dunce that thinks he needs to melee 1v5 instead of abusing the fact he's the best long range dps champion in the game

i play mf/syndra and blitzcrank so no

i dont have friends

its really worrying how many good riven players are in plat

imagine if they could play the map, you would just insta-lose

There are no good Riven players in plat, it's by definition impossible.

Unless you mean passing trough plat then I suppose that's alright.

>go 7/1 as ryze top
>doesnt matter because our team has 9 total kills including mine against the enemies 27 kills
Yeah dude, broken champs matter :^)

man hextech is treating me like shit

also rerolled 3 shit skins into skt zed (already got shockblade and it looks awful anyway), i think it was battle regalia poppy, rugged garen and yellow card tf

>7 kills

well theres your problem right there, you could have just picked akali the easiest champion in the game and had 27 kills instead

Maokai is one of the biggest cancers even released and I honestly don't understand why Riot loves making him viable so fucking much

i mean in my story there was also a fed kindred