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What ult interruption/nullification brings you the most joy?


hooking a naruto and blasting him in the face
alternatively any time someone is saying their line and they die

Hooking a Pharah out of the air as Roadhog.

Has anyone else stopped having fun yet?

I'm not going to go as far as Buyers Remorse but this was definitely more enjoyable in the beta

DIE! DIE! uugh!

you can almost hear the MOM MAKE THEM STOP KILLING ME in the background


>tfw you're playing Reinhardt and your team sits back while you push the objective solo every goddamn time

Where i can find guitar accord that plays when McCree ults? Could someopne rip it from the game?

Am i the only one who thinks Winston's ult is useless unless you need to just throw people around? There is literally no way you can kill someone with it unless you throw them in a corner. And since it's better to be in regular form the only reason to use ult is to heal/

so how does winston jump back up here?

your idea of setting an alarm to play at noon with that sound isn't as original as you think

Reminder that if you routinely play Hanzo, it is your obligation to spend your first 250 coins on a highlight intro so everyone doesn't have to stare at your stupid edgelord Nip ass everytime you use your bullshit Ultimate to get yet another play of the game.

don't play it for 14h

Is that t pain?

Does this count?

he monkey :DD

He has a jump.

I've a feeling I just run into lolbabs and dotards all day.
>report this
>report that
>passive aggressive team comp critique
>Widow on attack is apprarently a cardinal sin
>general tryharding
>says "literally cancer: to everything
Why can't these people leave their cancer in their cancer game? Why have they already begun shitting up the community. They're going to set the tone for the general mood of the community just because they can't handle losing in a casual game.

It's a rocket powered jetpack you baka

nigga's got a jetpack. did you think he jumped 30 feet into the air due to monkey strength alone?

Pressed shift

lil b

>chain is instant death for any 200 health characters
>long range
>short cd


yes but does ti activate even in mid air? i imagine he needs something to jump off of

>tfw you play D.Va and the enemy team is so bad you overextend and lose the game when they backcap you while you are busy spawncamping

The rape train has neither brakes nor teammates

Not for 14h?

>hook someone out of their ultimate
>blast them with garbage shotgun and kill them instantly
>their last few moments of life in the killcam are pic related

streetpig bestpig

He has a Jump pack, doesn't need ground to jump


[profuse sweat]

Wait dota players actually play this game? I haven't seen many. In fact most of my dota friends hate this game.


I'm a super long time TF2 player and come to a realization about payload maps here in Overwatch.

Anybody who has played TF2 payload maps long enough knows that the best strategy is to shove the enemy's shit in and largely disregard pushing the cart (leaving one or two shitters to push it while the other ten players stop the defenders from making any sort of defense.)

This doesn't work very well in Overwatch because the round timers are A LOT shorter versus the timers in TF2. Since the rounds last a lot longer in TF2, you just idly push the cart because you know it'll get there eventually, but in Overwatch since the rounds are so short you really do need to focus on having your entire team push the cart to the end.

TL;DR: You really want to have your entire team pushing the payload together, way more emphasis than you're used to from TF2, getting it to the end faster will give you more time to finish the game since it tends to come to a crawl towards the end.

Is it worth it for PS4?

>having a problem with reporting
it's in the game for a reason, so you can get rid of the people who might ruin the experience for others


ded gaem

that was so satisfying to watch god damn

im going to call blizzard on you

Blocking Reaper with D.Va

You know he's stewing inside.

>not thanking your healer by licking her clean

>Super happy playing Reinhardt all day yestarday
>Completely miserable playing him today


Why would I want to lick Mercy's sweaty disgusting body?

yes, hack free and way more userbase on the long term

What's the highest rank player you've met? EU here, met someone who was 73

Cart speed caps out at three people. You should totally try to push their shit in with your remaining three if they are good flankers like Genji, D.Va or Tracer. It's the easiest way to snowball on payload

Just bought it
Here we go i suppose, back into a blizzard title

>get gold medals every single game
>as soon as I die my team is just overrun and we lost the point/huge ground from payload
>if I die again the game's over
>my team are literally fucking useless and do nothing, usually picking xD snipers xD rather than anything remotely useful for the objective

why does this happen so often. Feels like if I don't carry 1v6 I just fucking lose

Because she says so, know your place


You better be spamming WINKY FACE while you do it

Oh I see you're in leaver's queue.

>That Feel

I would love to tenderly sodomizeso much

Exactly the same happens to me, which is why I mainly use characters that can sustain themselves such as hog or 76

somebody having a bad game is not a reason to report them summoner.

D.Va is cute! CUTE!

Not rank but I was solo qued with cloud 9 team because they were scrimming as 5. I immediately quite because I am bad ;_;

All you have to do is spam left click. You dont even have to aim for heads. Man thats really hard!
>good widow player
Comedy gold.

Congrats. Since you're just starting out, you'll most likely get placed on stacked teams and win your first 10-20 games, so try to experiment and learn the maps and take risks. Then forced 50% will kick in. Or play vs AI - you also get XP that way too.


>level 35
>spent $40 on crates
>have skins and sprays for most characters that I like
>experience doesn't matter anymore
>leaver penalty doesn't matter anymore
>leave obvious forced50 shit stomps every time

see yall at 70% wr

I don't leave games. Guess my mmr is just too high and it's searching for a suitable 6 party to put me against :^)

I only report people who harass others, you never specified why you had a problem with reporting

>Mercy says I have to lick her.
>I should do as she says.

user please.

Femdom is gross.

Oh really? Well I have been noticing a lot that I'll go on ahead and be distracting/killing off reinforcements trying to get to the cart and we end up pushing it so goddamn slowly that even they we dominated all game long we end up only having a measly two minutes to finish out the game and it gets super goddamn hard to get the team coordinated at that point because they're running in one-by-one getting destroyed by a sieged Bastion. You need team towards the end to make sure everybody has ults and goes in together.

At least you are good enough to carry.

Think about all those poor low MMR healsluts who only knows how to M1 beam. They are completely at the mercy of their team.

It is me or tapping shift two times is faster than reloading as bastion?

Roadhog's ult is so garbage

>Barely does damage
>Instapushes enemies out of damage range
>Streetpig gets no damage resistance/health regen during it and will usually die
>Can be interrupted by just about everything

Thankfully, Roadhog is a beast in normal gameplay so I don't mind so much, but compared to Hanzo's through the wall team killer it can get kind of frustrating

How hard would it be able to get into this game with no PC FPS experience and coming straight out of League of Legends? People just say go play HOTS but this looks more fun.

i find it grossly difficult to get headshots with 76.

it is

but thats fine according to blizzard

I hate having Widowmaker on attack because most people are fucking bad at it and think that sniping means "stay as far away as possible and miss shots" instead of being proactive about seeking vantage points and controlling space. These people try to use her Venom Mine for damage instead of an anti-flank tool for fuck's sake.

Because he's complete dogshit against teams that move as a group and coordinate.

>Not wanting to lick Mercy or Tracer's sweaty bodies.
Awful taste.

You deserve that for playing Tracer.


you can even see the icycle forming,

I just played against mercy/mercy/winston/roadhog/mccree/s76 and it was maybe the least fun I've had winning a game in my life

Freeze! Don't move! :3


you use it to make reinhardt's shield go away, or if the enemy is in a position you don't like.

>McCree's face when Deadeye gets nullied by D.Va

That's just because the last corner of pretty much every payload map has a super choke. If you can't snowball past the last corner you're very likely to get stuck there in pubs.

To thank her for healing you.

The best strategies I've had have basically just been two tanks covering the cart, maybe a tank and a healer, while 3 or 4 disruptors like Tracer and Reaper shit up any kind of coordinated defence they might have

>This will literally never get old
>The panic as the suddenly turns red and huge and it's getting bigger as it comes back toward you

>they can't handle losing in a casual game
Did you know you actually get punishment for leaving too many? I had no idea

Can it be longer than 14h?


>tfw finally gitting gud with Tracer

Feels fucking amazing man. Went 28-8 yesterday.

Spawn is way too close for the defending team in wewuzkangz temple


booped off cliff

I solved the mystery

This game is so retardproof youll have no problems. Half of the heroes dont even need to aim.

>To thank her for healing you.

Why can't I just say thank you?

Why do I have to lick her? Why does she have to be sweaty, too?

>tfw backed into a room with a charging winston.
its the same winston

Any team without Reinhardt is smalltime. Just headshot them.

>Can it be longer than 14h?

>Genji's face when reflecting high noon on one of his teammates.

It instantly decimates Reinhardt's shield. If you hear DROP THE BEAT or something just blast them the fuck away. You have to be wary of Genji because he just deflects that shit back at you and you're the one sent flying.


my friend:
>i will play this game and leave at 10 seconds left because fuck you all this game is unfair to me. Im the best player here and don't deserve a lose in stats.

I hope he gets some kind of ban.

isn't he supposed to be invincible tho?