How much would lonely women pay for a pet cat who could change colors like a chameleon?
How much would lonely women pay for a pet cat who could change colors like a chameleon?
Over 9000 $
More than for a regular cat, I guess. At least 50% more, but you'd probably have a smaller customer base.
How do you plan to breed such a cat?
You have to splice the genes of a glowing zebra fish and implant it to a cat embryo
I was going to genetically modify a few breeding pairs and start there.
well memed
Does that really result in a cat that can change colors?
Has it been done already? I remember hearing about glow-in-the-dark cats a few years ago but not about color-changing cats.
I don't think it's possible for a cat to change haircolor
If you can get their hair cells to do with pigment what chameleon cells do with pigment you can.
Can you do that, though?
I assume chameleons produce new pigments on the fly, right? Or do they have some weird pigment that fluctuates with body heat?
If it's the latter you won't get much of an effect with cats since they are endothermic; their body temperatures will be relatively constant compared to chameleons.
If it's the former there might be a more complicated element of the chameleon's body that makes it possible.
Chameleons have little pigment crystals that change in size, causing their skin color to change. We'd just have to put similar bands into fur and find a convenient triggering mechanism.
That sounds like you'd have to write your own genetic code from scratch. Is that even possible?
Yes. Oh yes. Easier than you know. In fact I don't even have to write it, I can mostly just splice it and write in the tidbits that I need to fill a few gaps.
Splice it from what, exactly?
What animal has fur that changes color?
I'd be splicing the genes that code for the right proteins into the epithelial cells that become hair follicles. The problem is triggering them since hair cells are deadish.
Could body heat work? It does change minutely with different emotions, doesn't it?
It's possible to trigger it that way, but I'd need to rejigger some stuff.
Well, if you're not talking out of your ass, I look forward to stumbling across a clickbait article about your business and thinking "that's neat" before forgetting all about it.
I read articles about Glow in the dark mice.
Surely if that is possible, then you can capitalize on glow in the dark cats.
I'll give you 50 bucks
How much would parents with young children pay for clean, safe, neon glow-in-the-dark flies/bugs? Similar to fireflies, but in different colors. Actually... maybe we can modify fireflies to emit a different color other than yellow.
No big deal for OP. He just needs to "rejigger" some stuff and trigger dead hair follicles to change color based on the cats emotions. In fact it's easier than you know, he just needs to "splice it" and write in the tidbits.
Now seriously you would have to do it with a Hairless cat or a cat with non dead hair (creepy) gg.