Is the game dead already? Why are queue times 2 minutes? Fuck, my 40$ was wasted, right
Ayden Ross
Start with Winston for holding down LMB whenever an enemy is on the screen.
Upgrade to Reaper, Bastion and D.Va to hold down LMB whenever an enemy enters a large area of your screen.
Upgrade to Mei and McCree to stun enemies and then RMB their heads. Or Roadhog and LMB.
Upgrade to Hanzo and Widowmaker to practice big headshots on moving targets.
Upgrade to Zenyatta, Tracer and Genji to maintain sustained fire on moving targets, preferably their heads.
After that, if you're feeling confident in your ability to track and keep up your sustained fire, give Zarya a spin.
Asher Turner
Charles Williams
Gavin Cox
I hate Mei
Dominic Murphy
We need to talk about a few Heroes
Pros: >Literally a demigod on numbani and will carry the match >High damage output >Shield Buff
Cons: >useless on Attack and unplayable because turrets >Only viable on defense payload maps >All other heroes except Mercy and Lucio counter her >not a support
D.Va Pros: >High clearance Ult with extremely good synergy to other ults >Good disruptor against snipers
Cons: >no Damage >weakest - non support- non tracer Hero in the game >Massive crit damage hitbox, melts in seconds >Defense matrix very very rarely useful >Everything with high mobility will kill her >everything with high range will kill her >everything with high burst will kill her >potentially the worst hero in the game
Cons: >Shit Range >E Ability is shit and every sniper is just gonna headshot you >too low HP, has to get close to enemies >Wraithform can be rooted >very predictable
ZENYATTA Pros >Orb of Discord >Decent Healing >Decent Ultimate that protects him >Good damage against everything
Cons: >Immediately dies as soon as the game loads another hero into his line of sight >Discord Orb goes away too quick >Healing Orb heals too less and requires LoS >Widowmaker bodyshot kills him >Anything kills him >No movement >No escape >inferior to the other 2 supports
Jose Sanders
>mccree >rmb their heads
stop giving shitty advice ty
>zarya is harder to aim with than tracer genji or zenyatta
you're rusing right?
Colton Cooper
We did it, boys.
Liam Bell
i wanna play with someone but whenever i add someone from here they want me to voice chat and I have a shitty accent ;_;
Ayden Rivera
t. Blizzard employee
Elijah Ward
Dylan Powell
>Winston >Aiming.
Otherwise, I agree, although
>Picking Hanzo, Widowmaker >taking less skill than Zenyatta
I feel you say this only because they (those in that "bracket") are people who die in one hit to the slightest cotton puff.
If you can aim well enough to play Widowmaker, there's no need to go "higher". You just win.
Jordan Ross
Daily reminder that Zarya is a great role model for us all.
Juan Thomas
I got the game yesterday
pls no bully
Lincoln Sanchez
>people on this board give money to blizzard for skins
Luis Evans
>tfw all these corrupt people and shitty players that are in the Overwatch competitive community >multiple banned players from CS:GO for throwing official matches for money >washed up players from TF2
Brandon Brooks
Connor Gray
>18 min game on Lijiang Tower >Overtime with opponents at 34% >Enemy D.Va ults her suit into the control point >Whole team gets behind cover >Roadhog pulls the suit over to us, killing 4 of us and ultimately losing us the game >mfw
Luis Fisher
Where is her anus? Is it out of frame?
Connor Ward
I once played with a guy who sounded literally the same as uter zorker from the Simpsons. You'll be fine.
Joseph Johnson
When you have performance stats on there's fps, temp, ping, rtt and some other thingy What does rtt and the other thing mean?
Zachary Perez
>it's a Reinhardt only holds down M2 on attack episode fucking retards he has 3 other attacks for a reason
viraling videos doesn't actually have big gains on Veeky Forums. just fuck off to reddit already.
Isaac Evans
How do you think Dad 76 pronounces "Reyes"?
Samuel Roberts
Xavier Bennett
D.Va's sweet ass edition?
Nolan Flores
Pharah porn when?
Jaxson Hughes
>genji's sheath is curving the wrong way truly the most gamebreaking of errors
Connor Miller
Somebody get some band-aids for all the cuts from that EDGE!
Angel Moore
Cameron Allen
>Tfw Overwatch, other than fightan games, is the only game in which I can easily acknowledge when someone is better than me/outplays me
The match time makes it very low salt and I like that
William Carter
>play hog >5 gold medals every game >even outhealing the healers
Christopher Mitchell
Got a 1000 coins.
Most played hero is Tracer.
What highlight intro should I get? None of them seem amazing
Joseph Stewart
Is it true that Blizzard is actually trying to remove Overwatch porn?
Levi Morris
SFM stuff, yeah.
Evan Morgan
Sauce? Need to fap
Aiden Parker
>Open loot crate >Oh shit two blues! >Player icon and 50 Overwatch bux Son of a BITCH
Joshua Young
His shotgun attack can 1 shot abyibe with 200hp, without any pellets hitting the head. Outside of that he isn't that powerful.
Christian Anderson
See you in a few days.
Lucas Reyes
>that lucio fuck up >the playstation transitions >ps4 controller
Ethan Ross
Robert Morgan
He's one great fat fuck.
Oliver Nelson
The sfm stuff, since it uses edited models ripped right from the game and got a bit too high profile. Normal art is fine though.
Jayden Foster
I like how short the matches are
Remember those two hour long 2fort matches back in the glory days of TF2? How it would just be 3 engineers in each base sitting in their little nests as everyone shot themselves in the middle?
Logan Davis
>mei's that never use m2 until the enemy is frozen
Luis King
McCree is killing my enjoyment of this game. EVERY SINGLE MATCH has a faggot abusing this character
Nathaniel Allen
>>even outhealing the healers You dumb piece of shit, you're supposed to let Mercy use you as an ult battery
Charles Gray
where can I look for planned hero releases or general news for patch notes?
James Lopez
I don't get why people get mad about mccree
here's a suggestion: avoid him and keep your distance
Eli Gomez
>That DVa butt I have fun playing her. I'd like a buffing but I've pretty much played her all day and have been having fun. Here's a potg because I can't into webms.
Leo Harris
Whats the goat spot for torbjorns turret?
Kevin Stewart
>you will never rocket inside her feels bad man
Anthony Robinson
im not waiting around for your shitty stoneage speed healing to get me back up
i need health NOW
Ryder Perez
thats some high quality sfm
Ayden Hall
I can't play Widowmaker for the life of me. How do I get good as her?
James Morales
>Here's a potg because I can't into webms. Google "WebM for Retards"
Ian Clark
Yeah 2Fort was such trash map design but so much fun at the time.
Cooper Barnes
Why can't any company make support/healer a fun thing to play?
Asher Robinson
The fuck are you talking about? Lucio is a blast.
Chase Turner
Yeah its not like he can move
Dylan Taylor
So is forced 50% winrate real?
What's all that about?
Tyler James
Wish the guy made this with sound, mei's body is great. But I hate her face.
>It's a "my team is complete shit and somehow I got 4 gold medals as a tank" episode
Colton Watson
>just avoid the objective >just avoid walking around corners >just avoid being anywhere except way out in the open
Jaxon Hill
Well sorry that I'm trying to save your asses so you can actually get to the point
Oliver Wright
>Lost Jap castle in under 2 minutes. >Team had 3 Mercys.
I hate this game at times.
Angel Jackson
There's something not quite right about that webm
Ryan Jones
I give up
Genji is 100% useless against Pharahs
Jaxon Hughes
So does Lucio heal people through walls?
Charles Ward
She could do that either way but the dumb slut always runs around and gets herself killed. >be D'va or hog >have a dedicated healingslut >protect her from all damage like the precious thing she is >she stays behind your broad shoulders and heals you obediently >you both get top score Literally the best relationship in this game.
Robert Brown
Which genji are you?
Isaac Price
You make it sound like 2 hour 2fort and Hightower games AREN'T still a thing.
Jaxson Bell
Nathaniel Wood
B- Teacher's Note: Apply yourself.
Thomas Carter
>you win a game >losing team leaves >the game puts you into a team of shitters >you lose
Something like that
Nolan Ortiz
voltage is awesome so that
Oliver Cooper
Honestly this is the only game where i actually enjoy playing support so idk what your talking about.
Jordan Jenkins
Evan Thompson
Logan Fisher
>not just reflecting her rockets back at her >not reflecting her rockets at other enemies
Carson Scott
Could someone post the possible leak of that new champ?
The one that looks like to be support with some rifle.
Sebastian Robinson
Only thing I would want to see changed is his sentry. It's range is practically infinite and you can't even circle strafe it like you can Engie's in TF2.
Evan Torres
lol there is no reasoning with you retards
he isn't as strong as you think he is
Carson Hughes
It's not the easiest matchup but chasing them up into the air with swift strike is fun as shit
I think he needs line of sight. The number in the middle of the screen where the crossfade is tells you how many you have in your aura at a time.
Brandon Adams
No I'm down to 49% from 52% after letting me friend play on my account.
It's just a matter of how shit you are.
Sebastian Anderson
A single rocket from Pharah kills my Genji
Happened multiple times. 1 rocket.
Hudson Miller
>Hanamura attack >Enemy has one turret >One turret >We cannot get by this one turret >Despite having two Pharahs >TWO PHARAHS >We cannot get by this turret >Even Lucio's ult on two Roadhogs >TWO ROADHOGS >Cannot get passed this turret >Even with two Pharahs and a Junkrat we cannot destroy this one turret And yet whenever I put one up it just falls apart all on its own. What is the secret?