>be on Veeky Forums >be against internet censorship and freedom of information >still doesn't support Nimirum wew lads
You Veeky Forumsraelis are lucky I am always up to date with blockchain technology and news. I genuinely believe this project has some future. I was honestly eagerly waiting for someone to come up with something like this regarding the blockchain. I am only shilling for those of you who care about freedom and censorship online: the ICO has just begun, so if you guys are interested you can buy at the cheapest price and with the highest bonus, I sure did.
There is an article about the project from a reputable source, just go and find the article on coindesk (filter doesn't allow me to post it)
Apparently spam filter is a fucking faggot so I couldn't post the sign up page, it's pic related. The page has a referral. Of course it doesn't cost you anything to use my referral, but feel free to just type the URL and sign-up without it, I am not going to beg or anything, I am all about freedom.
Okay, and what stops this forums from being flooded with criminals and generally unpleasant people? It seems like "perfectly anonymous message board where moderation is literally impossible" would attract mostly nazis, SJWs, pedos, and drug dealers. I assume it won't support images so at least there won't be any CP.
Parker Thomas
it says that you if a post is heavily downvoted it will be marked as spam like with something that asks if you if you want to view it
they are also utilizing tor, read the whitepaper.. it seems like they are focusing heavily on it being anonymous
Ryder Allen
well i guess the correct term isnt "downvoted", but disliked or something
Matthew Sanders
>they are also utilizing tor, read the whitepaper.. it seems like they are focusing heavily on it being anonymous Yes, and that seems like the problem. If it's as anonymous as they want it to be, it will be filled with criminals and no one will want to use it in case they accidentally click a link to CP and end up on a watchlist.
Owen Watson
that's the most ridiculous argument ive heard all day, but either way, nimirum is going to get millions of dollars in funding from vc's, guaranteed
Noah Long
3+5chan already has a seedy reputation and they report criminals and delete law-breaking posts.
Hunter Morales
this isnt some team consisted of a guy in a wheelchair, these people know what they are doing. everything is logged in the blockchain, which you clearly dont understand how that works or didnt even read about it
Benjamin Scott
>everything is logged in the blockchain Which doesn't make it less anonymous, dumbass.
Cooper Butler
you are seriously the dumbest fucking kid ive ever met, go back to shilling trumpcoin while i sit here sipping mojitos
Justin Flores
You're just stamping your feet and shouting YOU'RE WRONG!!! You haven't explained how this forum will save itself from being overtaken by criminals and terrorists looking for perfectly anonymous communications when it is perfectly anonymous by design and, also by design, nothing ever posted on it can be deleted. It supports Tor directly and the blockchain encrypts traffic information anyway, so authorities can't use it to track down criminals. That makes it an ideal place for criminals to meet, which will make honest people less inclined to use it.
Grayson Walker
you sound like the people who say bitcoin is used by criminals